
Chapter Three

The following morning,I got up at early dawn and had my daily exercises from there, I went to have a warm shower and began getting ready for school. Jackson was right,I was always an A grader,I did all I could to maintain to my grades despite my rebellions,which was another reason as to why they didn't expel me sooner.I always kept my self ahead in my studies and had a very sharp mind,all of which boosted my grades,I had no doubt that Westview would be any different hence waste of time.

I wore tight leather pants with a sleeveless black top barely revealing my abdomen along with white ankle boots and a black jacket.I let my hair loose with a princess braid,my mom taught me growing up.

After a final look in the mirror,I took my bag and went downstairs,no sooner had I reached the kitchen than Austin honked the horn outside.

"Ma'am, I made this for you" a nice maid said offering a wrapt sandwich

"Ohh thank you so much,where is everyone?" I asked taking the food

"Mr Roy has gone out,Sir Jackson is still asleep"

"Has a job and studies huh" I said to my self chuckling

"Thank you-"

"Ana" she replied understandingly

"Thank you Ana" I said and was heading out when Jackson got down

"Little sister! Stay away from boys" he teased in a yawn as he got down

"With you as my brother,that won't be too hard" I teased back and left the house

"Good morning!" Austin cheekily said opening the door to my parent's jeep

"Why did you pick this one?" I asked as I got in

"A little birdie told me it was your favourite" he teased with a smile as he got in the started the car

I looked at him curiously but decided to drop it and had my sandwich

"So what's the story between you and uncle Roy? Aunt Lily never had kids" I asked eating

"He knew my parents and took me in when they passed away" he said casually as I almost choked

"Are you okay? He asked

"Im fine!" I said after drinking some water he gave him "I'm sorry to have brought that up"

"It's okay,you were just curious " he replied

"Changing topics,tell me about Westview"

"Well for one it isn't that far from here we'll be there in 15minutes tops.It's not bad I guess for a school of snobs" he said and I giggled

"I live in a house with tons of bodyguards and we're riding to school in a jeep,are we really that different?" I stated with a chuckle and he chuckled too

"Well sure but these people feel like they're on top of the world or something,with parents as governors,senators,soldiers and many many more,everyone feels better that the other"

"Aghhh,why do I already see myself getting expelled?" I said and he laughed

"Relax,apart from them the rest of the people there are pretty cool,it's only a few percentage of the snobs,the sport there is football and am a player" he said

"Yes yes,brag why don't you?!" I teased and he laughed

"There's also cheerleading" he said

"waving pompoms in half naked outfits each time you score,no thank you" I said sarcastically and he laughed once more

"I didn't think of it that way but now that you mention it-"he teased

"Yeah! Forget it!" I said and we both laughed

"There's also swimming and a couple of clubs; science,arts,music,chess,math,dance,karate, your choice" he said and I remained silenced as we arrived at school

We were still 30min early according to schedule,enough time for me to see my classes and find my locker.He parked the car and we walked towards the entrance.

As we walked in the glances and stares could be felt right away,some guys even whistled.the nerve.We were having the same first class so that wasn't a problem,he showed me to my locker and I got myself organized.

"I'll be right back" Austin said as he was called by the coach

As I took all that I needed and was about to close the locker,I heard a girl complain as some guy harassed her.

"Let me go! What is wrong with you?" She said trying to release herself from his grip

"Why do you keep playing hard to get? am right here doll" he said with a smirk

"I don't want you! Get that through your thick skull" the golden blonde girl said

I don't know what it was but some thing about her confidence made me like her.I watched around as everyone else carried on with what they were doing as if nothing was happening,literally no one even stared.

"Hey,let go of her!" I demanded as I yanked his grip from her

"And who do you think your are?!" He said angrily at me now,loud enough that people stared

"She's not into you,bro. Move on" I said and he laughed

"Ohh I see,well if you wanted me for yourself you could have just said so doll" he said with a grin and attempted to touch my cheeks

I caught a hold of his arm and twisted it causing him to scream in pain,a simple trick my dad taught me.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on me" I said chuckling "or her either" I added and released him with a push

Everyone was shocked,as if what I did has never happened before.the mummering could already be heard in the hallways.

"Ohh you-"he began

"Loyd?!" The couch called interrupting him mid way

"This isn't over!" He mumbled

"I'll be waiting" I said with a smile and he left

"Thank you,but you didn't have to do that,now he will be all up in your face" the girl said

"Ehh I missed a little drama" I teased and she smiled

"I'm Debrah,but you can call me Debby"

"Aliyah" I said as we smiled at each other

"I leave you for 10 minutes-" Austin said returning by my side

"Oh come on he asked for it"I teased and he laughed

"Let's go before you keep pleasing other people" he said leading me to class

"See you around Aliyah" Debby said as we left

We got into class and I took a seat around the back as other got settled in.

"That's my seat" a snobbish girl said to me

"There's an empty seat right there" I said pointing beside us

"Then you move there,this is my seat" she said

I turned to look at Austin who was shaking his head signaling "no" and I turned back to look at her

I exhaled and was about to get up when the teacher said

"Laura take a seat!"

"My-" she began

"Seat down please" the teacher insisted once more

And she sat down to the seat beside me and glared at me with rage as I rolled my eyes.

"Says here we have a new student,can you you identify yourself?" The teacher said looking around and I raised a hand

"Ahh would you mind telling us a little about yourself"He added turning everyone's attention onto me

I looked around and said "I'm Aliyah"

"Nice to meet you Aliyah.and-"he said gesturing for me to continue

"That's it!" I said and some started laughing

He was about to say something when someone arrived at the door

"Your late,Scott" the teacher said to the guy at the door

He'd worn a black trouser tshirt and leather jacket without a single bag on him,he jet black hair was kind of messy but in his own particular style i guessed,he just stood their with his blue eyes glaring at him in silence

"Take a seat"he finally said and he got in and headed for his seat right beside me, in the corner of the room

"Now back to Geography" he said

I took out a book and began taking some notes ,Laura just glared at me still and noticing where I was seated I finally realized what she was complaining about.it was him,the mysterious guy beside me.I looked at him pretty quick and he was just fiddling with his pen as if nothing was happening,h e literally looked bored. I decide to focus and continued on writing

As class was over I gathered my things and got up only to bump into the brick wall that was this guy

"Damn it!" I said aloud as some people turned to look, he simply stared at me and said

"Watch where your going" he said in a husky voice which was cool and emotionless

"What the-" I began in rage

"Mrs Reed!Mr Scott! join me here please" the teacher said cutting me shot

He passed by me and was on his way to his desk as I gathered my stuff,then walked over to them as the class was now empty.

"Miss Reed,you appear to be really behind on your classes from the school you were at"

"It's fine I'll catch up,borrow some notes and do some studying you don't have to worry about that"

"I know your capabilities,I've seen your record.but I insist you get a tutor it will help more"he said

"No!" The guy said instantly

"Mr Scott you have no participation in any extra curricular activity other than football which is not condoned"

"No!" he said firmly

"Then I guess I'll have to enlighten the principal of your report,you could participate in the chess club"he said sarcastically

"Sir you dont have to-" I began

"Fine"he cutted in lifted his bag and left the room

"Are you sure there's no other student who can do this?" I asked him

"I know he's a little intimidating,but he's an A grade student and the perfect tutor for you,also he needs to learn people skills.so this benefits you both"

"(Aghh)" I sighed "alright" I said and left

"Is everything okay" Debby asked me as soon as I left the room

"Aghh he insists I get a tutor and guess who that is?"


"The weird quiet guy,Scott something"

"Kaiden Scott?!" She asked excitedly

"Yeah I think so"

"Oh my God girl,i can't believe you will be studying with kaiden scott!"

"You speak of him as if he was a king"

"At West view he pretty much is! Practically every girl in this school has there eyes on him,and he has never spoken to even one during his entire school year"

"That's just weird"

"Well the mystery behind him,makes him even more interesting" she said

"Aghh great! Am about to be the most hated girl here" I said and she just chuckled as we headed to our next class

With our schedules I didn't see Debby til lunch break where we sat together

"Have you guys talked yet?" She asked referring to Kaiden

"No! Who does he think he is!?" I said eating my fries

"Kaiden Scott,top student,football team's co captain,and voted west view's hottest guy" she teased

"Yeah,right!" I said getting up

"Aliyah!" She called out as I headed to to his table where he sat with a girl and four other guys,they all looked at me intimidatingly

"Will you tutor me or not?" I asked upfront as he continued eating

"Do you need a written contract or something? I agreed,didn't I?" He said in a harsh tone

"Well you haven't said anything to this point,how am I to believe what you said" I said calmly

"if you hadn't noticed,I'm not looking forward to this.i don't teach"

"You should have told him that! And not waste my time" I said now pissed "Some top student you are,you can't even handle explaining the basic" I said getting up from there table to leave

"Aliyah!!" He suddenly called,i didn't even realise he knew my name since, he wasn't present for my introduction

"Okay,i'll teach you" he said

"Tutor me" I corrected "you don't teach, remember" I replied and left there table as people watched surprised

"What was that about?" Kira asked

"She's interesting" he replied

"A human!?" She asked sarcastically

"It's my final year let me have some fun"

"I'd like to see what these girls do for you talking to her" Kira teased

"Let's find out" he said in a grin and got up

He came towards our seats just as Debby and I were about to leave and held my hand to a stop

"Meet me at the parking lot after class for the first session" he said to my ear

And slowly let go of my hand and walked away and everyone was stunned

"Aliyah!" Debby said aronished

"Class!now!" I interrupted and dragged her along

After classes,i told Austin I have tutoring to do and he understood without me even having to explain to him,debby came over and we walked outside when a splash of water was thrown to my face and before I realised it my top half was soaked

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, it was an accident" she said as I immediately realised who it was

I opened my eyes to see Laura with her two lapdogs who were practically giggling,before I could do anything I felt a familiar touch to my hand.i turned and saw Kaiden standing beside me holding my hand,as if he knew what I was about to do

"You're wet Aliyah!" he said and took of my soaked jacket

I was motionless since I couldn't fathom what exactly was happening right now.

He took off his jacket and covered me,and held onto mine

"Come,we'll be late" he said and led me away whilst wrapping his hand on my shoulders