
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasie
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24 Chs

A New Start After Rebirth Part 2

A month has been passed after my rebirth. Here are the few things I have summarized thus far.

I still don't know the actual reason behind my rebirth. But I had read in a novel that people who have a strong desire to live gets the chance of reincarnation. But I did retain the memories of my past 21 years of life. Isn't there a custom in which people forget about their past life and then get reincarnated. But I think, I just got lucky. Only the future will determine whether retaining memories is a good thing or not.

But the best part about this life is I'm a princess but not just any princess. I have been born as a first child of the current Emperor and Empress. I always wanted to be a princess and live in a palace. And this wish of mine has also been granted.

And on top of all that my mother does not look like someone of this world if you ask me. She literally looks like a celestial that's been descended. And whenever she holds me and sing me lullaby, I feel my heart race. Is this even normal? I don't think so. But being her daughter I must look like her. Well, I have always been a sucker for beautiful faces but that's a secret. Hehe.....

There is one thing that's quite helpful is that I can understand the language. So I can hear the maids gossiping. And they always bring some juicy news with them. But the rumors aren't always true and good to hear. One time they were saying that my mother is an abandoned Empress. Can you believe it? This beautiful and caring person, how can she not be liked by someone. And if she was abandoned why everyone respects her so much? There must be a story that I don't know about. But two months have been passed and I have not seen my father. Maybe there is some truth behind these rumors.

Just like any other day, today was just an ordinary day. I was locked up in my fancy cradle when commotion could be heard outside. And I just thought maids were got caught being idle. But then suddenly the door of my room opened. And a tall, handsome man came. He bent down to see me. And I was just staring at him blankly. I came back to my senses when he asked, "Is this the princess?" And the headmaid behind him gave affirmation. He then said, "Why does she look so small and fragile ?" I also can say that why you are so tall? Hm.. And I'm more healthy than most children of my age. Oh, then I noticed his eye color, it was just like mine. Then this man must be my father. Since jewel blue color is the distinct feature of royal family. And then after all that fuss he made he said:

"The princess will be called Athanasia de Aurelius de Obelion."

And then he left just like a passing wind. He did not say anymore. But maybe this is just how a king acts. Ugh, I don't know.

I wasn't satisfied with my current name but mother was quite happy about it. She didn't give me a name till now because she wanted father to do so. Athanasia means "eternal life" that I come to know in the future. My mother calls me athy..... which is quite good to hear. My mother spends a lot of time with me and tells me stories just about everything. Sometimes I don't understand, does she know that I can understand her. It's a mystery if you ask me. But I do love how she care about me. And as time passes I am eager to become an adult.

It's my first time writing a novel. Hope you guys like it. Writing is hard, hoping for your encouragement. Support me with a thumbs up.

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