
A New Start After Rebirth

Suddenly a car out of nowhere came at the cross road and there I was being stuck to the ground. I couldn't move an inch and I saw blood on the road. After the throbing period of pain, I realized that I got run over. I heard that when you're near your death, you see your life in a flash back. Oddly I was only thinking that why the hell this has happened? Why did I have to die so young? I did not even accomplish a single thing in my life. The only thing I could think of getting into a prestigious university. But what could be done now. My family , friends and career nothing could be of any help in this moment. Tears started coming out of eyes, not because of the physical pain but the pain caused by the fact that I could not live my life to the fullest. And thinking like that I drowned into a deep slumber....

A baby cry could be heard when I came back to my senses. "Congratulations my Queen, a health princess have been born." Wait a minute, why everything look so huge suddenly. Or is it me that had shrunken. I'm muddle headed, can't understand what had happened. But after some time I guessed that I kinda have reborn or something. Ha! Are you kidding me?!! I just can't believe that this kind of thing is actually true? I just heard that I'm a princess right. I just can't wait to enjoy this life.. Here I come....

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