
Chapter 80: The social worker adds her opinion

Elisabeth ignored the jabs in the chest with each inward breath. 'Had your father ever raised his hand against his children before that night?'


'Had he, like other fathers, ever taken his anger out on you by, say, yelling at you?'

'He yelled, yes.'

'But never hit you?'


'That behaviour he saved for your mother?'


'Had your mother ever objected to him yelling at you?'

'My mother never objected to anything. He would have belted her.'

'Your mother loves you all very much, doesn't she?'

He turned to the gallery and smiled. It seemed an involuntary, reflective movement. 'Yes.'

'Would she have been capable of trying to protect you, if your father had become violent towards any of you?'

He turned to her. 'I can't imagine it.'

Elisabeth swallowed and pressed on. 'But she did that night. She screamed at your father when he attacked Remo.'

'Screaming is nothing.'