
Chapter 81: The accused is put on the stand

Robert retrieved his wig from the floor, scraped back his hair and dumped the curled horsehair on top. Niemen returned; Robert hitched his chair closer to Elisabeth's. The judge gave a thirty-second account of what had occurred and then asked Elisabeth to carry on. Refocusing entailed a supreme effort. 'Your Honour, the defence calls Russell Montgomery.' The torment she must have been feeling while watching her young brother escorted to the witness stand and being sworn in was lost on no-one. The effort to remain professional was herculean. His eyes attached to her like she was his lifeline. Robert's nerves were jumping with anxiety, for her as well as the situation. It was exactly why you should never take on a case if you were personally involved. Thierry would go for the jugular without hesitation; a double whammy given the association. And the judge would pounce the moment she strayed.