

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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It feels like a lifetime ago when I first set foot in Westeros, but the changes that have unfolded since then have been nothing short of mind-blowing. With unwavering determination and the guidance of the system, I've managed to rise to the ranks and become a powerful force in this world.

Now, as a fully-fledged Jedi, my skills and abilities are in a league of their own. I mean, seriously, few can even come close to rivaling what I bring to the table. When I arrived in Braavos, I wasted no time in putting my force abilities to good use. Especially my force healing powers, which I cleverly employed to earn a living in the house of Red Hands.

But my success isn't solely attributed to my mastery of the Force. Oh no, my friend. I've gone above and beyond, sailing across the shivering sea to the shallow seas, and boy, have I made a splash.

I've built a thriving shipping business that has surpassed all expectations. The Eron fleet, under my command, has become the talk of the town in Essos and Westeros. We're the most formidable shipping line to ever grace these waters, and that's not just me tooting my own horn.

Picture this: a fleet of carracks and a magnificent swan ship, all under my control. Just the sight of them alone has brought me a boatload of success (pun intended).

Even the Sealord of Braavos himself couldn't help but recognize my importance in the economy of the free city. I'm practically a legend in these parts!

The Eron fleet, boasting an impressive 600 vessels, employed a staggering 5000 men. It was abundantly clear to the Sealord that my influence could not be dismissed. Consequently, my ships were granted unrestricted access to all ports and harbors in Braavos, although the majority preferred to dock at the illustrious Purple Harbour.

However, I must confess, the technological advancements of this medieval world left much to be desired. Fortunately, my possession of numerous holocrons from the Jedi temple proved to be a stroke of luck.

It didn't take long for me to conceive the design and construction of a steam engine after I had retired from my role as a healer in the esteemed house of the red hands.

With a 10-acre plot of land purchased from the Sealord, I embarked on the audacious endeavor of building a ship that would astound the entire known world. Imagine the grandeur of the mighty Titanic, traversing the waters of this medieval realm - from the shallow sea to the shivering sea, and even the summer sea. It was an ambitious dream, one that proved challenging to sell to the iron bank of Braavos when I sought their financial support.

However, my reputation as an exceptional customer had preceded me, and when I unveiled the concept of the steam engine, they simply couldn't resist. A vessel of such speed and power would undoubtedly reign as the queen of the seas. Moreover, its reliance on neither wind nor oarsmen ensured its reliability in all weather conditions. And the speed was unthinkable.

The iron bank recognized the countless opportunities this ship would bring. The seas were infested with pirates, and merchants transporting valuable goods would find this vessel to be their ultimate savior. It would be the most profitable investment they had ever made.

And so, two years had passed since the financing was secured, and at long last, the magnificent vessel was prepared to embark on her maiden voyage. Today, as I stand upon the deck of my flagship, The Lady Tide, I gaze upon the bustling harbor with a swell of pride.

The harbor is alive with a flurry of activity, as sailors diligently load precious cargo bound for the farthest reaches of essos.

My loyal crew members scuttle about with unwavering dedication. It nearly brings tears to my eyes.

In my earlier days in Westeros, doubts had plagued my mind, questioning whether I would even survive a year. Yet, I persevered from one quest to the next, always thinking it would be my last.

However, if I were to pinpoint the quest that haunted my nightmares, without a doubt, it was the encounter with Darth Vader. That man nearly reduced me to ashes. The scars from that ordeal tormented me for nearly a year.

Though the scars remained hidden, confined to my abdomen and below, I couldn't help but despise myself. With such severe burns, the chances of any romantic encounters were utterly nonexistent. It was a cruel twist of fate for a young, handsome lad in peak physical condition. Braavosi maidens often cast admiring glances my way, unaware of the truth - that I was nothing more than a wasted facade.

The burden became unbearable as demands for my services grew. Mind you, I don't make a habit of sleeping with my clients, but now and then, a charming woman would make it abundantly clear that she desired me in every way possible. And how did I respond? With a pathetic, tongue-tied stammer.

My wealth flourished during the days when my healing skills surpassed anyone in the house of the red hands. They couldn't get enough of my miraculous abilities, and soon enough, I became the talk of the town, both for good and bad reasons.

Rumors spread like wildfire that I was a wanted man in Westeros, and King Robert Baratheon himself had put a hefty reward on my head. Can you believe it? Little old me, causing such a stir!

As a result, I found myself constantly ambushed and even having my food and ale spiked. But as more and more people fell victim to my extraordinary abilities and mastery of the force, they quickly learned to leave me be.

However, whispers started circulating behind my back, claiming I was some sort of magician and undoubtedly the greatest swordsman alive. I mean, I can't blame them for being in awe of my skills, but a little mystery never hurt anyone, right?

One day, a raven arrived at the house of the Red Hands, where I spent most of my time. It carried a letter from the Sealord himself, the leader of the free city. He dared to ask me to be his first sword! Of course, I politely declined. By that point, I had already set my sights on other ventures.

In my early days gallivanting around Westeros, I must admit, I had a bit of a hankering for that illustrious iron throne. But oh, how times have changed! These days, my sights are set on a different kind of glory - the life of a merchant, building my very own empire. I aim to keep my nose out of others' business, but if anyone dares to meddle in mine, well, let's just say I won't hesitate to protect my interests.

Now, here's the kicker - I happen to be a Jedi. And being a Jedi means violence is always a last resort, my friends. Even then, I only whip out my lightsaber when absolutely necessary. It's all about balance, you see.

After spending another year honing my healing skills in the vibrant city of Braavos, my name spread like wildfire across the entire island. From the marshlands to the mainland, everyone knew of my miraculous abilities. Even the iron bank itself had taken notice, recognizing me as one of their most esteemed clients. My vaults were practically bursting at the seams!

Why, you ask? Well, for starters, there's no ailment or affliction that I can't conquer. But that's not all. The second reason for my financial success is that I'm quite the frugal fellow. I mean, why spend all my hard-earned coins when I can enjoy a plethora of perks that take care of my every need?

during my adventures in Essos, I found myself traversing various cities, including the infamous slave city of Pentos. It was during one of my quests in Pentos that I stumbled upon a perk that I would have given my right arm for - force regeneration.

Now, let me tell you, this perk is a game-changer. It does exactly what it says on the tin - it allows me to regrow tissues, skin, or even entire organs to their former glory, or better

Of course I decided to be the lab rat and first tested it on my scarred flesh

After ensuring that the new skin met my high standards, my attention shifted to the big man. Or should I say, the former big guy... I observed in awe as my tool made a triumphant return, almost like magic. But I wasn't satisfied with just that. Despite a twinge of guilt for tampering with my body, I brushed aside any uncertainty. Who's watching, anyway? After some time, I finally stopped, satisfied with the monstrous creation now hanging between my legs. I could now confidently declare that no man in the world could match my... well, you know.

With the regeneration perk in my possession, my income tripled. Over the next few months, I flooded the iron bank with gold and silver, solidifying my position as one of the wealthiest individuals on the entire continent.

That's when I decided to dive headfirst into the shipping business. Of course, it didn't become the behemoth it is today without facing some fierce competition from the existing merchants on both the shivering sea and the narrow sea. But their rivalry was short-lived, as their hired goons never returned to report the consequences. Those pirates often found themselves at the bottom of the cold seas.

Jedi or not, some battles had losers....and on sea..well losers often drown.

However, one crucial factor contributed to the success of my shipping line: the assurance I provided to my clients. Anyone who entrusted their goods to my company knew they would arrive safely. And in the rare event that something went wrong, the iron bank guaranteed refunds. Why did I offer such a guarantee? Well, because I personally accompanied most fleets carrying important and precious cargo. With my mastery of the force, I ensured smooth sailing, quite literally.

It was in the second year of my shipping business that the idea for Lady Tide was born.

read ahead on p@treon @ realmsinus and powerstones please