
A Hanma Arrives In Highschool DxD

MC has the Hanma Bloodline with a few extra things in the world of Highschool DxD. Don't expect any Rias bashing or anything of the sort, but neither will the MC join Rias' peerage. He's a Hanma - he's gotta have a little bit of pride, you know?

withersgreg110 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Sensing Energy and First Contact With ''Yuuma''

"Come on then, Ddraig, lay it on me. How do I go about sensing the energy inside me?" I asked, sitting in a forest just outside Kuoh Town.

Why did I come so far out here? Well, privacy, I guess. Doing this in my room, in Kuoh Town might attract attention as well. I'd rather avoid acting like a torch and showing my location to every supernatural creature in the surroundings.

[...Give me a moment. I'll transfer the basics to your mind and explain them a little,] Ddraig gave his reply and a second later, new information began appearing in my head. Breathing patterns, meditation methods, specific mantras and feelings that allow for better energy sensing when in meditation--all of it began appearing in my mind.


I didn't bother waiting for Ddraig's explanation, delving into the breathing patterns as I began adapting my own breathing pattern to better allow my meditation to sense energy. The breath that enters you body and how it enters has an effect on your internal energy.

Sort of like a pillow adding air to a fire in a forge, allowing it to burn brighter and not go out. The same applied to internal energies like Mana and Ki.

Breathing was essential to life. Both for continued existence and because it helped refresh your energies.

Breathing in the particular pattern I was breathing in would allow my energy to flare, making it easier for myself to sense. With this, it turned the elusive energy into something a little more tangible. I could already faintly feel something similar to blood running through my body, parallel to my veins.

I began repeating mantras, employing certain meditation techniques and delving deeper into my own mind, trying to reach out and feel the energy I knew was within me.

I don't know how long I was sat there, meditating, but eventually, I felt two different sources of energy. It was only a faint sense - like I was looking at them from far, far away. But, it was a definite improvement over not being able to see them at all.

One of the energies felt...vibrant. Bright. Full of life. Vigorous beyond belief. This was Ki.

The other energy was much more volatile. Like a type of fuel that would light aflame with even a slight increase in temperature. It felt like I had a bomb inside my body, filled with potential destruction.

While Ki felt healing and pure, this energy felt destructive and pure - but a different purity to Ki. This purity was one that made it seem like it couldn't co-exist with other energies despite it doing just that as it ran through my body alongside Ki.

...This was Mana.

I opened my eyes and the new sense I had was still there. It was like I'd flipped a switch in my brain and now I'd never forget what my energies felt like. It seemed almost absurd to me that I'd taken so long to sense them, they were that much of a part of me. They were a vital part of me, something that couldn't be separated from me whether I liked it or not.

Control wasn't exactly the next step but it wasn't such a pipe dream any longer. First off, however, I needed to increase my familiarity with the energy and learn more about it.

But that, that would take time. Not an absurd amount. A week at most, I'd assume.

Jumping to my feet, I stretched and cracked my body, looking up and seeing the pitch black night, "I was out for that long? What a stain on my pride," I jokingly scoffed before fishing my phone out of my pocket, seeing the time was 22:13. I'd started around six o' clock so I'd been here for four hours give or take a few minutes.

Ddraig, no doubt understanding what I meant, scoffed in rebuke, [Please, I know countless people who would've wished to be able to sense their energy in four days let along four hours. Your standards are much too strict, Issei,] he complained and I shrugged.

"I like to think of it as my standards being normal and that everyone else just sets the bar too low," I said dismissively before turning around and reaching for my energy.

I couldn't control it just yet--but suppressing my aura didn't seem too hard.

My energy retreated deeper into my body, becoming almost unnoticeable to all but me who could still feel it rushing through my body.

It wouldn't help much to be lowkey now. I'm no doubt already on Rias' radar and therefore her brother's radar. This is just to make sure any new people I meet don't immediately know I'm full of energy beyond the limits of a normal human. If their instincts are sharp enough they might still know there's something different about me but hey--can't expect people to not feel my strength when I have a monstrous bloodline like I do.

Continuing onward, I went on my way back to my house, prodding at my energy along the way.

What a new world of possibilities this place is~

. . .

What a drag. No spar with Saeko and no lesson on Senjutsu - all because she had club duties forced on her at the last minute.

I wanted to try and get her to shirk them off but she was a diligent woman - she'd fulfill her duties. Even if she didn't want to do them. I could respect that...but it didn't mean it didn't annoy me that a spar I'd been looking forward to for the entire day had just been cancelled.

So, right now, I was wandering around Kuoh Town, looking for something interesting. Or rather, waiting for someone to appear. After that happened, I could go and do some meditation training.

I would like to do some physical training but I need my energy under control before doing that, so I need to focus purely on getting a reign over my energy before I start pushing this marvelous body through it's paces. There is also the question of how I'm going to exercise this absurd body with any effectiveness but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

"Um...A-are you Issei Hyoudou?" a meek voice came from behind me and I had to restraint the smile that threatened to split my lips. I'd been waiting for this.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw a rather cute girl.

She had black hair, bright violet eyes and was wearing a rather average highschool uniform. Underneath it was a rather modest body from what I'd seen from Saeko and a few other girls at school, yet that didn't mean she wasn't physically attractive because she was indeed...but she had an ugly energy.

Ever since sensing my own energies, sensing others energies has become a piece of cake, and this girl's energy is horrible. Filled with malice and sadism. Enough that even I find it rather disturbing. Her energy wasn't as welcoming as I'd expect Holy Energy - it was more like an uncomfortably bright torch being pointed at my eyes.

It was just annoying.

Cocking an eyebrow and keeping my face calm and nonchalant, I replied, "Yeah, I am. Why do you ask?"

"I-I'm Yuuma Amano...and I want to go out on a date with you!" she said, her cheeks flushing bright red as she half-yelled what she wanted to say, like it took a lot of courage to say. I'd give her that - she was a pretty good actress.

A 'happy' smile on my face, I asked curiously "But why me? I'm sure a pretty girl like you could get anyone to go on a date with them," I continued the charade, allowing a look of bewilderment to appear on my face.

"W-well," she averted her gaze, fidgeting her hands and wringing them together, "I've seen you p-passing through here a-a few times and...and I fell in love with you at first sight!" her eyes went teary, her expression going a shade darker under her blush - I bet she was actually blushing, as well. Blushing out of shame that she was confessing to a human. Even if it was a fake confession.

"You love me?" I asked externally surprised but internally scoffing - I mean, only an idiot would believe that type of thing without doubting it, right? I respect Issei's ideals...but he was a real dumbass at times. Too trusting of random people.

Yuuma nodded, her silky black hair waving with the action, "Y-yes! So please go on a date with me!" she even bowed forward to show her sincerity.

I had no doubt her face was scowling now that I couldn't see it.

"...I'd be honored to go on a date with you, Amano-san," I smiled pulling on her shoulder so she'd stop bowing. I also had no doubt that she was revolted by the very fact I was touching her but she was forced to smile and look overjoyed by my reply. Ignoring the obvious conflict in her aura, I continued, "Where do you want to go?"

Why was I going through all this trouble? Because I couldn't just kill her in broad daylight. Neither did I have the current ability to follow her and attack her when the opportunity arose. I knew where she was staying but the other Fallen were also there.

I had decent chances with my Sacred Gear and base physical might but there was always the chance they'd back off and just pelt light spears at me.

I have full confidence in my physical defense. I don't know how that defense holds up against magical attacks, however. Not until I gain proper control over my energy, at least. But that doesn't matter if I can catch her off-guard and make her believe I'm a normal-ish human. Granted, that's easier said than done but even despite her feeling my aura, she'd probably still underestimate me purely because I'm a human and humans can't be strong in her eyes or whatever.

That'll be on her shoulders when I wring her neck like a wet rag. Quite literally, actually.

Holding back the smirk at my own words, I watched as she replied, stuttering much less, "How about we meet in the Plaza tomorrow afternoon? W-we can go eat something together, walk around and get to know one another," her tone and words seemed bashful but to my ears, it seemed like she was pushing the words out of her mouth with extreme difficulty, "This is my contact information as well!" she held out a small piece of paper, with scribbles of hearts surrounding a number.

...She's committed to selling a certain image, huh? I gotta admit, I respect the hustle, even if it is a hustle with the end goal of killing me.

Taking the piece of paper with a smile, I brought my phone out, entered the contact information and sent her a text, "There, you should have my number now," I simply said before putting my phone away, "Message me a time and a meeting place and I'll meet you there, Amano-san," I put my nicest face on and her face lit up with genuine thrill.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Hyoudou-san!" she said, her tone excited before she rushed off.

[Why do you put up with her when you know she aims for your life, Issei?] Ddraig asked, confusion dripping from his voice.

'I've gone through this with you before Ddraig,' I mentally groaned as I went through it again, 'I'm doing this so I can get the chance to kill her without anyone interfering. I have no naive hope that following canon like a headless chicken will yield positive results but it doesn't mean I can't use it to my advantage at times like these when I don't have 100% chance of killing someone. I know Raynare and I will be in a park, with zero witnesses and I know she'll underestimate me because she enjoys playing with her prey. It's worth putting up with some acting and a shitty date for a few hours.'

Ddraig didn't reply but he did huff. I could feel his understanding and affirmative, however. He agreed with the plan, it would seem.

Scratching at my neck, I began walking on my way toward home.

I still had some energy training to do. Alas, with my sense abilities only - can't risk drawing too much attention.

. . .

The date was boring*. I got the flier off of Rias' familiar as well.

(A/N - I'm not writing an entire date scene between the MC and someone who's about to die. I'm just not gonna do it. It'd be a waste of time.)

It was just two people faking emotions and reactions. Funnily enough, I found that I can force myself to blush and look embarrassed - looked pretty convincing, if I do say so myself. So yeah, Raynare wasn't suspecting a thing.

I'd suppressed my energy even further and other than my natural aura from my bloodlines - which I could do very little about - I appeared like a normal human from an energy standpoint.

So, Raynare was no doubt doing flips inside her pretty little head as she thought about how her plan was working out. A plan that didn't even need to happen but whatever. Pretty sure she was just sent her on surveillance but here she is going around killing innocent bystanders. Even if I didn't do anything, there's a 50/50 chance she'd get executed by Azazel for risking the very tentative peace and as an example.

Rolling my eyes, I put my hands in my pockets as I followed Raynare through the park.

The night was dark, the park was completely emptied and the scenery was actually quite beautiful. Very picturesque. Soon, we arrived at a water fountain and Raynare stopped, putting her hands behind her back as she spun round on the balls of her feet to gaze up at me.

"Issei-kun?" she asked - using my first name no less - her tone somewhat coquettish as her violet eyes shining somewhat under the lights illuminating the park.

Acting as if she'd just knocked me out of my thoughts, I smiled over at her, "Yes, Yuuma-san?" I asked, using her first name as well. It'd no doubt annoy her that I was being so casual with her...yet she had to deal with it.

Huh. I guess I like playing with my prey as well.

I pushed those thoughts aside as I focused on the situation. Now wasn't the time to mess around and mess up something I needed to do.

While I couldn't say I held an unconditional amount of love for my new parents, I was protective of them to an extent. Respectful and filial as well. I couldn't allow myself to mess this up and get them in danger.

I care little for the fact that it didn't happen in canon. Anything can happen in this world because it's real life, even despite the anime-styled look everything has.

Composing herself, she stopped closer to me, placing a hand on my chest. I refrained from flinching or tensing up any noticeable amount - though it was unnecessary to mention that I was ready to rip her head off if she tried anything. "As tonight is a special night - the night of our first date - Can you do something for me, Issei-kun?"

"Sure," I gave a noncommittal reply but she was so far up her own ass she didn't even realize something was up with my tone as she backed up and began transforming. In a rather weird scene without the music, camera angles and lightshow like it had in the anime, she transformed.

...What an impractical thing to do.

"Can you die for me then, Issei-kun? You'd surely do that for your girlfriend, right?!" she screeched, summoning a reddish-pink light spear before thrusting it at my chest.

I simply swayed my body out of the way, dashed at her, took her legs out with a leg sweep, slammed her to the ground with an axe kick, brought out my Boosted Gear, boosted my power and funneled it all into my physical ability before stomping at her head.

She didn't even deserve a proper description of her death.

Scoffing, I wiped my shoe of the blood and gore covering it's sole, "I never said you were my girlfriend, you dumb bird," I said to no one in particular because, you know, Raynare was dead.

Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out the flier I'd gained earlier and read through it.

Tearing the piece of paper, I vocally called out, "Rias Gremory," before deliberately stepping over Raynare's corpse and sitting on the edge of the water fountain. It didn't take long for who I called for to appear, a red symbol appearing on the ground as an absolute beauty appeared in front of me. "Gremory-san, you ought to get a better control over the town you're running. It's already got an infestation of feral birds," I smirked, motioning to the corpse with pitch black wings.

The Heir to House Gremory just looked to me, then to the corpse and then back to me. She seemed more than a little surprised about how this situation had developed. Not that I can really blame her; a human has just stomped out a Fallen Angel without a sweat.

I'd be surprised in her shoes.

But I'm not in her shoes. Which means I'm in control of the situations. Now all I need to do is broker a deal with her.

The sense of power I got from her wasn't quite as refined as Saeko's and I knew for a fact I'd beat her in a fight...but still, I couldn't help by feel the need to make kids with her. Kids of mine with the Power of Destruction? It's a biological beings primary goal to find a good mate who can provide your children with advantageous genetic traits.

And as a Hanma, I feel these sorts of urges even more than the regular person. Which is why I, then and there, decided I'd take Rias Gremory for my own.

Of course, that was already sort of the plan, but now it was cemented. She'd become mine.

"...Issei Hyoudou," Rias greeted me, still perplexed by the situation but regaining her composure with a surprising amount of swiftness, "I'm sure you and I have much to talk about and that's why you've called me here?" she asked, getting the gist of the situation pretty quickly.

She's not the Heir of a Major house for no reason, huh?

"Yep," I answered and stood up, smiling widely. Rias was tall by Japanese standards but I was still much taller than her. Pretty sure I'm about 6'2" and I'm much broader than her.

No doubt I paint a pretty imposing picture - especially with the information that I can crush Fallen skulls without any particular weaponry. Still, the Gremory Heir only showed a little be of apprehension as I stood and that only made me smile even wider - she seemed more mature than the original version. Even better.

As soon as I stood within a few feet of her, she waved her hand, Raynare's corpse disappearing into dust and a circular symbol appearing below our feet.

Then we, presumably, teleported away.

Some people were commenting about the MC controlling his instincts or being controlled by them and I just want to say - What? He's not being controlled by his instincts lol. Just because he listens to them and follows through on what they say doesn't mean he's not in control.

The fact he doesn't straight up fight everyone he meets proves he isn't being controlled lmao.

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