But deep in Orion's heart, not of them…..or even more than them, he was scared of something else. Orion was afraid to meet him there or worse, see him take over him once again. The other part of him that frightens him now more than anything, that familiar voice, familiar face, again and again, telling him to slaughter everyone. He was afraid that if he slept...he wouldn't wake up again as himself.
He was disturbed since the day he came to his senses, finding himself in the park of this city. He doesn't remember anything of how he got here or what happened after he decided to kill himself there. The last thing he saw was his body moving without his will, defending itself just when he was about to get crushed under the debris. He could only guess what 'he' must have done after that.
Now….he is scared to even kill himself as it will lead to even more deaths and unfortunately, he won't be one of them.