

" Yah!!! How could you tell them that?! How do you expect them to call you back after knowing you poured a bowl of tteobokki on a customer?" Seokjin couldn't believe what he heard.

His sister just ruined her chances of ever working in such a big company, what was she thinking?

Even though he didn't approve of her working at first but after seeing how passionate she was about it, he had to give his support as her older brother.

He has been the one supporting his little family and that was all that mattered to him, Nari and their mother were his sole responsibility.

" Oppa I didn't say that at first, I only told them after they asked why." Nari shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

She doesn't like it when Seokjin gets angry, now she regretted opening up at the interview.

" Why not tell them you have never worked before, that would have been better off."

" So you want her to lie instead?" Grace countered, defending her friend.

" That's not what I mean Grace, don't try to defend her now"

" Then what do you mean? You're the one that always scold her not to tell lies and always be honest, now she did that and you're still scolding her"

Seokjin knew what Grace said was the truth, he raised Nari that way, as siblings with eight years age difference he has always been there to protect and guild her.

He always taught her to be upright and honest, just like one time when Nari brought a coloring book that wasn't hers home from school and Seokjin asked her to return it after scolding her.

" If she said she had no work experience that won't be considered a lie because she only worked a half day, she would have answered a simple NO" He pointed out.

Grace couldn't say anything else, she saw the truth in what he said. Maybe it would have been better if Nari hadn't mentioned any work at all.

She turned to see how Nari curled up behind their mom like a kid getting scolded for her bad behavior, she looked so pitiful.

Grace pouted when Nari's mother gave her a sign to stay quiet and not infuriate Seokjin more, she just wanted to use the opportunity to get on Seokjin's nerves but she could no longer do that.

" How would she know that? This was her first ever interview, it's not as if she can't apply for another job elsewhere."

" It's not like anyone forced her to work, I already told her she doesn't have to. I'm capable of providing for her and our mother. You're just overreacting over all of this" He was not letting her off his hook too.

" Haa look who that is coming from, whose voice has been the loudest for 30 minutes now? you of course. Have you never failed an interview before?"

Grace knows her assertion was not true because Seokjin is doing well where he works and he would scale through any interview if need be, she didn't want to give up easily on the argument.

Just that Seokjin has such a clean sheet on everything that she couldn't find a single taint to taunt him with.

" Oppa let's not conclude yet, I might end up getting a call. We just have to hope and have faith too" Nari said giving her best puppy eyes.

" Seokjin Ah the kids are right, let's just wait till after one week if she doesn't get a call then you can scold her but for now let her just eat and freshen up." Their mother tried to convince him.

It didn't surprise Seokjin, their mother has always been that way toward the girls. She never has the heart to scold Nari, instead, she will lay the complaint to him and get him to scold her.

Seokjin plays the role of a father and a brother, sometimes their mother would tell him he was too strict with Nari.

He signed in a defeated way and let himself drop onto the living room sofa next to him, when it comes to these three women he can never win in an argument.

" Okay fine but if you don't get called back then no more job hunting, I don't see the need for it. You're just going to end up getting stressed."

The option didn't sit well with Nari but she was given no other choice, she just have to listen to her brother.

She only wanted to support in any little way she could.

" yes Oppa" she replied pouting sadly as she stood up to enter her bedroom with Grace who didn't miss the chance to roll her eyes at Seokjin.

Closing the door behind them, Grace pulls Nari to the bed and gently pats her hair.

" You haven't given up, right? Look Seokjin only said that because he was worried but you know how he is, he didn't mean any of those things" Grace tried to comfort her.

" How about the part he said no more hunting for a job? I think he means that part"

" Right, I know he's serious about that. Your brother can be stubborn and in all of this, he's just trying to look out for your well-being."

" I only wanted to assist him, I feel like the work would be much on him if he's the only one bringing food to the table. He took care of my Education, Mother's hospital bills too and every other thing in the house is on him."

" Is he complaining?"

" No bu--"

" No buts Nari, he's not complaining and that's what mattered. I might disagree with him sometimes but deep inside me I'm proud of him and admire the things he does for you, he's a brother most people don't have"

Grace wanted to make her understand why she shouldn't be sad about Seokjin's opinion, everything he does is for the good of them.

She might be two years older than Nari but it doesn't matter in their friendship, they grew up together with Seokjin always looking out for them.

" Do you think I would get a callback?" Nari asked her best friend, she just wanted to reduce the tension in her heart.

" I don't just think, I know they would call you back. If they decided not to employ you because you were honest then it would be their loss and not yours. That will not change who you are or change the fact that you have a big brother who would do everything for you, a mother who loves you both with all her heart and then me who can't live a day without hearing your voice" Grace did not forget to tell her friend how lucky and loved she was.

She doesn't care if the company would lose out on an honest person just because she didn't lie as other people do.

Her friend would do better in the future with or without their employment, it would be their loss.

Nari was once again happy and smiling after Grace said those things to her. If she ended up not getting employed, she won't be very sad because she has got her family.


Namjoon listened as Seokjin narrated what his sister did during her interview, he tried to suppress his laughter from coming out louder but he just couldn't and he ended up laughing his heart out.

He laughed harder after seeing his friend amused face, he didn't mean to laugh but the whole thing sounded funny.

" yah! Why are you laughing? Do I look funny?" Seokjin looked sarcastically at Namjoon.

He wondered what was funny in the things he said, he was hoping Namjoon was going to tell him Nari messed up but he was laughing instead.

" No-no, it's not funny at all. I only imagined how the guy from the Restaurant looked with the tteobokki stuck to his hair?" Namjoon went back to laughing after saying that.

" Omg, and to think you were paying attention to everything I said just to pick out just that part, I wonder how we ended up being friends and partners." Seokjin couldn't understand his friend.

He stood up and started walking into his office leaving Namjoon alone.

" Come on man, I wasn't laughing at you" Namjoon got up to follow him.

" Whatever, let's start getting ready for the evening. It's going to get busy soon." He opened his office door and stepped in.

He moved to where his work clothes hung and took them out, tonight was going to be a busy one for them.

" You know she can always work here and still earn enough, the workers here are paid well enough" Namjoon suggested again for the hundredth time since Nari graduated from college.

" Never. Can you stop bringing that up Joon? It will always be a NO and you know that."

He can't just let his sister work in a bar, it's better to have her stay at home with their mother than let her work here or anywhere else.

The bar he co-owned with Namjoon wasn't just some low-standard bar, it was a big bar and one of the busiest in the city.

He opened it alongside Namjoon after they graduated from college, it has been a successful venture and they were proud of all their achievements since then.

" Why not? If she works here, you can have your eyes on her but you can't do that if she works elsewhere" Namjoon insisted.

" You don't understand Joon, I don't want Nari to work not because I want to keep an eye on her. She's an adult that can decide what she wants and do whatever she wants but I do not see the need for her working when I'm doing well and making enough money for them."

" You are not going to provide for her forever Jin, she has to work and understands how the system works so she can take care of herself in the future."

" It's not like I'm going anywhere, I'm not dying or anything. Yah! Don't tell me you still like her and that is why you want her near" Seokjin suddenly said.

He gave Namjoon a knowing look, making the latter blush a little. He was aware of Namjoon's secret crush on his sister and how fond of her he's always been.

He was not against it because it soothes him to know that even if the two later ended up together that Namjoon would be a responsible and caring partner.

Seokjin was waiting for the day his best friend would accept his assertions and open up to him, he don't know why Namjoon always denied it even when it was obvious every time they spoke about Nari.

" I also care for her Jin. As a sister and I only suggested because I care" Namjoon quipped denying his feeling.

Namjoon was scared if Jin comes to know about his feelings that he would be against it, they have been friends since high school but he was not sure if his friend trusted him enough when it comes to his precious sister.

He was going to live in denial till he would be ready to confess his feelings to Nari, but until then he has to savor it all in secret.

After hearing what his friend said, Jin smirked to himself and continued changing into his workwear.

How many of you want a brother and a friend like Jin and Grace?

precywesttcreators' thoughts