
(Alt Chapter 17)

"Your just a monster..." Bruce said grimly

Jasper feels something break inside of him, Brice just confessed it was his fault that nobody came for him, not to mention the fact that he knew about his torture...

Jasper set down his coffee and flashed forward "You aren't a father... your a bastard" he said his hands shaking

"Did you not hear me?" Bruce says snapping Jasper out of his fantasy

"Yah... I did"

*Boom world-destroying explosions 💥 *

the entire Wayne Manor went up in dark shadows as Jasper tore it apart

Then walking away with a struggling Bruce he teleports back To titan tower

"Hey Is that-" Dickhead tries to say before Jasper shoots dark energy through his head

"Quiet down..." He said as the rest of the titans come out

"Jasper!?" Raven says seeing Jasper is back


All the titans except Raven we're slashed to pieces and Jasper threw a recording of his conversation and also threw Bruce to Raven and quickly pressed play

With each word Raven few more and more pissed eventually not able to handle it she went full Demon mode and destroyed the city with her aura

"Kids... it was a joke" Bruce tried to call the wrath of the demon but was quickly killed by the two

"Sorry..." Jasper said leaning down and cupping ravens cheek as the world was being ripped to pieces

"It's ok... I love you" She replies and they kiss, ignoring the damage and destruction they caused...