
Chapter 24

After freaking out for half an hour, I finally managed to control myself.

Holy.. shit.

it ACTUALLY worked!

What is this glitch in the system. That's broken, TOO broken!

I keep on trembling in excitement as I thought of all the possibilities I could do.

Holy shit!

I could- I could keep giving this hero awakening skills to other people! Spreading the Hero Exp buff and Skill Mastery buff!

Not only that, but once they're awakened, I don't even have to fight myself!


To hell with you Demon God! I've got a cheat!



Almost lost myself for a moment there.

Anyhow, It means that I don't need to stick with this incompetent prick anymore!

I could just look for manageable, competent or talented individuals.

Naturally, I won't spread it too much. At best maybe 10 Heroes?

Hmm.. Wonder if this works on monsters.. well, probably since it works for me.

Come to think of it... where is Kinoko?

He's supposed to be back here by.. now...


What is that...

From the trees and bushes away, we could hear them tearing apart as a huge creature was heading towards our way.

I woke Ruri up as I got ready to face the monster that was coming.

'Get back behind me.'


However, as she hid behind me, her expression wasn't nervous at all. In fact, it was quite opposite.

'You're excited again?'

"W-wha- O-of course not."

Yeah, right.



It's here!

It tore right through the many trees in front of us.

It was big, round and... purple?


[ Uwaaa, Boss! ]

'What happened to you?'

[ I don't know boss! I just somehow, all of the sudden, turned into like this. ]

He was about two meters larger than me, making him 7 meters tall.

Holy heck.

[ Kinoko ( Slime King ) Lv. 57

Status: Alive

HP: 220000/220000

Mana: 180000/180000

Attack Power: 520000

Skills: Absorption (Lv. MAX), Mana Crash (Lv. MAX), Magic Null (Lv. 9), Battle Sense (Lv.MAX, Heal (Lv. 6), Harden (Lv. MAX), Slime Acid (Lv. 2), Multiply (Lv. 1).

Title: Eichi Haruka's Follower.

Blessings: Slime God's Blessing. ]


You know what, At this point I'm not even surprised anymore.

This guy, level 57, almost as powerful as me.

I'm done.

"It's a slime king!"

'You know what it is?'

Riru, realising I know the slime, started to fearlessly walk towards him to get a closer look.

"Oh wow.... it really is as the legend says, They're really huge!"


"Yeah, it was once said that if slimes were to grow to am extent, they evolve into a King Slime.

However, no matter how tamers try to do it, they always end up failing because they don't know how strong the slime should be.

Some strong slimes has been studied to evolve but it seems that the slime itself couldn't handle the evolution and so, ending up dying."

'Huh... You sure know a lot about this huh.

"I read a lot of books."

' Is that so...'

[ Boss, why does the hero looks and feels different from before, but their levels hasn't changed at all? ]

' Oh, I'm too lazy to explain so ask her yourself.'

[ ... ]


[ ... ]

"Ummm ....hello?"

[ .... ]

'Are you shy?'

[ S-stupid boss! of course not! ]

'Heh, is that so.'

"Pleasured to meet you, My name is Ruri, What's yours?"

[ ....Kinoko ]

"Oh I see! well-"

Suddenly, My vision blackened and I lost my consciousness.


'Ughh... My head hurts'

"Oh, you're awake!"

'What happened?'

I woke up and it was already night time.

When I woke up, I found a normal size Kinoko and Ruri happily chatting.

'What happened?'

"Well, Haru suddenly collapsed and so we stayed beside you for the whole day.

HE is still unconscious. Also, can we go gather and level up skills now?"

'Oh, uh.. sure.'

[ Yey! Let's go Ruri-chan! ]

"Yeah, Kin-chan!"

With that, they re entered the forest in high spirits.

What.. just happened?

Okay so first, I blacked out, next I woke up to see that Ruri and Kinoko are buddies now..

and.. did they just add -chan to their names?!


The cringe intensifies.

Anyway, why did I suddenly blacked out?


The only reason I could think of, is the skill.

Maybe that's the backlash or something.

Wait- nevermind about that.

Let's go? Sailor M*on transformation, activate!

Hero awakening skill.... ACTIVATE!


A beam of light shot down from the sky and started to carry me.


I started to feel weird and sluggish. Until suddenly, pain started drilling into my skin, hide, fur or whatever the hell you call it.


The pain continued to intensified and I felt like I was once again back in hell.

Only this time, my brain was being fried as well.



Everything was on fire, fried, shocked, I feel myself dying once again.

Something cool suddenly washed over my mind as I started to calm down.

It felt like the breath of heaven.

It was then I realized it was probably the Calming Mind skill.


Slowly, the beam started to thin out and-


Here it comes!

The final blow!



And once again, My mind blacked out.


Damn, what is it with me and falling unconscious today?

But nevermind that- It probably worked!

Now all I have to do is wake up with the Hero class and this Demon God will be a breeze.

[ Mortal.... ]

Hm? Oh it's you, fat cat.

[ What happened? ]

What do you mean?

[ When you grabbed something from the Hero Rio, our vision darkened and we couldn't see anything. The next time it happened was just now when you were laughing while looking st your own stats. ]

Oh... so you saw.

[ What happened mortal? ]

He suddenly emitted a menacing aura.

H-hey wait a second, why are you asking me? Shouldn't you guys be the one to figure that one out?

[ ... ]

[ What happened? ]

Nothing... it was just- I was thinking of a way to exploit the useless bastard, so I used the Mind Manipulation skill on him.

I was quite overjoyed of the fact that I've got minion now is all.

[ Is that so? ]


[ So you're saying that it was all just a coincidence? ]

Well, duh. Am I really that unfaithful? Remember, you were the one dragged me into this world.

[ I see.. it's just that if I found out you were a spy of the Demon God... well.. ]

Ha? a spy?! are you kidding me? your speculation went from zero to one hundred real quick.

[ Silence, otherwise, I'll show you another glimpse of The Abyss ]

...so it's called The Abyss?