
Book of Cain

(Thanks to all who read my previous version, I'm proud to announce the start of the rewrite. Hopefully this version turns out better than the previous. No promises on the update schedule for it but I'm aiming for once a week.)

Rain fell heavily in a forest as a figure could be seen flickering through the trees. Behind it there were lights flashing as the sounds of dogs could be heard along with the accompaniment of a helicopter above. The figure pushed his legs to the limit as dropped to all fours. Claws grew from his fingertips digging into the ground beneath him. His form growing fur and twisting as he continued to run. His speed increased as his body screamed in pain from the effort and his shift.

Before long the originally human figure was replaced by a large blue fox standing 6 foot at the shoulder covered in wounds. A long tail equally soaked by the rain fluttering behind it. Despite the horrible situation a smile could be seen on the fox's face.

"I'm finally free!" Despite the mouth not moving a shout was heard through the forest. The sound of whimpering could be heard as the dogs stopped in their tracks and cowered in mass. The humans fallowing held their heads but shortly after continued chasing.

Inside the helicopter a fat middle aged man could be seen sitting watching the flashes of blue as the helicopter tracked the fox through the trees. "Catch number 9669 or you all will be next subjects I give to the scientists!" The fat man's shrill scream echoed through the coms as he panicked more seeing that the figure was larger than before.


This fat man was a very wealthy man who happened to be a otaku. He had dark dealings in multiple subjects but his passion was slaves. He had grown tired of normal slaves so his otaku taste made him invest heavily into creating new products. The fox below being the first successful instance of a human animal hybrid.

Subject 9669 otherwise known as Cain Fennix was a normal kid but on a trip to Europe at 17 with his family he was taken by one of the fat man's suppliers. Cain was chosen because of his looks. His unnatural natural bright blue hair as well as his tall muscular frame and charming face made him a originally high dollar target.

Despite the fat man's objection to having a male he needed all the test subjects he could get so he used Cain. Cain suffered many hardships during the transition, the desired results weren't just a physical change but a biological one. Cain had his body subjected to many tests and other treatments to adjust his complete biology.

Cain's body took well to the test almost immediately. Things that normally killed the subjects thrived in his body. His genetic makeup subtly changed over and over. But the results couldn't be replicated despite numerous efforts.

The results spawned more than a few surprising changes in him. His body grew far stronger and faster. He could appear completely human and take on animalistic traits. But now he grew further and the cause of his escape from the compound.


As he ran through the woods blue wisps appeared around his paws and floated around his body. Every tree he passed despite the rain caught flame the blue fire quickly covered them and spreading. No smoke was produced as the fire burned but everything quickly turned to ash.

"Burn you disgusting fucks!" His voice echoed through everyone again. As his flames extinguished around his body and his breathing became heavier. His new flames were extremely powerful but tired him quickly. Thankfully the trees continued to burn but switched to normal flames shortly after his own went out. Smoke quickly filling the area behind him.

"Fuck! Quickly take him down he can't be allowed to escape!" The gunners on the side of the chopper started to shoot towards the blue blur weaving through the trees as spotlights shown down. The fat man getting scared at the prospects.

High-caliber bullets sunk into the tree and ground around Cain as he ducked under splinters blown off from a nearby tree. Cain cursed to himself as his sensitive ears rattled from the rapid-fire as he dodged faster his ears straining to hear the whistle of the bullets in a attempt to dodge.

New cuts appearing on his fur due to his inability to dodge every shot due to the volume. Every new scrape making his brow furrow further. "Enough!!!" Cain roared his legs stopping as he turned to the heli as a shock wave erupted from the force of his roar. The force of the roar knocked the incoming bullets off course before it continued to spread out. Trees around him creaked and shuddered as they started to break from the bullet wounds. The fire surged from the incoming wind stoking it and finally the helicopter shook from the force.

Two of the gunners falling out just to hang from the sides due to the harness. As the heli stabilized Cain stood his ground in a clearing looking up at the at chopper. "Enough of this!" His anger surging as his mouth opened his flames reigniting as they gathered into his open mouth.

The ball was only the size of a basketball ball but the ground at Cain's feet started to melt as he packed his rage. The pilot saw it and was terrified but it was to late. As he went to move the controls the ball was launched. The ball moved quickly like a bolt of lightning. It didn't even stop as it touched the chopper passing right through it.

The ball went through the bottom and out the top of the chopper missing everyone. But as it cleared the top it started to expand. A blue sun shining in the darkness and rain as the chopper vanished without a sound along with everyone inside.

"Huff, huff." Cain stood tall looking at the new sun as he breathed heavily. "I definitely shouldn't have done that. I could of used much less force." He lamented to himself as the darkness slowly returned. The only sound heard being the burning of the trees before him.

Slowly he got ahold of his breath as he turned around and continued into the woods his battered frame now walking slowly as felt the pain of his wounds. "God they really didn't want me to go… At least that fat pig is dead. If it wasn't for the fact it only smelled of women I would worried more for my purity." Cain smiled derisively as he gradually picked up speed as he headed in the direction his instincts called him.


In a room of glass sat a petite woman with brown hair that pointed in several directions. Her pale skin a almost translucent white with caramel eyes. A unusually serious expression on her face as she painted on the canvas before her. The sound of rain echoed out side as she carefully painted.

The painting showed the all to familiar woods that always surrounded her in her family's 'new' home. The deep green and brown of the forest bringing a bright contrast to the central focus of the painting. In the center curled up on the forest floor was a large blue fox. It's fur glistening from the sunlight coming from the gap in the trees.

Tucked under the tail of the large beast leaning against it's side was a woman. Her skin shining as though covered in stars with a smile just as bright on her face. Her hand placed on the tail that held her in a obvious petting motion. The woman the same as the one currently painting her.

She put down the brush as she sighed with loneliness and longing. "How long are you going to make me wait?" She stared deeply at the blue fox wishing more than anything to see it. She had seen it in a vision months ago but she has no clue when it would come to pass.

The only consolation is her vision were becoming more frequent as time passed and now she saw him at least once a week. But that did little to soothe her loneliness. Every time all she saw was the large fox that held a gaze full of love. Every time she would feel it's warmth, the feeling of the fur on her skin.

As she was lost in her thoughts she felt three sets of arms holding her. She has lost count of how many times this has happened, but every time she lets her thoughts out this happens. "It's ok. He will be here soon, I'm sure of it." Esme her adopted mother voiced as she cradled Alice's head in her bosom.

Just then another somewhat cheerful voice made her presence known. "Yes Alice he must be coming soon. You never had visions this close together even more so of the same thing. He must be getting closer." A short but beautiful girl with long brownish red hair held Alice's left arm tighter in comfort.

Another soothing but cool voice spoke. "Ya as Edythe said he should appear any day now. Come on cheer up how about we go watch a movie together." Rosalie commented from her remaining arm. A rare warm smile on her face as she comforted.


After what felt like forever Cain could smell humans again. He started to relax knowing he was almost safe again. Having run far longer than he could of imagined in his haze. His wounds having only healed enough to stop his bleeding. Knowing his current form would not be accepted fondly he shifted back. His energy being sapped further making his eyes blur.

He stumbled forward slowly as he saw what looked to be a house. His body only covered by a pair of tight black pants and wounds. He couldn't help but wonder what they would think seeing him. Smirking to himself as he left the edge of the forest. However seeing the home stretch his body relaxed and with no tree to catch him he fell to the ground beside the road separating from the house.