
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

The Fox Enters Hell

After a quick teleport Cain and Alice arrived in front of the Wynn hotel in Vegas and went in side to get a table at there buffet. Having skipped the need to have a reservation with his abilities they had been seated immediately. Looking at Alice she was looking around like a kid in a candy store. Food having never smelled good to her before and only only being sustained off of blood for all these years Alice was practically drooling.

Seeing Alice in her almost child like wonder Cain chuckled. "Smells great right little pixie." With her eyes never leaving the food at the buffet she nodded her head vigorously. "Well let's go fix our plates. There is no need to hurry we can stay here for as long as you would like." Cain regrets saying that as he followed behind Alice. Having only memories of her life as a vampire and had always been alone she had never experience the three basic joys in life. However Cain just released her upon one of them for the first time in her life.

<three basic joys in my opinion are sex, food and sleep... At least that's what I remember from some other thing I read I couldn't find it online could be another fic... so idk where I got it. It just stuck>

As Cain followed behind Alice he had 4 plates in his hands as Alice loaded him down like she was preparing for the apocalypse. This would of continued unless Cain reminded her that he was holding so many plates for her and that she could come back for more if she could finish them all.

Walking back to the table they were the center of attention. They were to strikingly beautiful people with plates that were mounded with food that could feed a family of 12. Although it may seem a little annoying for Cain he didn't mind as long as Alice was enjoying her self.

Arriving at the table Cain didn't go to fix his own plate as he was going to steal from Alice's as he watched her eat for the first real time in her life. As she looked over her spreadsheet of almost all the food in the buffet she couldn't contain the visible excitement on her face. While Cain knew she would be excited he never expected she would turn out like this.

Cain slowly ate some of the things that had larger quantities/sizes carefully as to leave some for her to try staying clear of the two meticulously arranged desert plates placed to the side for last. After deciding what to eat for the longest time Alice started. Seeing her acting so careful as if to not scare the food caused Cain to have to suppress a chuckle.

As Alice took the first bite one could swear they were watching a cooking anime by the face and voice she made. "Hmmmmm." Hearing Alice's angelic moan it was all Cain had to not jump over the table. Coming back to himself Cain looked around to see everyone staring at them causing him great anger. Cain's aura started to leak from him causing everyone to put their heads down some of those with weaker wills quickly paid there bill and left like the suddenly saw a dragon getting prepared to eat them.

Not wanting the incident to escalate to him slaughtering everyone here due to rage he quickly set up a barrier around them to isolate sound and obscure vision. Having finished he turn back to Alice. Seeing her actions he was stunned she had stopped eating for a moment although one of the plates had disappeared Alice was looking at him at this moment. Seeing her stare at him so passionately he was confused.

Seeing his confusion she covered her mouth as she giggled. "I didn't know you had such a aggressive and possessive side to you. It's cute you looked like if they continue to look at me they would disappear suddenly in to a mist of blood." Unable to keep eye contact with Alice after he had been caught in the act Cain looked back to the table and continued to nibble on the food.

After a minute Cain looked back up see Alice taking the last bite of the fourth plate with a smile on her face and turned to her most anticipated plates the desserts. Taking her first bite carefully she released another euphoric moan as she closed her eyes to savor the taste.

Knowing that he was the only one that could hear and see this Cain just sat there and watched her. She had only moaned on the first bite but the look on her face said it all. Cain got lost in her expression by the time he realized it she had finished the first plate and started on her last of six. Just now noticing a fact Cain started to focus on how she was eating. It seemed slow and delicate way that she was savoring every bite but it disappeared at a mind boggling speed that could put speed eaters to shame.

Her speed was amazing but she was so graceful it didn't look it. By the time she finished all the food it had only been 15 min since they sat down. Patting her stomach filled with food it didn't look any different than before. Realizing her actions she shyly looked up without fully lifting her head she shyly asked. "I still want some more can we go again?"

They ended up going back to get food 5 more times after that staying there for another 2 hours. By the time they were leaving under the thankful gazes of the employees there was a pile of plates and bowls on the table that looked like Goku stopped by for a visit. Staring at the little pixie that was calmly playing with his tail beside him as they walked away Cain couldn't help thinking. 'It's a good thing we went to a buffet otherwise we probably could of ended up spending the entire day here waiting on our food.'

As Cain smiled to him self at the thought he heard a shy voice from beside him. "Can we still go shopping." Seeing her look up at him with upturned eyes while being shy about what happened in the restaurant. Cain wanted to hit himself for promising shopping to her before because now he was walking out of one hell into another.