
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

Startled little Pixie

After a few minutes Cain let go of the slightly limp Alice. She had became more sensitive after the change making his choice of action more effective. Looking at her damp clouded eyes and the slight smile on her lips as she looked up to him made him struggle internally. As much as he wanted to continue his actions they still had the date ahead of them and they had plenty of time for those actions later. Plus the first victim of his punishment plan is in front of him as of begging for it.

Smiling with a sly look in his eyes he asked. "Are you ready for some sightseeing you will never be able to forget the experience." His smile seemed almost evil as he planed his revenge. Alice still in the daze nodded her head not realizing her mistake and signed on for torture willingly. Like a devil that just had his crooked deal signed Cain started laughing loudly. Picking up Alice startled from her daze jumped from the cliff without any warning.

His actions scared Alice as he had jumped hard flying 200 feet forward. Although she had great trust in Cain his actions made her hold him with all her strength. Reaching the apex of the jump he turned them to face down towards the ground. Alice was at whits end as they started to plummet from the air. As they started picking up speed all of a sudden majestic blue wings spread from Cain's back leveling them out.

Alice recovering from her scare started to pound on his chest with all her strength for his actions while saying. "Couldn't you have at least warned me before you did that you scared me to death." As Alice pounded on his chest causing loud booms he sped up while saying. "It wouldn't be much of a punishment for forgetting me in the rain if I warned you wouldn't it."

Cain flipped over completely ignoring aerodynamics as he continued to glide with his back facing the ground and Alice on top of him and said. "Besides little pixie it's not all bad look around." Looking around Alice was surprised by how much flying changes the view. Seeing her stunned Cain whistled and birds started flying all around them as they glided forward.

<Yes he could of not used wings but what's cooler wings or no wings.>

Alice sat up while straddling his waist as she looked around while the wind blew past them. She had been in planes plenty of times during her life but it was completely different. After enjoying the wind and the view for a while she laid back on Cain's chest and spoke. "Ok I get it I should of remembered that you were waiting I'm sorry. But that was mean. However that view was worth it." Cain frowned a little and said. "Was it more mean than leaving me in the rain for 5 hours wondering if I was going to lose you forever. I guess I should take it up a notch if you don't take it seriously." As he said that he flipped back over and prepared to release some of his powers to speed up again. Alice was terrified at what he was about to do started to shout. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I learned my lesson please don't do anything rash."

This earned a smile from Cain. This was the kind of response he wanted from her. Flipping back over he smiled at her and kissed her forehead prompting another lite hit on his chest as she pouted. This caused Cain's laughter as he spoke. "I'm sure you have had enough of flying for the say how about we go for a walk." When he finished speaking they disappeared again.


As they appeared again this time they were over the ocean by a few hundred feet with no solid ground below them. The nearest land to them almost 100 miles away. Looking around for a second looked at Cain with questioning look on her face. "I thought you said we were going for a walk." As Cain slowly maid his was towards the water he answered. "We are I thought a aquarium date sounded nice."

Cain landed on the water surface carrying Alice princess style as he slowly lowered them in to the sea. As they sunk Alice noticed there was a bubble around them stoping the water from approaching. Before long the sea floor was beneath them as they landed Cain put Alice down surprising her that the ocean floor was more solid than she expected. "What do you think a walk around the Great Barrier Reef is a good substitute to going to a aquarium isn't it." Cain said with a smile as he hugged her from behind while kissing her neck. "Plus this way there would be nobody her besides us and the fish."

Alice was stunned it was beautiful Cain had brought her to the bottom of the ocean for a date. Cain reinforced the surroundings as they went along so they didn't disturbed any of the environment. As they slowly walked hand in hand Cain sometimes would use his powers to make the fish swim around in beautiful patterns as he watched all the reactions Alice had on her face.

After walking around for a few hours Cain decided it was time for something new. Stoping Alice from continuing forward he said. "How about we go get something to eat." Looking at him confused for a second she remembered she wasn't the same as before and quickly asked. "You mean I can eat normal food. I don't remember ever having any before. What are we going to have?" Seeing her act happier than showing her both the skies above and the oceans below he started to wonder if it would of been better to just take her to get ice cream.

Smiling at her he asked. "Anything you ever wanted to try before? We can go anywhere your heart desires." After shortly after he said that he regretted it. They stayed at the bottom of the ocean for another hour as she tried to make us her mind on what she wanted to try first. Finally Cain finally decided to just go to a buffet in Vegas as it would be a simple option than waiting for Alice to decide.