
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

One Foxy Mama

Cain slowly woke up feeling a throbbing in his head opening his eyes he saw what was probably one of the most beautiful women that could possibly exist. Looking down at him with gentle eyes with a smile on her face was a woman with pale skin in a beautiful blue dress covered in gems and bright blue eyes. The most noticeable feature however would have to be the almost glowing blue hair that cascaded down her back.

Starring at her for seemingly forever he finally blinked and asked "Who are you?" The beautiful woman smiled at him. "I'm your mother my cute little foxy." She said with the biggest smile on her face. Cain was absolutely gobsmacked. 'Mother, I thought I was orphaned and why did she suddenly find me I'm pretty deep in the forest.' As if hearing his thoughts she said in a very apologetic tone. "I'm so sorry Cain my precious little foxy I stopped watching you for a second and your powers woke up."

By this point she was almost bawling and in between sobs she continued." Because... of your powers... you... teleported to this... dimension. Ripped away from mommy... I... could only find you just now when you fully awakened, because your body resonated with me." She slowly stoped crying because he could feel her emotions and she was genuinely upset and felling depressed over losing me. He gently hugged her which caused her to cry again.

Still confused by what's going on he asked. "What do you mean, how can I be sure you are my mother and why do you keep calling me foxy?" he asks still bewildered by what's going on. 'I feel she is familiar and genuine that's why I can some what believe her but what's going on here?' By this time she finally finished and straightened herself up some.

Looking be in the eye but still holding my hands she started. "Little foxy I am your mother when you were little I was doing some of the work left to me because another god messed up so I had to stop playing with you for a few minutes but it so happened that some of your abilities awoke during that time and when I returned to play with you you were gone. I've been searching the dimension after dimension trying to find you because your abilities reentered dormancy till just now. Because they were dormant I couldn't sense your fluctuations over all the other life forces in the dimensions."

Saddened by her memories tears were threatening to fall again. But he was caught on one sentence she said in all that. "What do you mean god like The God?" I ask "No foxy there are a bunch of gods, the piece of crap god Thanatos took a soul to early and I had to clean up his mess by reincarnating him into a new world and give him some compensation to make it up to the soul. I'm one of the major gods and he is one of my subordinate gods so I had to clean up his mess. However the greatest loss was finding you missing."

Her emotions are all over the place going from angry to sad again. "So some lucky guy got his wish and I ended up in a orphanage. 'Great now I'm sad.' If a god of death is one of your subordinates who are you specifically and what does that make me?" Finally getting my brain back on track I start asking the important things to know.

As if super excited to show off she immediately beams and puffed out her chest. "I'm the Great God of life Ana Fennix the only god above me is your grandfather God of All but he really spoils me. You are my precious little foxy The God of Fauna Cain Fennix you are the god every and all creatures real, mythical and fictional. You can be them and use all of their abilities except mine and grandpa's that is.

Cain just stands there staining at his mother mouth agape. 'I've been a orphan till just now with nothing special aside from talking to animals and being a little fit. But now I'm such a Op person.' That answered many of Cain's questions but he still had two main questions. "If grandpa spoiled you how come he never got me for you and you never told me why you keep calling me foxy I know I'm attractive to others but I wouldn't think a mom would call their son foxy?"

Puffing here cheeks in anger "Father never told me because he said (It would be good for his character.) and (He will learn things he will be happy to know for when he fully awakens.) I haven't talked to him since he made me mad keeping me away from you." 'That sounds like a A+ grandparent to me' Cain sarcastically thinks to himself. "As for me calling you foxy.... haven't you noticed the tail swinging behind you or your ears twitching on top of your head."

Stunned he felt the top of his head and turned his head to look behind him what he saw stuns him more than being a god. He felt fox ears on the top of his head and saw a bushy bright blue tail waving behind him as he finally realized he was doing it. "Why do I have ears and a tail!!!" He screamed like someone stepped on his newly found tail.

Chuckling at his comical response "You are the god of Fauna of corse it makes sense you have a tail." Thinking it kinda makes some sense he still had to ask. "Why didn't I have one before." Ana said "It's because your abilities never manifested again since you were little so neither did the animalistic features, but if you focus on it you should be able to make them go away even though it would feel uncomfortable."

After making his tail and ears disappear a few time he got the hang of it. Looking back at his mother for a long time he approached her and gave her another hug and said. "Well no mater what caused us to separate before the most important is we are together now." Cain feeling comfortable in his mother's embrace like he was supposed to be there smiled warmly at her. Ana broke down in tears happy her precious son accepted regardless how things were in the past.

During their embrace he looked up to see he was still surrounded by all of his friends still the only difference was that they were all bowing towards them. Confused he asked. "Why is everyone just bowing there." Startled from her son's embrace Ana looked around and noticed all of the animals around them and spoke. "You awoke as the God of Fauna its instinctual for them to bow to you with all of their being when they feel your aura. The better question would be why isn't that one bowing to you."

Looking to where Ana pointed while trying to pull in his aura and waving his friends up he saw the one who wasn't bowing was Twig. Confused looking at Twig who was just standing on a branch looking at him warmly.