
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

Meeting the Family

After they finished their time time in the clouds. Cain and Alice got cleaned up and put on some of their new clothes. The clothing they had on had some stretching left from the overeagerness of the duo. Cain had on plain black ripped jeans and long sleeved shirt with a carved metal belt. Alice was wearing black skinny jeans, white t shirt and a fox hoodie she had Cain change blue to match him.

<I thought of it and looking at it I could 100% see Alice in one. Cain's clothes are like in the cover photo but he is wearing a long sleeve shirt instead of just the sleeves>


Cain and Alice appeared in front of the Cullen house startling all the others in the house when they suddenly heard footsteps appear at the door followed by a knock. Opening the door they saw Alice holding Cain's arm with her hood up and said with a big smile. "Look we match now." This made Cain take a sideways glance at her and asked. "That's why you insisted on wearing the hoodie no matter how much I asked. I'm trying to make a good impression on your parents and that's the first thing they get to link me to. Legends are true pixies like to play tricks."

Although they found the couple's first actions upon arrival weird. They knew Alice was truly the embodiment of a pixie and would without a doubt do what he said. Reaching out his hand Cain shook Carlisle's hand and introduced himself. "Hi nice to meet you I'm Cain Fennix your friendly neighborhood god and Alice boyfriend. You must be Carlisle Alice's father and the beautiful lady at your side must be her mother Esme."

The rest of Cain's introduction flew right over their heads as they got caught on what he said he was. Alice had told them the night before that he wasn't human. But a god was a completely different from just being not human. Smacking Cain's chest with her free hand scolded. "You just said something to me about messing around with introductions and there you go doing the same."

This visibly relaxed the rest of the Cullens thinking it was a joke till Cain retorted. "But it's not nice to lie when introducing yourself to your girlfriend's parents. What would they say when they learn the truth later." Turning back to Carlisle Cain continued. "Alice has told me a lot about you."

Carlisle looked at Esme for a second nodded and let them in as he said. "Nice to meet you as well Cain I hope we get along together." Bringing Cain and Alice to the family room they all sat down on the couches. Alice sat beside Cain and started playing with his tail getting a gentle glance from Cain in response. Seeing Alice so happy sitting next to Cain made Carlisle and Esme relieved. Alice was always such a kind and bubbly person watching her be alone for decades while everyone else found their mate made them sad.

Having sat down Cain looked Rose and asked with a smile. "Did you enjoy the car." Hearing Cain Chloe interrupted Rose's reply by ratting her out. "She had a blast her, Emmett and Jasper kept taking turns. They drove it all around town and to Seattle and back." Cain was stunned he just asked them to drive it here for him but they went joy riding. Rose tried not to match his eyes but Emmett and Jasper had no shame.

Cain just shook his head he should of figured. "As long as everyone had fun the cars are basically just for show to me. You could even crash them and it wouldn't matter." At first they were surprised but then remembered what he was. Snapping his fingers a set of key fobs appeared on the coffee table. "Those will open the door to the garage by my house you can go get any car you want to play with just try not to gun it to hard and bother us to much while you're closer to the house." Cain was happy there was some distance between the house and the garage due to its size.

The trio looked like they were given the keys to heaven Cain had talked about his garage to them yesterday in the parking lot. "You can take them apart for all i care, just tell me if you break anything so I can fix it." Cain offered knowing Rose loved working on cars and he was sure Emmett and Jasper would enjoy it as well.

Turning back to Carlisle, Cain noticed that he was staring at Alice as was Edward having heard Carlisle's thoughts. Noticing Cain looking at him Carlisle spoke. "How does Alice have a heartbeat and flush to her face." This caused everyone's eyes to snap to Alice. She was still the same pale but if one looked close they could see a slight pink tinge to her skin that was mostly masked by the bright blue coming off her hoodie.

They hadn't noticed before because of a mix of Cain's sent covering her and her smell not appealing to them like she was still the same. Alice smiled to them as Cain spoke. "I cleared the curse of your bloodline from her. I won't fully do the same for all of you but I can make things easier for you." This confused all of them greatly. It wasn't that he couldn't but that he won't?