
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

Finally Found You

<Due to my personal error I deleted my old version of the story to post my new one so here is the old one. This is all the further this story will go I have no plans to continue it. I am just recovering the chapters to hers so there will be no changes to anything i have put down previously. If you like please come to read my new re write if this story of the same name.>

<Author> "Spoken" ' Thoughts' [Other]

Cain a young man of about 17 was just sitting in the woods leaning against a tree reading a book out loud, however one might have problems trying to see him. Cain was completely hidden but not the way one normally would be in the woods. Cain was completely surrounded by different animals, birds, Squirrels, Deer and even a bear and its cubs. One would normally be confused or even scared of this however to Cain this was a normal sight. Cain for as long as he could remember he had been loved by animals almost to a scary point.

Cain was an orphan he was found when he was 2 years old washed up on the shore by some fishermen. Despite being found midwinter in the water there was nothing wrong with him, the only thing people found weird was that he had almost glowing blue hair and eyes and a weird tribal tattoo from his collarbone to his hands of the same color with no memories if where he came from. No matter how hard people looked or searched nobody could find where he came from, so in the end they took him to a orphanage.

Cain discovered early that he was sensitive to others he could feel how they felt towards him and it scared him. People are weird in that they can say and do one thing and feel completely different, this caused Cain to disassociate from others at a early age. Cain's solace was found when he was sitting outside one day under a tree reading manga after being bullied by other kids for his hair a small bird came and landed on branch and looked at him for a while then decided to fly over to him while it was looking at him he suddenly heard. "Are you ok that looks like it hurts."

Cain was surprised by this voice because unlike most of the others he heard before he could tell this one hade more genuine concern then he had ever heard before. He answered subconsciously. "It's not as bad as it looks I'm use to it." While looking up and only finding the bird he was extremely confused. At that moment the little bird hopped up on his knee much to his surprise and he heard the voice again. "It was me" its said exclaiming happily then proceeded with "That's good its not that bad. Hi my name is Twig what's yours and why are you hurt." Looking at the bird for a minute Cain replied with a smile "Hi Twig my name is Cain and the other kids here bully me because of my hair calling me blueberry and other names and occasionally throwing stuff at me like today they threw a lot of rocks at me." As Cain talked he got more sad till the end. "What is so bad about your fur I love it it reminds me of the sky and blueberry isn't a insult it's my favorite food!"

Since that day Cain and Twig became the best of friend Twig almost always stayed by his side and Cain was happy. Twig brought Cain to the woods on multiple occasions and he quickly became friends with the wildlife taking time on his visits to read them books and play with them. They were his friends, all he needed in this world.

Today he was reading the last Twilight out loud to them. It was one of there favorites. Cain had to read it to them at least once every 2 months or they would keep begging him. He didn't really mind he quite enjoyed the book as well he understood being different and hiding it from others. The only issue he had with it is he always thought about not having someone of his own.

He was enjoying reading this book while being surrounded by the only genuine friends he had. He had tried finding human friends in his past years they always ended up having hatred towards him or ulterior motives. This was because even though he was bullied while he was little as he grew he became more and more handsome and athletic without doing anything. Today he was already 6ft. 5in. and sleekly muscular almost like his body was meant to hunt.

This paired with his handsome face long bright blue hair and his calm demeanor with an wild aura made him mysterious and attractive ending in a lot of jealousy and hatred. The women that were pinning after him only ever seemed to want him for his looks and nothing else.

While reading he suddenly stoped and said. "Twig, move I can't read with you in the way." When he met Twig he was about the size of a hand but now he was a almost 2 foot tall falcon. Twig said back to him. "Sorry you know I like to read along." Twig had come to love reading almost as much as Cane had in these past years.

As he Cain got back to reading he suddenly felt a shiver causing him to jump up scaring all the nearby animals to jump back and look around. Then Cain felt fluffy sensation run from his finger tips to his chest and down to feet then back up to his head then he passed out but not before he heard a beautiful voice in his head.

"I finally found you."