
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

Confessions of a Teenage Fox

Seeing Alice smile at him so happily made him feel even more guilty that he already was. Opening the door and getting out Cain was the center of attention of the entire school but he ignored them all as he walked towards the Cullens. Before anyone could say anything he embraced Alice is a strong hug. Despite being happy to see him Alice could tell from his actions the something was wrong.

Holding her tighter Cain asked. "Can we skip class we need to talk." The sole mess in his voice her tremble as she nodded her head softly in his embrace. Looking up he asked the Cullens. "Do one of you mind driving my car to your house when schools out I'll come pick it up when I drop Alice off later." He spoke while throwing the keys towards Emmett only for them to be intercepted by Rose who seemed to be excited about driving his car although she didn't let it show much feeling the atmosphere wasn't right for such actions.

Holding Alice's hand they slowly walked towards the woods neither of them saying a word. Alice had no clue what was wrong but she could tell it was dragging on Cain. Just from the short time she knew him she could tell he was a goof ball when he is comfortable and loved teasing those close but this Cain seemed stressed like his world was going to end.

After walking into the woods a short ways to make sure nobody could see them they disappeared from the spot. Appearing in the woods a few miles from his house Cain turned to the stunned Alice with a serious look. "I know you are confused but I need to tell you the truth so before you say or do anything please listen till the end." As he spoke one could see the deep worry and fear in his eyes as he looked at Alice as well as a deep love that was ever present.

Holding both of her hands to stay both connected to her and to hope she won't run away Cain started with a deep sigh. "Alice I've told you before almost everything I knew about myself so you know about what I am. Being a god comes with a lot of things even I haven't fully understood yet as I've only been one for 3 days. Being a god the mating bond of a vampire doesn't effect me in any way." At this sentence Alice trembled fearing he had no feelings towards her and it was all a lie.

Feeling her worry Cain squeezed her hands lightly to reassure her it wasn't true continuing he said. "However by being the God of Fauna I have my own mating bond even stronger that that of vampires. I would tear universes apart for you if that was what it took to make you smile and not think twice." As Cain spoke his voice had a sharp edge as he spoke in a deep growing voice.

Feeling the truth to his words Alice felt relieved. Cain continued the primal growl till in his voice still not calming down. "Alice I love you more than anything I'm so glad I came here and found you. But there is a issue with my bond. I can bond to multiple people by doing so they would take the same place in my heart regardless of my own will."

Understanding the meaning of his words Alice was stunned trembling she asked with tears in here eyes. "You have someone else in your heart as well and can't be only mine right? How come. And who is she. Aren't you a God couldn't you change it." Alice had deep anger and trepidation in her voice. Even though she couldn't cry her eyes got moist. Cain with deep pain in his voice said. "I could have my grandfather do it if I truly had to, as he is the only one with dominion over me. However..." Cain was interrupted by a melodious voice.

"He would have to reset his soul to a brand new being he wouldn't be himself he would be an almost robotic god that would only do what his instincts dictate. I would never let that happen to the man I love and I would hope that regardless of your feelings for him and your anger you would never ask him to do something worse than killing himself." The voice came from Ana. Cain came here so he could introduce them to each other when all was said and done but Ana came to hear what Alice would say.

Looking at Ana that showed up without his notice Cain had a complicated expression. If Alice truly asked him to do so he could tell Ana would kill her on the spot. She had already lost him once and wouldn't let it happen again regardless how much Cain would hate her.

Looking back at the stunned Alice Cain said. "That's my mother, Ana Fennix the Goddess of Life and the first one I imprinted on when I awoke my godly abilities. If you truly desired it I will erase my existence from this world and things would go back to the way things should of been for you and watch you from afar with one on my abilities as you lived happily with someone else." As Cain said this he had tears in his eyes knowing this was the most painful option for him but the easiest way for her. "Or I could do like Ana said and erase my soul and live as a husk but she probably wouldn't let that happen because I have to live for her wishes as well." He looked back at Ana as she nodded her head.

Looking back at the stunned Alice he tightened his grip on her hand worried about her choice and that he might lose her forever. Seeing the fear in Cain, Ana was conflicted she didn't want anything bad to happen she wanted to see him smile not this look of fear and worry on his face that she loved so much. Seeing Alice still stunned she appeared next to her and said. "Alice let's go have a talk while Cain stays here I want to say something to you." Not waiting for Alice or Cain to answer her and Alice disappeared leaving a highly worried Cain still in place with his hands held out.