
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

Alice and the Fox

<Two hours prior>

Alice having spent the entire night trying to picture how the owner of the voice in her vision would look and failing realized what time it was and went downstairs after getting ready. She had been very distracted this past week wondering about the voice she heard. As beastly that voice sounded it echoed into her very core causing her to shiver just remembering it. The voice sounded primal but at the same time the most gentle thing she had ever heard.

The part that bothered her the most is she only had the voice she had no clue when or where the owner of said voice would show itself to her. She had been fine being alone for decades because she had everyone else in her family there to support her. She still had times where she felt extra lonely as the only one not in a relationship aside from Edward but he was weird and moody to begin with, but he understood the burden of her visions. It's hard to see all the bad things that could happen to your family. She thought Jasper would be her mate based off her visions although Jasper was a great guy and one of her best friends she never quite felt that spark. Then he meet his real mate within our new family Chloe.

As Alice was walking down the stairs she suddenly froze in place as she heard the voice again this time it sounded more human but still shook her to the core. " Hey little pixy I'm here for you." Hearing the voice she almost broke out in tears from pure joy she got to hear him again and this time she had more info. Yelling as she ran through the house. " He is here, he is here i will finally meet him!!!" She was running and jumping everywhere like a little kid.

The rest of her family came in and saw her acting like her normal bubbly self maybe even a little more and smiled warmly at her. They had been extremely worried over the past week because of her, she seemed depressed because she had no clue if he would be there is a few days or years. Alice had always been bubbly for as long as they could remember and they had never seen her as distraught as she had been this past week.

Having had a enough of Alice running around occasionally knocking things Esme asked "So when is he going to show up." Alice ran up and hugged Esme. "He should be in school today as a student but I still don't know what he looks like." She said with a huge smile on her face and she ran back to her room to change into somewhere better so she could make a better impression Chloe and Rose followed behind her to help her pick something out knowing how important this would be to her.

Arriving at school Alice and the others got out of their cars while Alice was already looking around excitedly but failing to see anyone new. Alice looked expectantly at Edward who knew what she wanted and said. "You were right we just missed him you would notice him even he wasn't your mate. He is even more attractive than we are and he has blue hair. However I feel something is off it's almost like he is partially obscured."

The others were stunned Alice's mate kept sounding more mysterious the more they learned about him. Knowing at least she would see him today she was practically skipping the entire way. Hoping to see him when she entered class she was disappointed so she sat down and looked out the window think about what he would be like.

Alice suddenly heard a cough that caused her to shiver she snapped her head to the sound of the cough and saw someone new talking to the teacher. Alice was absolutely stunned. She froze looking any the new person whom she has been thinking about since her first vision about him.

In front of the class stood a tall boy of about 6ft 5in in black clothes more handsome than anyone she had ever seen with bright blue hair and a muscular body that everyone dreamed of having. The point however that stood out greatly to her was the beautiful blue fox ears and tail he had behind him.

As much as she thought they were fake they twitched and waved with his body language. She was entranced by every aspect of the boy at the front. She didn't hear anything going on around her as she stared at him trying to see his eyes as she wanted to see everything that there was to him and to engrave it into her soul.

As the Cain finished talking to the teacher he turned to face the class where the teacher told him to introduce himself to and stopped in his movements as he saw the one he was looking forward to meeting the most. Alice was sitting at her desk just looking at him like he was the greatest thing in the entire universe. He couldn't say anything though because he felt the same he felt as if she was life itself looking back at him. The movie didn't do her justice she looked ethereal as beautiful as his own mother if not more.

Short cut hair like from eclipse wearing skinny jeans and a red blouse. He stood there like a deer in the headlights till Twig on his shoulder pecked him to wake him out of it. Coming out of his daze he said his name and walked towards Alice to where he was told to sit beside her.

Seeing her still staring at him as he had been her he sat down beside her and reached out to shake her hand and introduce himself personally. "Hi Miss Cullen I am Cain Fennix I hope we get along in the future ." Cain said with a smile on his face while loosing himself in her eyes.

Hearing what he said she reached out and grabbed his hand causing a jolt to run through their bodies at their touch and Alice smiled "I can see us being really close the future." They both knew they were meant to be together but didn't want to say it out loud but they could tell from the look in each other's eyes.

Cain had a hard time containing his excitement as they chatted about random things and he could feel that she felt the same. After class was over they went on to the next which was art. Cain and Alice found that they had all the same classes much to their joy. On the way to art Alice could no longer resist the urge seeing Cain's fluffy tail waving around and his ears twitching ever one and a while.

Alice reached out and stroked his tail only to freeze shortly after. Looking at Cain who was smiling at her he leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "You must really be a little pixie if you can see through my illusion." This sent a shiver up her spine causing her eyes to lose focus.