
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · Filme
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22 Chs

Ch.7 Questions and answers

POV X-23

Location: ????

(A few minutes earlier)

I watched as the boy named Shawn walked outside and blink and saw another instantly appeared in the yard with Shawn and stood up going to the back window.

'Where did he come from was he here the whole time I didn't smell anyone but Shawn and the strange robot,' I thought as I observed the interaction of the two.

They both seemed to know each other but not personally merely by reputation or other sources and it seemed Shawn also had questions about the other boy called Joey Wheeler.

[Oh no is he about to duel again better get the repair tools out]

'Duel what does it mean by Duel like fighting each other?' looking back at the two neither held themselves like they were about to attack.

I watched as the two put strange things on their arms and began what I assume is a duel then they started and strange creatures I had never seen before started to appear.

Each creature made me feel something I thought I had forgotten fear as my body told me to run but I couldn't or didn't want to as I watched the two.

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Valon mansion

Joey: "Yep and it's all coming your way go Inferno Burning Slash!" Lord of the Red charged forward its sword ignited with black flames as he lifted above its head ready to strike down Darkness metal.

Darkness metal seeing this let out a torrent of black and red flames but Lord of the Red flapped its wings maneuvering out of the way of the attack before bringing the sword down.

"Not so fast I activate my trap card scrap-Iron scarecrow stopping your attack," I said the card flipped up and the scarecrow appeared in front of Darkness Metal.

Joey: "Good move but I activate Lord of the Red's special ability allowing him to destroy one spell/Trap on the field and I'll destroy that scarecrow." he said and the metal scarecrow scattered into pieces.

Lord of the Red took this chance to continue his attack and brought his sword down on Darkness metal causing The large dragon to explode the shockwave of the explosion sending me skidding back but still standing.

Joey: "With that, I set one card and end my turn," he said.

[Turn 2]

Shawn: 1500 C:2 +1

Joey: 4000 C:3

"I draw and I activate the spell card Cards of the red stone sending Red-Eyes from my hand to the graveyard so I can draw two cards," I said and drew the cards and after a moment I frowned

'I don't have shit' I thought looking at my cards and inwardly cursed.

"I set a monster face down and set two cards and end my turn," I said.

[Turn 2]

Shawn: 1500 C:0

Joey: 4000 C:3 +1

Joey: "I draw and I reveal my trap card Return of red eyes since I have a red eyes monster on the field I can bring one back from the graveyard," he said and a pillar of red flames appeared, and from it was Red-Eyes black dragon appeared.

"Man looks like I'm in trouble," I said and Joey smiled.

Joey: "Major trouble now Red-Eyes attack that face-down card," he said and the card revealed to be Red-Eyes Iron Knight.

"Sorry but I active my trap card mirror force meaning all your monster that is in attack position are destroyed," I said and just as he was about to be destroyed a force field was created around Iron Knight.

Red-Eyes attack bounced off the force field sending it right back at both it and Lord of the Red destroying both.

Joey: "Good move but I'm still far from finished I summon Red-Eyes Wyvern and equip it with Red-Eyes chain and end my turn," he declared.

<Monster- Red-Eyes Wyvern>

<Atribute- Wind>

<Level- 4>



Attack- 1800

Defense- 1600

[Turn 3]

Shawn: 1500 C:0 +1

Joey: 4000 C:3

"I draw and first I switch my iron knight into attack position and I send him to attack your Wyvern," I declared and my knight ran towards the dragon only to get wrapped inside a black chain.

Joey: "Sorry but I activate Red-Eyes Fang with Chain meaning your monster becomes connected to mine," he said as the chain dragged my knight to his side of the field behind Wyvern.

"Well in that case I activate my quick play spell Silver Cry which allowed me to bring one normal dragon from my graveyard to the field and I choose Red-Eyes Black dragon!" I yelled out.

And the black dragon let loose a roar that forced Joey to cover our eyes then in a heartbeat I felt something and looked up and saw Red-Eyes looking at me.

"Red-Eyes wha-" I began only to stop as I was suddenly filled with energy and ideas and thoughts filled my mind but unlike when I was reborn this didn't hurt.

The thoughts and visions I saw almost made me forget what was happening around me to the point I almost dropped my cards when suddenly it stopped and I was looking directly into the dragons' eyes.

*Hehe* "You know if we're going to be partners we need to work on your communication skills," I said a chuckle in my voice, and the dragon nodded and turned to face Joey who looked at me with fascination.

Joey: "Your connection to Red-Eyes is no joke," he said a smile on his face and I nodded.

"Yeah and I think we should show you that connections strength go Red-Eyes inferno fire blast," I shouted and the dragon reeled back before unleashing a black fireball.

The following explosion sent Joey flying backward his clothes now covered in dirt but to my surprise I felt nothing but pride as I watched him struggle to get up.

'What the hell I should be helping him up,' I thought but my thoughts were alien to what I felt.

Joey: "If you think that's enough to keep me down then your in for a big surprise," he said a smile on his face.

[Turn 3]

Shawn: 1500 C:1

Joey: 1600 C:3 +1

Joey: "My turn and I activate The spell card Red-Eyes Fusion and I use Red-Eyes Flare dragon and Meteor dragon to fusion summon Meteor Black Dragon," he said and there was a loud boom in the sky.

Looking up I just now noticed the grey clouds that had gathered and from those clouds, a crimson red fireball fell from them then in an instant gigantic wing spread from the fireball stopping it in its tracks, and attached to those wings was a massive dragon.


The roar of the dragon forced me back and I felt more than heard Red-Eyes rebuke me for showing weakness making me chuckle.

<Monster- Meteor Black Dragon>

<Atribute- Fire>

<Level- 8>



Attack- 3500

Defense- 2000

Joey: "Go inferno meteor blast!" he shouted and the dragon launched a blast of Milton rock covered in red and black flames that exploded on contact.

But to Joey's surprise, Red-Eyes was still on the field and with a flap of its wings dispersed the dust cloud.

Joey: "How Red-Eyes should be a smoking crater?" he asked and I smiled as my trap card stood tall.

"It's all thanks to my final trap card bye bye damage which not only saves my monster from destruction but any damage I take is doubled and sent right back to you," I declared.

3500 - 2400 = 1100 × 2 = 2200

[Turn 3]

Shawn: 400- Winner

Joey: 0- Loser

Joey: "Man what a duel it's been a while since I've been taken down!" he shouted as he lay on the ground I walked up to him and gave him a hand up.

"So about answering my questions," I asked he smiled and took my hand and I helped him onto his feet.

Joey: "I'm a man of my word so let's chat," he said and we went to sit down only then did I notice X-23 and Helperbot staring at us but Joey didn't seem to mind.

"Helperbot could you get us some drinks," I asked and the robot did its best nod before rolling away "Would you care to join us ill try and give you context as we talk," I told X-23 who did nothing for a few seconds before walking out and leaning in the doorway.

Joey raised an eyebrow at the girl the looked at me I shook my head and shrugged as we sat down at the table.

Joey: "So hit me," he said leaning back.

"If you're a spirit does that mean you're dead?" I asked expecting a completely different reaction to the question them what I got.

Joey: "Yep I'm your out-of-town friendly dueling ghost," he said and I was a little surprised by his reaction.

"So the spirit world is the afterlife," I asked but Joey shook his head and lifted a finger.

"It's one of many afterlives think of it like the VIP afterlife it's where you go if you're too good for anywhere else," he said a smug smile on his face.

"But I went to the spirit world or shadow realm and all I saw was dessert," I told him and he looked at me with surprise before smiling.

Joey: "We'll the spite world isn't much like earth think of it like marbles in a pool each marble is its own world with its own spirits," he explained and I nodded along.

"So if that's the case how did you summon yourself here?" I asked and Joey shrugged.

Joey: "Heard some of my old pals complain that they had been summoned by a new fielder in the overworld so I decided to duel you myself," he said and I couldn't help but wonder how that worked with the system.

'It seems he isn't even aware of the system telling me he challenged me to the duel in the first place,' I thought and noticed that Joey became a bit transparent.

"Are you ok your becoming see-through?" I asked and Joey looked down at his hand.

Joey: "Don't think we have much more time looks like I won't get that drink anymore question," he asked as he slowly was going back to the spirit world.

"What should I expect having Red-Eyes as a partner," I asked and he smiled at me.

Joey: "You have the potential to run into anything so get ready," he said before disappearing.

"So got any questions for me," I asked X-23 who had been quiet the entire time but turning around she wasn't there I shrugged.

[Where did our guest go?]

"Back to where he belongs," I said as the robot set down a tray with two glasses of soda and went to get started cleaning the destroyed backyard again.

POV Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet witch

Location: ???

'We're am I?' I thought looking around and finding myself not in my room but in hellscape rivers of lava with active volcanos in the distance and black clouds covering the sky with flashes of red lightning.



Quickly turning I saw two dragons both glaring at each other and growing.

"What is this?" I asked myself looking out as I watched two dragons fighting each other both almost the exact copy of the other the only difference being that one looked bigger than the other.



The two dragons roared at each other the sheer power behind them causing me to be flung backward falling into the ash covers ground.

The dragons tore at each other and their battle destroyed anything that got in the way getting up I found it hard to breathe.

'This isn't real it's just a dream I need to wake up,' I thought but nothing happens as the battle between the dragons started to heat up as the younger kr smaller dragon forced the older one to the lava.

'Is it over?' I thought but that thought was dashed to the side as a pillar of lava rose into the air and out of it the other dragon emerged but this was far different than before its black scales were now covered in black rock with cracks that looked like molten lava.


Its roar threw me back causing me to almost fall into the river of molten rock I hung off the edge of the cliff and tried to pull myself up but a light distracted me and I turned my head to the molten dragon fire a ball of molten rock covered in flames at the other.

But my eyes widened as the dragon was protected by a magic circle and the ball of molten rock was flung back but double the size and exploded on the molten dragon.

The explosion caused me to lose my grip and fell head first into the river and just as I felt the molten rock enter my mouth I woke up in my bed.

*Cough* *Cough* *Wheeze*

"What was that no it was just a weird dream just a dream," I told myself trying to ignore the black ash on my hands.