
A dream unfulfilled

A love yearned but never received

SallyAudrey · Teenager
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9 Chs


Just a few months passed and Maria and Cirilo were like childhood friends. Wherever you see Maria, you'll find Cirilo and wherever you see Cirilo, you'll meet Maria there with him. It was break time and so lessons were not going on. Maria's on the look for Cirilo when suddenly her friends approached her.

Maria, where is your boyfriend? Oh please, he's just my friend Valeria. Come on Maria, you're more than friends I can see. Alright so what is it that you can see Valeria? Those days you were either with us or with your books in the classroom but not anymore. Now you are either with us or with him in the library, just the two of you. Isn't it guys? Absolutely so, they all chorused. Well the thing is, we've been helping each other. Oh really? Alright let me help you since you're helpless, the thing is you two are in love or better still, crushing on each other and therefore keep stealing glances at each other in the class and everywhere. Valeria you've had it all wrong. Just stop doubting and tell us if you're in a relationship already, teased Fernanda. By the way Maria, he's good looking and gentle. I bet some girls would kill to have him. There you are Maria, said Cirilo coming towards her with a sweet smile forming on his face. I've been looking for you for ages. Where have you been? Even I was looking for you. Oh hello girls, realizing her friends were with her. Hey Cirilo, they all said. All this while he stood staring into her eyes as she tried to hide her face and the smile forming in it. He had noticed it and loved it more than ever. He moved closer to her and pretended to take something off her dress as he put his arm around her and shortly removed it. So Maria, when are we going to the library to do our assignments? Well anytime we'll be free. "Can we join you the next time please," asked Valeria knowing well that their answer was going to be negative. Cirilo and Maria both looked at each other without a word. The girls were enjoying this as it was clear the two were having feelings for each other and wanted to be alone for all the time they could get. "Oh my goodness, what have you done to my beautiful shoes? Are you blind? Don't you see? I'm sorry sister Emma. Just shut that stinking mouth of yours. Have you any idea the cost of this shoe you've just stepped on? I bet the price is twice the salary of your parents. Get out of my sight you son of a bitch, barked Emma. Maria looked at the poor little girl and almost run off but Cirilo got hold of her and pulled her back so tight that their bodies touched. Maria out of the blue laid her head on Cirilo's chest as he gently cuddled her. Who's that girl, asked Cirilo? She's Emma Head, our classmate. And that poor girl, asked Cirilo. That's Carolina Bells, a first year student. Has Emma no sentiments. She just made that poor little girl cry and she doesn't even care. That's the way she is, Cirilo. Leslie turned to look at him and was surprised that the two were clinging to each other already. Maria here has gone through such experience before when she accidentally bumped into her. Cirilo held Maria even tighter as Leslie said this while looking into her eyes as if to say that he wished he had been there earlier to protect her. Besides, she dislikes her badly and would not hesitate to put her into trouble. Her venom towards her was what caused us to unfriend her and befriend Maria instead. She was our friend. Maria had no friend 'cause if you try to be nice to her, she'll scold you as if she were your mother. Wow! Exclaimed Cirilo. It's okay now Maria. You have me now, and I'll be there for you whenever you need me. This is my promise to you. If she ever comes close to you again, I won't spare her even for a second. She has tortured you enough and it is about time she left you alone. I'll be with you wherever you go and make sure you are safe and sound. I suppose I heard the bell guys, said Carmem. Let's get going before we're late. Oh no guys, I guess I better use the washroom at the moment. See you in class. Don't keep long, said Maria. "It's your chance now Emma, those girls are no longer with him," said Jessie, one of Emma's wealthy friends. "Wait guys, what if he rejects me or reports me to Miss Lisa?" asked Emma. He's always around that nonsensical girl. You're beautiful right and moreover rich, so what makes you think he'll reject you? Go on before he comes out. Let's go girls; I'll do it another time when I have rehearsed what to say and how to react. Did you see how he hugged her a few minutes ago? I don't want to sound or look foolish in front of him. "If you say so, then so be it," said Clarice, Emma's other friend. Hey guys, don't you think we should go and comfort Carolina after here. I really feel sorry for her, said Valeria. Yeah, I was thinking the same here, said Fernanda. I'm back guys, said Cirilo. Oh no! Maria exclaimed. What is it beloved? Cirilo asked in a concerned and innocent state. I forgot all about my writing tool case out there. I have to go and get it back before Mr. Tristin comes. No let's get going, no one will have it. But Cirilo what if Mr. Tristin gives us assignment to do? Alright then I'm coming with you. Oh no Cirilo, I'll be fine. Besides I'm just going to get it I'll be back in a jiffy. Even if it's for a second, I'm still coming with you. Oh please, you guys are going to be late for class, just go on without me I'll be there soon. Cirilo reluctantly accepted her request to go alone. Just watch out for me, said Maria. Take care of yourself Maria; Cirilo said hesitantly leaving her behind. "Come on, come on, and show yourself. I have to hurry back to class," said Maria busily searching for her too case without noticing her worst enemy coming towards her. There you are you naughty little writing tool case. I found you at last.