
A dream unfulfilled

A love yearned but never received

SallyAudrey · Teen
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9 Chs


Emma! Emma! "Speak up Jessie and stop shouting my name" said Emma. "You won't believe what I have to say" said Jessie. What then are you waiting for, go on and tell me. Well I was on my way to class when I heard a new student was joining us in the third year. All along I hadn't seen him yet but then something strange happened. I chanced to see his face before he disappeared and oh, what a sight I met. I would have stood staring at his blue eyes and handsome features all day. "Oh is it?" said Emma. It's been quite a long time since I flirted with a hot guy and I guess he's the right one for me. We're going to make such a nice couple. Wherever we roam, all eyes will be on us. Emma sat there building castles in the air while smiling to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by a beaming Miss Lisa. Attention class. A new student will be joining us in a moment. Put on your best behavior and don't bombard him with questions and also none of you should signal him to his seat, I'll give him the chance to do that himself. And you Emma, don't try to showcase your wealth to have his attention. You are just excellent at such traits. All eyes turned to her, making her cheeks burn but that seemed to have made staring at her more interesting to the class. Alright everyone, Miss Lisa's calm voice interrupted them. This is Cirilo Fox, she said as she pointed to the new student. All eyes turned to the direction of her finger. Maria couldn't believe her what she saw and pinched herself to see if it were real. Now Cirilo, you may join the other students. He walked from the front of the class and looked around. Finally, he headed to the third column of the fourth row. "Please pass by, don't stop, don't stop," whispered Maria to herself. As if Cirilo had heard her. He stopped right at her seat and asked politely, may I join you please? "You may," said Maria. "That's a pretty nice choice Cirilo," said Miss Lisa. Cirilo turned to look at her and then to Maria whose head had been on the table all along. She raised it slowly after he had sat down. Hi, said Cirilo gently, stretching his hands towards her. "Hi, said Maria, shaking the hand that was awaiting her. Cirilo's eyes dilated after seeing the face of who he was sitting with. Maria noticed it and smiled shyly. "This was the last place I ever thought to see you,"

said Cirilo. Well, even I didn't dream of seeing you here, that too in my class. Maria raised her head and realized the other students all had their eyes on them, as if to ask if they're acquainted with each other. Any way Maria, I'm glad we're now in the same school and the same level and most of all, seatmates. Really, exclaimed a surprised Maria. "Yeah, really," said Cirilo. Have you any friends by the way, asked Cirilo. Yeah, there are four of them. You don't seem to want a lot of friends do you? Well not really, said Maria. "Well then I suppose you wouldn't like it if I asked to be your friend", said Cirilo. "Oh no, I don't mean that, said Maria. If you say so then Maria, if you don't mind, I would like to be your friend. Who knows, we might even grow closer and become best buddies someday. Alright, your friend request has been accepted. Well then thank you, said Cirilo. It's a pleasure, replied Maria. Cirilo, just a minute. I'll be right back. Wow, Maria. Do you two know each other, asked Leslie. Well just a little bit. I bumped into him some time ago and I recognized him when he came to class today. "Wait Maria; tell me that's not why your head was on the table all along, said Valeria. Actually, it was because I realized he was looking our direction.