
A Dragon & Her Yoga Teacher

***Winner of Silver Prize for WPC#207!*** Sabrina is a 1,500-year-old dragon shapeshifter who fell in love with her super sexy, super hot yoga teacher and set out to seduce him. Kavan, the yoga teacher, is mortal and doesn't even know about the existence of dragon shapeshifters. So, Sabrina tried everything to seduce him and he avoided her thinking she is a married woman. When they finally get together, (oh trust me, it was HOT!) the Sea Jade Dragon Clan council of elders are against their union! The clan tried to split the couple up but Sabrina will not give up without a fight. Read all about their stolen kisses, their sweet loving moments and how they fight against the all-powerful dragon council of elders to be together. Will they win this fight? Will love conquer all? Or will Sabrina be banished for going against the council of elders' orders? This is a modern love story with a fantasy twist. Get ready for an entertaining, sometimes funny, ride in the ups and downs of their turbulent relationship. Add to collection now and read all about their forbidden love! Warning: There will be steamy mature R18 content in the later chapters. There will also be sweet funny moments between Sabrina and Kavan. If you like stories about dragon shapeshifters in a modern setting, I have another book with the same premise : Kidnapped by A Dragon Billionaire. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20831468905213505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4306116363 It’s about dragon shapeshifters from the Heaven’s Descent clan. Trust me, it is also funny, steamy and has a hot dragon as the male lead with a young innocent mortal female lead. ******BONUS******** 50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 100 power stones = 2 bonus chapters 200 power stones = 4 bonus chapters ****EXTRAS**** 50 summoning pens = 1 special chapter release (side story that’s related to main story) 100 summoning pens = 2 special chapter release (Kavan’s viewpoint) *Updates every two days* Announcement: If you would like to view NSFW illustrations of Sabrina and Kavan, head on over to my P.a.tre.on: https://www.patreon.com/OLynn

O_Lyn · Fantasie
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88 Chs

She almost got him!

Kavan deepened the kiss and hugged her close. She sank onto him, giving herself into the kiss, revelling in the taste and feel of him. His firm lips against hers, his strong arms around her, his hard chest against hers. She felt so connected to him, as if they belonged together. It felt so right kissing him, lying on top of him. Her pulse is racing and her heart skipping beats. She had never felt like this before. She ran her hands down his firm heaving chest and moaned against his lips. He felt so good. He was caressing her back and cupping her round behind, squeezing her ever so gently and pushing her down on him. All thoughts have left her mind. She is now a tangle of feelings and sensations. They didn't even stop for air. They kissed and touched and caressed. Soon, she was pushing his shirt up to touch the silken hot skin underneath.

It took her a while to become aware of an insistent knocking at the door. Kavan realised it too, almost at the same time she became aware of it. They stopped kissing and she scrambled off him.

"Damn cibai…who the eff was that," she mumbled under her breath, smoothing her hair and fanning herself. She is so aroused and hot and bothered and someone, whoever it is, is still banging insistently at the door.

Just when things were getting heated up and whoever the cibai is has to interrupt them, she cursed inwardly. Kavan got up and straightened his shirt. He cleared his throat and run his hand through his hair to make sure it wasn't all rumpled and messy.

"I better go see who is at the door," he said.

"I think I better get the door while…you…err…cool down," she offered, looking pointedly at the tent in his pants. He glanced down and blushed.

"Er…okay, you better get that," he said. He started pacing and fanning himself with his hands while counting down.

She stomped to the door. She is about to give her piece of mind to whoever dared interrupt their tryst. She just about succeeded! She opened the door and it was Dashen standing outside. Alone.

She was shocked. What is Dashen doing here? Where is Meera?

"What…how…what are you doing here?" she asked, keeping her voice low. She looked behind her, Kavan was still pacing, his back to the door. She quickly went out and closed the door behind her.

"What's going on? Where's Meera?" she asked her clan leader and fake husband.

"Exactly! Meera left!" he told her, anger suffusing his whole face.

"What? Left? Where did she go?" she asked.

"I don't know. How should I know? You are on good terms with her…will you know where she might have went?" he asked her.

She stared at him. Dashen looked distraught and pissed as heck. What in the world happened? They were so in love too. It must be a fight, she thought.

"Did you guys have a fight?" she asked.

He nodded and had the nerve to look slightly ashamed.

"I sort of called her names…but I didn't mean it and she left just like that," he said.

Sabrina rolled her eyes. Dashen can be so thick sometimes. Despite living with humans for centuries and with Meera for over a decade, he can be such an insensitive jerk sometimes.

"Well, you obviously hurt her feelings," she told him.

The door opened behind her and Kavan came out.

"Who is it?" he asked. He looked from Sabrina to Dashen and seemed to immediately came to a conclusion.

"Oh, you're Mr Long?" he asked. He looked uncomfortable. As uncomfortable as a man who was caught kissing someone else's wife would be.

Dashen studied him from head to toe. He scowled at Kavan and then glared at Sabrina.

"So, this is why you are so into yoga?" he asked Sabrina and gestured at Kavan. "Really, Sabrina, you know you can't do this to me!" he added.

She glared back at him belligerantly.

"I can do whatever I want!" she told him. "Oh, so you and Meera had a fight and suddenly I must join you in your misery?"

She glanced at Kavan. He was looking more uncomfortable by the minute, his face pale and distressed. Dashen saw her looking at Kavan so he too looked at the handsome young man.

"Look here, you," he pointed at Kavan. "I don't care if you're her yoga teacher, it is in your best interests that you keep your hands off my wife and stay away from her," he warned him.

Kavan shifted his feet uneasily. He was suitably intimidated even though he is much taller and more well built than Dashen. Dashen had chosen a medium-built trim human form with dignified looking features and salt and pepper hair. He looked like a suave successful businessman.

"I…er…." Kavan started to say but Sabrina stepped in front of him defensively.

"Dashen, you are going overboard here. Really," she warned her clan leader, her eyes glinting jade green. Sure, he is higher ranked, more powerful and she has to serve him as his fake human wife but still, he has no right to intimidate her friends.

He glared back at her.

"How dare you, this is insubordination, do you want me to take action?" he asked her coldly, his tone dangerously soft.

She refused to be cowed by his threat. Dashen is all bark and no bite. She knew that after spending almost 12 years with him. She stood her ground and squared her shoulders, glaring at Dashen.

"Go ahead, I'm not scared of you," she challenged him. He glowered at her. They engaged in a glaring contest, neither of them backing down.

"Ahem…look, I don't want to cause any trouble," Kavan interrupted their staring contest. "But, I really don't want to be involved in this," he said.

No, no, no….she broke eye contact with Dashen and turned to Kavan. He looked like he was ready to fled the scene. He obviously does not want to get between a warring married couple.

"No, Kavan, wait," she tried to stop him but he held up both his hands defensively.

"Look, Sabrina, this is between you and your husband, so maybe you work things out between yourselves? I really don't want to get involved," he said, then he turned and went back into his studio. She heard the decisive click of him locking the studio door.

Dang it. This is all due to Dashen's childish tantrum over his tiff with Meera. Honestly. Why must he drag her into his own personal drama? She turned back to Dashen who is still glowering at her.

"Dashen, look what you did!" she exclaimed.

"It's all for the best anyway Sabrina. I mean, your little dalliances and one-night stands are all okay but getting seriously involved with a human right now is not a good idea," he said.

"Well, that's not for you to decide!" she retorted.

He lifted an eyebrow.

"Did you forget that you are still under my service? You still have a few more years to go before the clan decide on your ranking, I am sure you don't want to jeopardise that," he said.

"Anyway, enough small talk, let's get to the matter at hand, go find Meera for me," he grabbed her arm and dragged her away.

She flung his hands away and stomped off on her own with him close behind her.

"Fine. I find Meera and you stay off my case!" she shouted back.

What does he think she is? His pet dog? The way he told her to find Meera was as if he was asking her to fetch the ball.

"Ah-ah…you know I can't do that," he had caught up to her easily. "You are still under my service and I can meddle in your affairs as and when I feel like it," he said.

She gritted her teeth in frustration. Dashen was right. She is practically his slave at this point. She can't escape unless the clan or Dashen releases her from her duty to him. She spinned around to face him.

"How about this? I find Meera, help you settle this silly dispute with her and you get all lovey-dovey with her all over again and go on your love cruises whatever and you leave me alone. How about that?" she offered. It was a good trade off. Get Dashen what he wants and he leave her alone.

"If you can get her to finally marry me, I will even consider releasing you and proposing a rank up to the clan for you, how about that?" he counter-offered.

Oh. That was a good counter deal alright. She stuck out her hand.

"Okay deal! You must keep your words!" she said. He shook her hands.

"I will keep my words, so now, please find Meera," he said.

Don't you just hate it when the husband interrupts the wife from kissing the man she was lusting after? If you like this story, please do vote or give a review or add to collection. Expect more fun to come!

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