
You Don't Have To Lie To Me

Kreznik didn't want J'siri to know about his family or his race even if he didn't currently seem to be a threat. He shrugged and said, "Trade secret. I'll unlock the ship and give you the relic but you have to do a blood oath with me so I know you won't rat me out later."

J'siri's expression grew insulted. Blood oaths were very serious among his people. If you broke one, you died. It was the only surefire way to get a Telurian to do something. 

"You seriously don't trust me?!" 


He sighed and slicked back his antennae. "You know what? That's fair, actually. Fine. I'll do the blood oath. I have no reason to rat you out anyway. The boss will be thrilled he doesn't have to pay you, even if the delivery was late."

"Good. Make it quick. I have things to do," Kreznik said impatiently.