
You Were Too Nice To Be Nick

Not Nick got off of the alien and talked to them more casually. "It's not. Just take it and the relic and go. I don't even care about the money anymore; all I want is for you to make sure no one else ever finds me."

The alien frowned. "Wait, you're not coming with me? You seriously want to stay on a backwoods planet like this? 

"It's not so bad. I wanted the reward money to retire anyway. But if the Yzrenos find me—"

Reward money? He wanted to retire? Retire from what? He had obviously been working with this alien but what had he been doing? And what did they mean a backwoods planet? 

Lavender's head was spinning out of control so she couldn't focus on what they were saying after that. Was Not Nick seriously some sort of space criminal? Because it seemed a lot like he was a space criminal.