
I'm Really Not Looking Forward To It

Zeldris' angry expression turned slightly smug. He shot Kael a look. "See, I told you she would rather know. I understand her better than you do."

The elf was not pleased by his taunt. "I'm only trying to do my duty here. Don't make things more difficult for me. My apologies, Lady Ava. I was concerned that you would not believe us because we think have found the identity of the third guard but his motives remain questionable." 

Ava squinted at him in confusion. Why would the third guard have questionable motives? These two were both fairly straightforward about why they were here protecting her. "If you found the third guard, why hasn't he come forward?"

"Because you already know him," Zeldris said grimly. "He's that lawyer you keep going to dinner with."

Ian was the third guard?! Impossible! He was definitely human. She had known him for four years and he knew everything about human society. He'd gone to law school, for goodness' sake!