
A Distant Land

Willow is a princess who has been sent to a distant land to be married as a war breaks out in her own homeland. The King to which she has been sent has three sons who are yet to be betrothed and Willow has no choice of who she is to marry. One brother claims her as his own, but he will have to fight to keep her for himself.

Maggie_Grubb · Fantasie
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10 Chs

~Chapter 9~

Back in her room, Willow collapsed into the bed. The forlorn princess shoved her face deep into the pillows as she sobbed uncontrollably.

She wondered how fate could possibly be so cruel. Her father's arrangements had allowed her to meet a man who she truly cared for, but instead she must marry the most awful person she had ever met.

As she lay there crying, there was a light knock on the door.

"Willow? It's Mary, may I come in?". Willow quickly dried her eyes and attempted to center herself.

"Come on in," she called out. The older of King Harold's daughters strode through the door.

"I just wanted to apologize for being so cold to you, it was not fair." Mary paused as she saw Willow's face, red from crying. "Are you okay?" She asked with genuine concern.

Willow started to say yes but tears once again flowed to her eyes. A sob escaped from her throat.

"I feel that destiny has played a cruel trick on me," she choked out.

"What do you mean?" questioned Mary.

"I don't want to keep you, please don't let me bother you with my problems."

"It's okay, Willow. I have nowhere to be," she assured her, "tell me what's wrong."

Mary sat down beside the other Princess on the bed as she began to tell her everything. She told her about what James had done to her and how much fear she had been in since. And how she had felt that she was doomed until she met Percy. He was so kind to her, so different from his older brother. She fell for him and she was sure he felt the same way, but fate would not allow them to be together.

When she was finished speaking, Mary nodded silently with a look of deep thought on her face. "I don't know how," she then said, "but I will find a way to help you. If Percy wants to be with you and you with him, then that's how it should be."

Her voice had a determination in it that put hope back into Willow's heart. She did not know if there was anything Mary could do for her, but she was sure that she meant what she said.

"Thank you, Mary," said Willow, smiling brightly at the kind gesture.

"You are welcome," she responded, "I am sure that Esther will help too. Is it alright if I tell her?"

"Yes, of course."

They then said goodnight to each other and Mary left back to her own room. Willow stared up at the ceiling. Was there really something that could be done to rescue her from marrying James?

Through the night, she tossed and turned unable to sleep. Anxiety swirled around in her body, preventing her from getting comfortable in any position. When the morning came, she dragged herself groggily to breakfast and sat down among the royal family. James came in just after her and took the seat beside her.

His eyes looked around the room, noting that everyone was there, and he cleared his throat loudly.

"Good morning, my family," he said cheerfully, "I have an important announcement to make!" He took Willow's hand in his own. "I have decided to take Princess Willow as my bride."

No! She wanted to scream. Her heart was beating rapidly, as if it were about to leap from her chest. A dizziness overtook her and for a moment the princess thought she might faint.

"Ah, marvelous!" The king boomed happily. "I shall make the arrangements, you two shall have a grand wedding."

"How soon, father?" asked James, "I can hardly wait to wed my beautiful princess."

"In two weeks time."

Two weeks? Willow could not believe it. She had such little time until her fate would be sealed. Her eyes fell upon Percy, who's head hung with sadness. No, she thought to herself, she would not marry James. There had to be a way.