
274. What Bullsh * T brother-in-law He was worse than a beast!


The nurses had all gone out.

The Ward immediately fell silent.

Song Beibei walked over and asked, "young master Su, why are you throwing a Tantrum? "

Su Liangxiao turned around and looked at Song Beibei coldly. "Have you reconciled with Gu Yanqing? "

Song Beibei was slightly stunned, but she didn't say anything.

She only took out the brocade box of the ring She placed it beside Su Liangxiao's bed. "Fox, whether Gu Yanqing and I reconcile or not has nothing to do with you. I've thought about it, and I've gone back to take a look. You want me to take a look at what you've placed on my side? I've seen it. I know that you're very good to me, and I also know that you really want to take care of me this time, but I can't promise you, Fox. I know that you might be sad if I say these things today, but when it comes to matters of the heart, the most frightening thing is to drag it out. I've been deeply hurt before, and I can't ask you to endure these things any longer. It's better to be in short-term pain than to be in long-term pain. Fox, I'm sorry. "

Su Liangxiao stared fixedly at the ring that Song Beibei returned to her. His usually beautiful eyes seemed to have lost their luster.

His voice was also deep. "Why can third brother do it, but I can't? I can treat you better than him. "

Song Beibei said, "perhaps I don't even know the answer myself. "

Su Liangxiao raised his head to look at Song Beibei. "So you plan to let him know everything, and then get back together? "

Song Beibei shook her head. "I know I can't hide it from you. Let me tell you the truth. I won't get back together with Gu Yanqing. I plan to return to the states as soon as possible. From now on, he and I are still two people on the same side. "

Su Liangxiao asked, "don't tell me you don't plan to get married in this lifetime? "

Song Beibei thought for a moment. "Maybe I will still get married in this lifetime, but I won't be one of the two of you. I finally gave up on my past. I have my own life now, and I like it very much. But whether it's you or Gu Yanqing, they always remind me of the pain in the past. Those memories that I spent three years of hard work to forget, to me, are not pleasant memories. "

Song Beibei smiled sincerely. "A good horse won't turn back. I won't turn back. "

Su Liangxiao was silent for a while.

This silence made Song Beibei feel a little guilty.

After a while, Su Liangxiao suddenly raised his head and gave Song Beibei a standard fox smile. "Little Missy, you know that I won't give up so easily. You have the right to reject me, and I also have the right to insist on pursuing you. "

"Su Liangxiao, you... "

The corners of Su Liangxiao's eyes rose Even the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. "A man is unmarried, a woman is unmarried, and I won't give up. Up until now, I've never been moved by anyone. Only you, I gave up so easily. It's hard for me to explain myself. Little Miss, I won't force you. I'll only treat you well, until one day you're willing to throw yourself into my arms. "


Su Liangxiao's body gradually began to recover. He took his medicine regularly and was no longer in serious danger.

A week later, he was discharged from the hospital.

At the same time, Song Beibei finally bought a plane ticket back to New York.

Song Beibei had just spent New Year's Day in China and was eager to return home.

On the day of her return to the United States, Song Beibei did not say a word.

That morning, when Gu Yanqing was having breakfast with her, he said, "I'll be back later tonight. I have an important meeting to attend. "

Although Gu Yanqing was still recovering, he had already gone to work.

There were also some subtle changes in his relationship with Song Beibei.

The two of them ate breakfast together every morning. Gu Yanqing always reported his schedule and the time he would return at night out of habit.

Song Beibei usually didn't speak, but Gu Yanqing insisted on saying it every day.

Just like three years ago.

And now, other than the two of them not sleeping in the same bed at night, the rest of the days were similar to three years ago.

The two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding. In these few days, each of them had their own thoughts, but they were living the days of the past.

Song Beibei felt that she could no longer indulge herself like this.

So, that night, before Gu Yanqing returned, she left without any warning.

She only greeted Auntie Feng and the others.

When Gu Yanqing returned home, he felt that everything that had happened three years ago had happened again.

She had evaporated like this again.

That kind of panic and fear swept over like the tide once again.

It was as if this period of time had only been a long dream.

And now, his dream had finally awakened.

After Song Beibei returned to the United States, she adjusted herself for two days.

It was as if everything had returned to normal life.

The life and death that she had experienced in the country, when she told Lu Huanzi about it, was still thrilling and still filled with lingering fear.

Lu Huanzi sighed and said, "why not take this opportunity to get back together? You still have him in your heart, not to mention... "

Song Beibei asked, "Huanzi, Mo Lichuan treated you so cruelly, do you still love him? ''

Lu Huanzi was stunned.

After a long while, she said, "I'm different from him and you. He's my brother-in-law, forever. "

"What Bullsh * T brother-in-law? If he really treats you as his sister, he will do such things that are worse than animals again and again. "

Song Beibei directly pulled up Lu Huanzi's sleeve. "Look at yourself. You've been tortured like this every time you go. He's a strong woman who commits crimes. "

However, Lu Huanzi smiled. "I'm already used to it. You know that I have no choice. "

Song Beibei finally sighed and said, "this is the result of repeating the same mistake. What does he rely on? Isn't it just that you two have a child? If Gu Yanqing finds out... ".

"I can't even imagine it. The past was too painful for me. Moreover, there's a group of Wolves, tigers, and leopards glaring at him. I'm tired, and I don't want to fight with them. I'm fine on my own. "

"But now, Gu Yanqing and Su Liangxiao both know that you're in America. Besides, didn't you say that Su Liangxiao already knew about your background? Aren't you afraid that they'll chase after you? "

Song Beibei said, "So, I plan to resign. "

Lu Huanzi said, "aren't you about to be promoted? It's not easy for you to get to where you are today. Isn't it a pity to give up just like that? "

Song Beibei lay down on the SOFA. "I don't know either, but I'm not afraid of anything. Moreover, if I really resign, I'll have to pay a high penalty for breaching the contract. You know, when I received the company's training back then, the contract I signed was very perverse. If I really resign, my work savings for the past few years will be gone. It's equivalent to working for a few years in vain. "

Lu Huanzi said, "you don't have to worry too much about the money. I still have a little bit of it. Coincidentally, I have an apartment in Switzerland. Why don't you go there and hide? "

Song Beibei quickly sat up. "Stop It. All these years, I've been living with you and eating with you. Although we're good sisters, I owe you enough. I've already given myself to you. If you help me again, I can only repay you with my life. "

Lu Huanzi didn't say anything else.

She understood Song Beibei. When she left Gu Yanqing, part of the reason was that she was anxious to be independent and didn't want to rely on anyone else to live.

This was her pride.

Lu Huanzi said, "then weigh it yourself. If you really have difficulties, you won't be able to hold on. "

Song Beibei was indeed in a dilemma.

Right now, she had a lot of burdens and responsibilities on her. Even if it was a job, she couldn't give it up just like that.

Back then, her contract had been signed in March.

It just so happened that it would expire in March this year.

Now, it was mid-january.

It still meant that there was still more than a month before the contract expired, so she would have to renew it.

If she chose to leave at that time, she wouldn't have to pay a high penalty for breaching the contract.

In the end, Song Beibei decided to wait until two months later to resign.

However, Song Beibei didn't expect to be promoted when she returned to the company.

Eri and Zhou Xingchen gave her all the credit for interviewing Gu Yanqing.

The Journal that interviewed Gu Yanqing was sold out, setting a company record.

The company even organized a Promotion Party for her.

Song Beibei had mixed feelings. She was both happy and sad.

She was happy that her salary had almost doubled and she even received a large bonus.

She was sad that the company had set up a branch in China and they actually wanted to send her to be the supervisor.

Song Beibei thought about it a lot.

In the end, she could only bear the pain and give up.

She spent the whole night writing a resignation letter and sending it to the boss's mailbox.

In the end, the next day, she was called to the president's office.

Song Beibei's boss was a Chinese, and he was very elusive. Song Beibei had only seen him once or twice during the annual meeting.

She had handed the resignation letter to the managing editor, but she did not expect that it would also alarm the big boss.

The big boss was very young, and he was a typical person who started from scratch.

Big Boss, big boss, big boss, big boss