
273. Why did this young Master Suddenly Act so coquettishly?

Machine Translation

Director Bai finally left, and Song Beibei walked him all the way to the main entrance.

Seeing that the car was far away, Song Beibei finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Director Bai's imagination was too rich.

After Song Beibei returned, she went to Gu Yanqing's room.

Gu Yanqing had just taken some painkillers, and now he looked a little better.

Song Beibei asked, "are you feeling better? "

Gu Yanqing nodded, "it doesn't hurt anymore. "

"Has Director Bai left? "

"Yes. "

Gu Yanqing said, "he's very skilled, but he's too long-winded. "

Song Beibei replied, "Yes. "

Song Beibei felt an inexplicable sense of awkwardness in the air.

Just then, Aunt Feng brought two bowls of ginger tea over.

She said, "drink the ginger tea quickly. In this weather, if you catch a cold, you'll suffer. "

Song Beibei took a bowl and gulped it down herself.

Then, she brought another bowl over to Gu Yanqing.

"drink some, don't catch a cold. "

Gu Yanqing frowned slightly. "I remember you used to hate drinking ginger tea the most. Asking you to drink a bowl was like asking for your life. "

Just now, she drank it so smoothly that she didn't even frown.

In the past, Song Beibei always had menstrual cramps.

At that time, Gu Yanqing would boil red dates and Ginger tea for her.

But forcing Song Beibei to drink it made her think of all eight treasures.

In the end, it might even cause a deep hatred.

Song Beibei smiled. "In the past, I was too insensible. When I was out, how could I be so delicate? "

Song Beibei was smiling when she said this.

However, the one who felt sad was Gu Yanqing.

He had once held her in his hands. Even if she was unwilling to eat, it was still a big deal. He had used all his efforts to pamper her and love her.

Sometimes, even Gu Yanqing had the confidence that Song Beibei could not leave him.

However, when she left him, she lived a normal life.

Only then did she realize that she could actually live well without him, or even better.

Gu Yanqing felt his heart ache.

He turned his face away from the Ginger tea. "I don't want to drink it. "

Song Beibei was depressed. She was fine just a moment ago.

Why did this young Master Suddenly Act so coquettishly?

But this scene was indeed an abnormal internship.

It was as though time had returned to many years ago.

Song Beibei finally understood how Gu Yanqing felt when she was capricious back then.

In the end, it was Song Beibei who patiently coaxed Gu Yanqing to finish a bowl of ginger tea.

Seeing that he was heavily injured and jumped into the water to save her life...

Gu Yanqing fell asleep later.

Song Beibei wasn't able to leave either.

She moved a chair beside the bed.

This was the condition for coaxing Gu Yanqing to drink the ginger tea.

Song Beibei had spent the whole day looking for the ring in the garden and was exhausted.

She leaned against the chair and dozed off.

She was extremely sleepy.

Gu Yanqing woke up after sleeping for a while and said to Song Beibei, "come and sleep on the bed. "

Song Beibei shook her head in a daze. "I'll sleep on the chair. "

Gu Yanqing actually reached out to pull her arm.

Song Beibei was simply too sleepy. She pulled half of her body and fell onto the bed.

Gu Yanqing's bed was big and soft. There was also a nice smell. Compared to the hard chair, it was like heaven and earth.

Song Beibei didn't resist anymore.

She climbed onto the bed herself.

Gu Yanqing even made a spot to the side.

Song Beibei fell asleep in a moment.

This sleep was very stable. It was as if the person who had a mountain on his back had finally let go of his burden. He slept until the end of time without even having a dream.

Even though he was asleep, he could still feel the familiar warmth.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in Gu Yanqing's arms.

Gu Yanqing's eyes were closed, and his breathing was even. It seemed that he was still not awake.

Song Beibei was dazed for a while, and then she wanted to get up.

However, she found that one of Gu Yanqing's arms was still on her waist, and one of his legs was on her leg.

Song Beibei did not dare to push Gu Yanqing.

She was afraid that if she pushed him, she would dislocate his bones.

Gu Yanqing was really weak now. He didn't even have the strength to hold a chicken.

Song Beibei didn't intend to bully him.

Song Beibei opened her eyes and looked at Gu Yanqing's sleeping face.

Gu Yanqing was very quiet when he slept, like a child.

The two of them were so close to each other that they could even smell each other's breath. Song Beibei looked at this face and felt her heart go soft.

After so many years, they were so close again.

Everything was so unreal.

The emotions that had been suppressed and buried were like weeds at the bottom of her heart.

Back then, when she had gone all out, a fire had burned them all up.

All that was left was the smoke of ashes.

But at this moment...

It was as if a spring rain had fallen.

When she looked back, she did not know when it had grown to this state.

Everything seemed to have reverted to its old state.

At the moment of drowning, Song Beibei saw Gu Yanqing's face.

She knew that the indifference that she had painstakingly built over the past three years was so fragile.

It turned out that Gu Yanqing was still the most vulnerable part of her heart.

Song Beibei felt a little hopeless.

But just like that, she lay in Gu Yanqing's arms.

Song Beibei felt as if she was soberly watching herself fall.

It was like a drug addiction. Even though she knew that this thing would end up in defeat, she still couldn't help but touch it.

Song Beibei closed her eyes again.

Just for a while, let me indulge myself for a while.

Song Beibei fell asleep again in Gu Yanqing's arms.

Until the ringing of her phone woke her up.

Song Beibei picked up the phone in a daze. It was actually Su Liangxiao.

Su Liangxiao's voice was deep, as if he was not very happy. "Song Beibei, why didn't you come over yesterday? "

Song Beibei's head was still a little drowsy.

However, she realized that Gu Yanqing had also been woken up.

He looked at her in a daze.

Fortunately, this phone call had resolved the awkwardness between them.

Song Beibei got up from the phone, tidied up her clothes, and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

When she came back from the phone, she found that Gu Yanqing had already put on his own clothes.

He was sitting neatly by the bed, staring at Song Beibei.

Song Beibei felt a chill run down her spine when she was stared at like that.

Gu Yanqing asked, "is that Su Liangxiao? "

Song Beibei acknowledged.

"Why is he looking for you? "

"It's nothing, " Song Beibei replied plainly. "I'm going out for a while. "

"You're going to the hospital? "

Song Beibei really admired Gu Yanqing's discernment.

Song Beibei said, "He's not used to the hospital's breakfast. I'll bring him some porridge. "

Song Beibei was about to leave when Gu Yanqing stopped her again. "wait a minute. "

Song Beibei turned around, and Gu Yanqing had already slowly walked up to her.

He stretched out a hand. "You said you wanted to return this to him. "

Song Beibei saw that the diamond ring was actually in Gu Yanqing's palm.

Song Beibei had always thought that it was still in the pool.

Because when she slid down to the bottom of the pool, she let go and lost the ring again.

Song Beibei didn't expect that Gu Yanqing would actually find the diamond ring when he pulled her up.

She couldn't tell what she was feeling.

Gu Yanqing said impatiently, "give someone else's things back quickly. "

Song Beibei took the diamond ring from Gu Yanqing's palm and said in a low voice, "thank you. "

Then she turned around and left.

Auntie Feng just happened to boil some shredded chicken porridge.

Song Beibei scooped a little and ran into the hospital.

Su Liangxiao could already get down.

He had two nurses to take care of him.

When Song Beibei reached the door, for some reason, Su Liangxiao was throwing a Tantrum at the nurses.

All of a sudden, he spoilt everything on the small dining table on the bed. "Get lost, get lost! "

The two nurses tidied up in fear.

Then, they planned to go out.

When they reached the door, they saw song Beibei as if she was their savior. "Miss Song, you're finally here. Mr. Su has been nagging for a day and a night. You haven't eaten anything, and you refuse to change your medicine. The doctors and nurses have no choice. "

Song Beibei frowned. "How could this be? Weren't you fine earlier? "

In Song Beibei's impression, Su Liangxiao didn't seem like a particularly willful person.

A nurse whispered, "last night, Mr. Su called you. I heard that it was a man who answered. After the call, Mr. Su almost dropped his phone, and then it became like this. "

Song Beibei was startled.

She didn't expect that Su Liangxiao had called her last night.

The man answered?

Could it be Gu Yanqing?

Song Beibei roughly knew what Su Liangxiao was up to.

Su Liangxiao and Gu Yanqing had always been at loggerheads with each other. Moreover, based on Song Beibei's understanding, once Gu Yanqing became vicious, no one could compare to him. He must have lost out verbally.

Song Beibei said, "you guys go and eat something first. Leave this to me. "