
264. We are only seeking wealth, not killing!


Song Beibei thought that the life of a rich man was indeed different from that of a commoner.

An ordinary family might not be able to earn 10 million yuan in their lifetime.

However, here, so many people were spending money like water for a stone.

She was not hating the rich, she was just lamenting.

After all, money used to be just a number to her.

Gu Yanqing bought a sports car worth over 10 million yuan. When she drove out, she also hit a few bumps on the road and did not feel the slightest bit of heartache.

However, she had to give up that glamorous and luxurious coat.

Song Beibei only felt that earning money was not easy.

However, not being rich did not mean that she was unhappy.

Song Beibei suddenly thought of an old Mister Qian Zhongshu's words: take a bath, look at a flower, and eat a meal. If you feel happy, it is not because the bath is clean, the flowers bloom well, or the dishes are to your liking It is mainly because you do not have any worries in your heart.

In fact, whether you are happy or not, it really has nothing to do with money. It has to do with your state of mind.

She had come to this realization by herself over the years.

Just as Song Beibei was immersed in her own thoughts, she suddenly felt her vision darken.

The lights in the entire hall suddenly went out

The venue was dark, and the crowd began to stir.

She did not know what had happened.

Then, she heard the sound of machine guns firing.

Then, the entire venue turned into a complete mess.

Screams, cries, and the sound of things breaking rose and fell.

Song Beibei immediately reacted.

Something happened!

"Don't move, none of you are allowed to leave! If anyone else leaves, I'll shoot them to death. "

Song Beibei couldn't hear clearly which robber had shouted.

But the scene was chaotic, and there was no way to control it.

Song Beibei had never encountered such a situation before.

Song Beibei heard Su Liangxiao's voice, "Beibei, quickly go, grab my hand. "

When Song Beibei reached out her hand, she was pushed aside by the crowd.

Song Beibei heard Su Liangxiao and Gu Yanqing shouting her name.

But the scene was too chaotic.

It was completely submerged in a moment.

Song Beibei wasn't at a loss.

But she had night blindness.

In such darkness, she couldn't see anything.

So, she could only stand still for a moment.

When she couldn't see, her hearing became abnormally sharp.

She could clearly hear the screams of the people around her, the pushing, the falling, and the shouts of the robbers.

She could even vaguely hear Gu Yanqing and Su Liangxiao shouting her name.

They seemed to be going in two different directions.

However, Song Beibei stood at the same spot, unable to move.

There seemed to be a lot of robbers.

That kind of cursing and yelling came from many directions. "shut the F * Ck Up and get down. If you run again, I'll shoot. "

Then there was another deafening shot.

Song Beibei could hear it. It sounded like a shot fired at the ceiling.

Because countless pieces of the lamp fell down.

Song Beibei also squatted down and held her head.

It was unrealistic to say that she was not afraid.

Especially when she could not see the reality clearly.

She did not feel safe at all.

Through the heavy gunshots, in the chaos, she only felt that her body was being pressed under someone.

She fell to the ground and was hugged by someone.

Then, she heard a heavy sound.

She only heard the muffled Groan of a man above her head.

Because the scene was too chaotic.

Song Beibei could not determine who that man was.

But she only felt that the man seemed to have been hit by a heavy object.

Because his body was sinking, but he still used all his strength to raise his arms to protect Song Beibei under his body.

He could only hear the sound of something smashing heavily on the ground, followed by the sound of countless glass shattering.

"Su Liangxiao, is that you? " Song Beibei tried to find something to grab

But she only caught the button of that person's shirt.

That person seemed to only be wearing a shirt, because she grabbed the sleeve of the shirt.

Then there was the sound of gunshots and the sound of robbers cursing.

Because of the God of guns, the venue suddenly became quiet.

Because the exit door had been sealed long ago, no one could escape.

Song Beibei felt her body become lighter and she was picked up by someone.

Then, she didn't know where she was sent.

Song Beibei tightly grabbed the hand of the person who was hugging her.

Her heart was filled with bitterness.

After a while, she was put down.

Then, that person left.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet. She didn't know where she was either.

Song Beibei wanted to call out to him, but she suddenly felt a bright light in front of her.

A blinding light.

Song Beibei narrowed her eyes.

Then, she finally saw her surroundings clearly.

It turned out that he had carried her to the small balcony just now.

There was a huge vase on the small balcony, and there was just enough room for one person to hide behind it.

And at this moment, Song Beibei was hidden behind that vase.

She finally understood why he wanted to leave.

Because there could only be one person hidden here.

Song Beibei was extremely sad.

She opened her palm, and inside was the cuff of her shirt.

It was the button of Gu Yanqing's shirt.

Actually, when Gu Yanqing hugged her later, she had already noticed it.

That familiar smell, that calm and collected manner that did not change even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, who else but Gu Yanqing was there.

It was a small balcony. The door in front of the balcony was closed, but perhaps because she was in a hurry, only half of the curtains were drawn.

It was just enough for Song Beibei to see what was happening inside.

A portion of the power had already been restored.

Song Beibei saw about a dozen robbers with guns in their hands.

Those people were all wearing black hoods, only revealing two eyes, and they looked fierce and evil.

The scene had already quieted down.

Almost all the guests were hiding in every corner, shivering.

There were the suppressed cries of women.

Song Beibei searched quickly and saw Su Liangxiao and Gu Yanqing.

The two of them were almost standing together.

They were standing in front of a group of women hiding in a corner.

They looked like two guardians.

Song Beibei saw their expressions.

Or rather, they were both expressionless at the moment.

Of course, there were also many men standing with them.

But no one was as calm as the two of them.

Song Beibei heard the leader of the robbers walking back and forth with a gun in his hand He said in a strange tone, "don't be afraid, everyone. We're just trying to make money, not kill you. As long as you cooperate, we can guarantee that you'll be able to go home and sleep alive today. But if anyone dares to not cooperate, they'll end up like that foreign devil. "

The foreign devil that the gangster was talking about was the British auctioneer who was presiding over the auction.

This was because all the jewelry here was auctioned in a transparent glass safe.

The glass was bulletproof. Without the password, it would automatically explode if it was forcefully destroyed by the outside world.

Just now, the gangster asked the auctioneer for the password.

The auctioneer refused to give it up.

He let the group of crazy people throw it from the top of their heads.

There were also a few people in the venue who were hit by stray bullets.

The ground was covered in blood.

The robbers were obviously well-prepared.

They brought an electronics expert to crack the password of the safe.

There were three safes in total.

They had already cracked two.

The leader of the robbers held the jewelry in his hand and laughed loudly He said, "everyone, don't be afraid. We will leave immediately. As long as you are obedient. "Don't play any tricks on me. The armed police and security guards outside have long been blown up by us. No one can save you. However, as long as you are willing to cooperate, your lives will not be in danger. "

Over a hundred people gathered together. It was very quiet.

Only the faint cries of pressure could be heard.

The last treasure, the "blue of the deep sea" , had finally been cracked successfully.

After taking the item from the robber leader, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

They only hoped that these robbers were really after money. After taking the item, they quickly left.

A dozen armed robbers all gathered together.

One of them said: "Big Brother, the things are in hand, Ah Yung's helicopter is waiting up there, let's go quickly. "

The leader suddenly said, "wait a minute. "

Then said to all the people: "I heard that the guests here today, there is a wife with priceless jewelry called Pink Star, which is the wife? "

The gangster's tone of voice is very strange, a bit perverted, like a viper, ready to go crazy bite people.

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Today, it's the third watch of the night

creators' thoughts