
265. Your life is worth 10 million US dollars. You can only blame the little girl for offending someone

Machine Translation

The venue was still silent.

The bandit leader asked again, "which lady has the PINK STAR? "

Song Beibei clenched her fists tightly outside.

At this moment, she was really using the camera function of her phone to record all the scenes inside.

She had already called the police earlier.

She was wearing a small gown, her phone was in her bag, and her bag was in the guest's storage room, so she didn't have a phone at all.

The phone in her hand was the one that Gu Yanqing had stuffed into her palm before he left.

It was Gu Yanqing's phone.

Song Beibei had already called the police when she received the phone. Because she didn't dare to speak, she only sent a message and reported the situation.

Probably out of instinct as a reporter, Song Beibei had been using her phone outside to record the situation inside.

It wasn't until she heard the words 'Pink Star' .

Song Beibei looked at the necklace around her neck.

She immediately made a decision and hid the phone under the vase.

Just as she hid the phone, she heard the gangster inside shouting, "No one came out? Do you want me to ask them one by one? "

A voice suddenly came out from the crowd, "Mrs. Su brought the pink star today. "

Su Liangxiao and Gu Yanqing's brows turned cold at the same time.

The woman in the crowd said with a sobbing tone, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but my husband was shot. He needs to go to the hospital quickly and let everything end quickly. Mr. Su, I'm sorry. "

Su Liangxiao only glanced at that man.

Then, he turned around and saw that the gangster was already in front of Su Liangxiao. "The one with the star of hope is your wife. Where is she? "

Su Liangxiao replied calmly, "it was so chaotic just now. I don't know where she is. "

"Are you playing games with me? " As he said that, the gangster took the barrel of the gun and stabbed Su Liangxiao in the stomach.

Su Liangxiao was in so much pain that he bent down.

Song Beibei was about to go out when she saw Su Liangxiao and Gu Yanqing shaking their heads in her direction at the same time, indicating that she could not go out.

Song Beibei was a little hesitant.

The gangster suddenly fired another shot at the sky. "F * Ck, I'm going to count to three. If Mrs. Su Still doesn't come out, I'll shoot Mr. Su. "

"Stop Counting, I'm coming out. "

Song Beibei pulled open the glass door of the balcony and walked in gracefully.

Everyone's gaze was almost focused on her.

The leader of the gangsters looked at Song Beibei. "You're Mrs. Su, where's the pink star? "

Song Beibei had already taken off the necklace and held it in her hand. "This is what you want. After you take it away, hurry up and leave. The commotion here is so big that it's hard to guarantee that the police won't come over later. When that happens, you won't be able to leave even if you want to. "

Song Beibei had just weighed the pros and cons.

This pink star wasn't hers, and Su Liangxiao had spent more than eighty million dollars to bid for it.

If she really lost it in her hands, she wouldn't be able to afford it for the rest of her life.

But compared to the lives of everyone present, Song Beibei felt that it was just a lifeless rock.

Under such circumstances, she could only hand it over.

That person directly snatched the pink star over.

Someone at the side, who had been holding onto a window, suddenly shouted at the group of bandits, "big brother, let's go, the cops are here. "

That bandit said, "go to the rooftop and take this woman with you. "

A few people at the side suddenly clamped onto Song Beibei's arm.

Song Beibei didn't know what was going on, "let go of me, let go of me. "

Gu Yanqing and Su Liangxiao stopped the bandit leader at the same time. Su Liangxiao said, "you've already gotten what you want, why are you still bringing people? "

The man roared, "I've taken a liking to her. "

Gu Yanqing took a step forward. "Let her go. Give me an account. I'll give you any amount you want. "

The leader of the bandits laughed and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? Giving you an account is not exposing my identity. I don't want money today. I want people. Get lost, the two of you. Otherwise, don't blame me for starting a massacre. "

The bandits in front shouted loudly, "big brother, hurry up and leave. The Flying Tiger team is here. "

Gu Yanqing and Su Liangxiao looked at each other and did not make any further movements.

Song Beibei was pushed to the rooftop by a few people.

There were two helicopters there.

The helicopter's rotor blades spun rapidly, creating gusts of strong wind on the rooftop.

Song Beibei was pushed forward by a few people.

She had no idea what would happen next.

But the only thing Song Beibei knew was that she couldn't get on the plane.

Once she got on the plane, she would be finished.

Who were these people?

They were desperadoes, robbers, and murderers.

They were all burly men.

Why did they kidnap her Song Beibei understood.

Song Beibei would rather die than follow this group of people.

Song Beibei kicked, tore, and bit, trying her best not to move forward.

Finally, she bit off the thumb of one of the outlaws.

That person used all his strength to get used to the ground. "Bitch, you actually bit me! "

The leader of the outlaws ran over. "What's going on? "

"Big Brother, this chick is too difficult to deal with. She just won't get on the plane. If she keeps delaying like this, the cops will probably get on soon. "

The leader of the bandits thought for a while and said, "then let's just shoot her. "

Song Beibei was stunned.

She already knew that these people were devils who killed without batting an eye.

However, when she heard them say it so lightly, she still felt a chill in her heart.

Song Beibei got up and wanted to escape.

But it was already too late.

The leader was already walking over with a gun in his hand.

Song Beibei said, "didn't you guys want money but not your lives? Don't kill me. I can give you any amount of money you want. "

That person said, "your life is worth 10 million US dollars. I originally wanted to bring you back to let my brothers have a good time and let you live for a few more days. Since you aren't willing to listen obediently, I can only take your life now. Don't blame me, blame the little girl for offending someone. "

The wind was too loud, so song Beibei couldn't hear it clearly.

But looking at the black muzzle of the gun, the fear in her heart still arose.

She didn't want to die, and she couldn't die either. She still wanted to return to the United States.

But it was too late. Everything was too late.

Song Beibei watched helplessly as that person pulled the trigger.

Song Beibei didn't have the time to close her eyes.

She only felt two black shadows flash before her eyes.

A black shadow was firmly blocking her body.

She only felt a heavy force and the man's muffled Groan.

Song Beibei didn't know what had happened at all.

The other black shadow was like a ghost. It had already kicked the bandit's leg and snatched the gun. It pointed at the bandit's head and said, "don't move, or don't blame me for cleaning the gun. "

Everything happened too quickly. Song Beibei was stunned for three seconds before she finally understood what had happened.

It turned out that the two black shadows were Gu Yanqing and Su Liangxiao.

There was a glass room behind Song Beibei, and there were stairs leading to the rooftop.

The two of them jumped out directly from inside, as if they had descended from the sky.

Su Liangxiao was the first to come out.

His first reaction was to jump down and use his body to protect Song Beibei.

Meanwhile, Gu Yanqing attacked the bandit leader with lightning speed and snatched the gun. Now, he pointed it steadily at the bandit leader's Temple.

After being stunned for three seconds, Song Beibei suddenly cried out, "Su Liangxiao, Su Liangxiao, wake up. "

Su Liangxiao had just jumped down to protect him, but he was shot in the back.

His coat had been taken off.

He was wearing a white shirt.

The white shirt was now stained with a large amount of blood.

Under the moonlight, the bright red color was shocking.

Gu Yanqing held the bandit leader's hand with the back of his hand and pressed his leg against his blanket. The bandit leader was practically pinned to the ground by Gu Yanqing, unable to move.

Meanwhile, those armed bandits had already surrounded them.

Gu Yanqing's cold and furious roar resounded through the skies, "throw away your guns, or I'll kill him. "

Those people looked at each other, but did not move.

Gu Yanqing was already prepared to pull the trigger.

The bandit leader who was pinned to the ground shouted, "throw away your fucking guns, do you want to see me die? "

Those people hesitated for a moment, but in the end, they still threw away their guns.

The bandit leader's voice had already changed. "This gentleman is very skilled. Why don't we make a deal? You can't defeat more than ten of US alone. If you kill me, the three of you won't be able to survive either. Now that the police are about to come up, you can let us live. Let us get on the plane, and we won't hurt you. What do you think? "

Gu Yanqing said crisply, "okay. "

As he said that, he picked up the man, but he still held the gun to control him.

Su Liangxiao had already lost too much blood and fainted.

Song Beibei hugged him in her arms and stopped the bleeding. "Fox, Fox Su, you can't be hurt. I'll take you to the hospital immediately. You'll be fine. "

The bleeding could not be stopped at all.

Moreover, Song Beibei was not sure if she had injured any vital parts. She was anxious.