
A Bizarre Encounter

Jotaro kujo didn't expect any aliens to fall into his life literally.

Garrett_Stutz · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Tower Of Grey

As they approached the airport, familiar sounds filled their ears, the bustling of travelers and the announcement of departing flights. Tora, Shugesh, Borgos, Zorn, Bardock, Nappa, Paragus, Beets, Leek, Joseph, Jotaro, Fasha, Kakyoin, Avdol, Sadao, Polnareff, and Taro walked together, their steps filled with purpose, towards their designated terminal.

Nappa, ever curious, couldn't help but express his awe. "So this is what an airport looks like," he exclaimed, momentarily dropping his suitcases as he took in the surroundings. Fasha, sharing his sentiment, voiced her own question. "Why couldn't we fly on our own?" she asked. "A bit small if you ask me." said Bardock as all of them were slouching down. "The Japanese population is really short," said bardock.

Avdol, wise and cautious, offered an explanation. "We don't want Dio to know our surprise," he said with a knowing smile. The group understood the importance of keeping their plans concealed, their resolve unwavering. With an hour until their departure, they found themselves with time to spare.

Jotaro, taking the lead, beckoned Fasha to join him as they walked towards the airport amusement park. Polnareff, pausing at the entrance, couldn't resist sharing his dream. "When I get rich, I'm going to build an amusement park and call it Polnareff Land," he declared with a twinkle in his eye.

Jotaro guided Fasha through the vibrant park, showing her the thrills and delights of each ride. Laughter filled the air as they shared in the joy of the moment, momentarily escaping the weight of their mission.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew scattered, exploring the airport terminal, exchanging stories, and eagerly anticipating their upcoming flight. Excitement buzzed in the air, blending with the sound of rolling suitcases and the distant hum of aircraft engines.

As they gathered near their departure gate, Bardock and the others found solace in each other's presence. The bonds they had forged throughout their journey grew stronger with every shared experience and every challenge overcome.

As their flight announcement approached, the crew gathered their belongings and prepared to board the plane. Their hearts beat with a mix of determination and hope, their mission to stop Dio driving them forward. United by their shared purpose, they entered the aircraft, ready to face the challenges that awaited them.

Inside the plane, they found their seats in the coach section. Among the passengers, they noticed a peculiar old man with a distinctive appearance—a horseshoe hairstyle, a thick mustache, and a stag beetle imprint on his unusually long tongue. He wore simple attire, consisting of a plain shirt, a sweater vest, and dark pants, which added to his peculiar look. Oblivious to the fact that he was an enemy stand user, the group settled in without suspecting any danger.

After a few hours into the flight, Jotaro and Fasha found themselves captivated by a movie playing on the screen in the aisle. Fasha was engrossed in the unfolding story, while Jotaro, exhausted, had dozed off, his arm protectively draped over Fasha's shoulder as they leaned against the window.

Meanwhile, Joseph, Leek, Nappa, Paragus, and Bardock struck up conversations with the local passengers, exchanging stories and experiences. Avdol, attempting to rest, was abruptly awakened by a stray beetle buzzing near his face. Irritated, he swatted it away before settling back into his seat, unaware of the insect's eventual destination.

The beetle, now hovering near Shugesh, who was enjoying a sandwich, began circling around him. Unbeknownst to Shugesh, the insect inadvertently became trapped between two slices of bread as he took a bite. Oblivious to the beetle's fate, Shugesh relished the flavors of Earth food, savoring the first bite with delight.

Suddenly, a scream erupted from one of the passengers, drawing everyone's attention. To their shock, they discovered that the old man had passed away during the flight. Unaware of the true cause, Shugesh could only ponder the deliciousness of the sandwich's first bite, oblivious to the consequences of his unwitting meal.

As the flight continued, a new danger emerged when one of the plane's engines malfunctioned, posing an immediate threat. The pilots swiftly made a decision to land on the coast of Hong Kong, prioritizing the safety of all on board. The plane touched down, its passengers relieved to have escaped the potential disaster unscathed.

As they stepped off the plane onto the solid ground of Hong Kong, the crew took a moment to collect themselves. They were tired from the long journey and needed a moment to recharge. Seeking nourishment, they decided to head to a local restaurant and order some food.

While savoring their meals, Joseph voiced his concerns about their next steps. "We need to work out a plan that'll get us to Egypt as safely and quickly as possible," he said, looking at the group. Avdol immediately chimed in, emphasizing the importance of avoiding harm to innocent civilians. "Mr. Joestar, we cannot allow any more close calls like the airplane engine incident. Traveling by plane is out of the question," he explained. Sadao agreed, highlighting the potential disasters they could cause if they encountered another accident or a stand user along the way.

Joseph nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We'll have to consider other means of transportation, be it on land or by sea," he stated, thinking aloud. Avdol raised a valid concern about the time constraint they were under. "But if we don't find Dio within fifty days..." he trailed off, the weight of the situation sinking in. The group shared a moment of understanding, realizing the urgency of their mission.

Kakyoin broke the silence, acknowledging the missed opportunity of staying on the plane. "If we could have stayed on the plane, we would be in Cairo right now," he remarked, a tinge of regret in his voice. Joseph reassured them, "I'm well aware of that, but it's too soon to panic. We'll find a way." Everyone listened intently, intrigued by Joseph's words.

Drawing inspiration from a classic literary adventure, Joseph reached into his pocket and pulled out a map. "A hundred years ago, Jules Verne wrote the novel 'Around the World in 80 Days.' That's a journey of 40,000 kilometers, and they did it without a plane, relying on steam engines and steamboats," he explained, laying the map across the table. "Even without a plane, in fifty days, we can easily cover the 10,000 kilometers to Egypt."

Joseph used his finger to trace a line from Hong Kong down the coast, suggesting a sea route. "I say we go by sea. We can charter a decent-sized boat and circumvent the Malay Peninsula to the Indian Ocean. It'll be like a Silk Road of the sea," he proposed, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. Avdol agreed, recognizing the potential troubles of crossing borders and the challenges they could face while crossing the Himalayas and the desert.

Kakyoin, realizing his lack of experience with either route, deferred to Joseph and Avdol. Polnareff and Jotaro admitted their own unfamiliarity with the routes as well. Sadao aligned himself with Polnareff's opinion. The Saiyans, being newcomers to Earth, trusted Kakyoin's judgment, and thus, the group agreed on the sea route.

"Then it is decided. The greatest danger that lies ahead is the stand users sent by DIO. The question is, how do we sneak into Egypt undetected?" Joseph pondered aloud. Kakyoin, noticing Jotaro's arm snuggled by Fasha, decided to share a moment of levity. He grabbed the teapot and removed its top, capturing Jotaro's attention. "This is how you signal that you want more tea," Kakyoin explained, laughing playfully. "In Hong Kong, you place the teapot lid like this," he demonstrated, putting the lid on the edge of the opening. "And they'll bring you more." A waitress approached the table, filling Kakyoin's tea cup with a warm smile. "When they've poured your tea," Kakyoin tapped the table twice, "this means 'thank you'," he explained, his smile widening. The group observed this simple exchange, amused by the cultural nuances they were learning during their journey.

As the group settled into the local restaurant, they found themselves confronted with menus written in unfamiliar characters. Polnareff, perplexed by the symbols, sought assistance. "How do you read these menus? I need help understanding these characters," he admitted, showing his menu to the others.

Joseph, having some experience in Hong Kong, offered his assistance. "I've been to Hong Kong before and managed to read the menu, at least," he assured them, taking Polnareff's menu and flipping it open. He perused the options, contemplating his choices. "What sounds good? How about some shrimp, duck, shark fin, and something with mushrooms?" he mused to himself, raising his hand to catch the waiter's attention.

A waiter promptly approached their table, ready to take their orders. Joseph, without consulting the others, confidently placed the order. "We'll have this, this, this, and this too," he informed the waiter, leaving the rest of the group looking at him questioningly. Just as the silence threatened to linger, Fasha raised her hand, interrupting the moment.

"Is there a buffet nearby? I and my friends are interested in trying it out," Fasha inquired, gesturing towards the Saiyans who eagerly nodded in agreement. The waiter nodded and pointed them in the direction of the buffet, and with that, the Saiyans and Jotaro left the table in search of their next feast.

Soon, the ordered dishes began to arrive, but to everyone's surprise, the plates presented to them contained a variety of unconventional and unexpected items. Roasted frog, rice oatmeal clam dish, and stewed fish adorned the plates, leaving the group dumbfounded. Kakyoin was the first to voice his confusion. "This doesn't look like the food we ordered," he remarked, studying the unfamiliar dishes in front of them.

Joseph, always quick to improvise, tried to alleviate the situation with a light-hearted approach. "Well, it doesn't matter. It's on me, boys! Regardless of what you ordered, what matters is that it's delicious!" he chuckled nervously, scooping up some dishes onto his plate, attempting to set a positive example for the rest.

Meanwhile, the Saiyans and Jotaro returned from the buffet, carrying plates filled with pork dumplings, white rice, and various other dishes. Shugesh, noticing the perplexed expressions on the faces of Polnareff, Avdol, and Kakyoin, looked at them curiously. "What's wrong? Are you not going to eat that?" he asked innocently, his appetite seemingly insatiable.

The trio shook their heads, realizing that there had been a mix-up with their orders. They got up from the table, joining the Saiyans and Jotaro at the buffet, eager to rectify the situation. Joseph, already satisfied with his unconventional meal, watched as they filled their plates once again, enjoying the abundant choices before them.

The Saiyans, in particular, displayed their immense appetites, piling up plates upon plates as if there was no tomorrow. The group watched in amazement as the Saiyans and Jotaro indulged in their feast. However, despite their best efforts, the buffet's offerings proved insufficient to satisfy the Saiyans' seemingly bottomless hunger.

In the midst of their indulgence, the buffet eventually ran out of food. The staff hurriedly refilled the empty spots with freshly prepared dishes, trying to keep up with the voracious appetites. Jotaro, having witnessed this before, was not entirely surprised. However, Joseph, Polnareff, Kakyoin, and Avdol, their eyes widening in astonishment as the Saiyans grabbed an impressive number of plates each. Joseph's eyes widened in shock as the owner of the restaurant approached him with the bill.

Joseph's eyes widened as he took in the extensive bill presented by the restaurant owner. The cashier printed out a receipt that seemed to stretch on for an impressive six feet. "Oh no," Joseph muttered under his breath, his mind quickly calculating the total cost.

Feeling a mix of satisfaction from the delicious but unexpected meal and guilt for the owner's dismay, the group left the restaurant behind. As they exited, they noticed that the restaurant had closed its doors, leaving them as the last customers of the night.

As they walked over to the dock behind the restaurant, enjoying the scenic view of the ocean, two girls approached them with excitement evident on their faces. "Excuse me," one of the girls said, her voice filled with anticipation, "would you mind taking our picture?" She pushed a camera toward Jotaro, The girls exchanged knowing glances, their intentions hidden beneath playful smiles. "He's so cute," one of them thought, finding this interaction as a perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation.

Jotaro, being the Stoic and reserved individual he was, initially hesitated. However, Fasha, sensing the flirtatious atmosphere, felt a surge of jealousy bubbling inside her. Sensing the tension, Polnareff, always quick to seize an opportunity, intervened. "How about I take your picture?" he suggested, gently pushing Jotaro aside.

With a charismatic smile, Polnareff led the girls closer to the water, placing his arms around one of their backs in a friendly manner. "We'll make sure to capture your best angle," he assured them, his playful nature shining through. "You have very nice legs," he complimented, making the girls blush and giggle.

Polnareff eagerly snapped pictures, capturing their joyful expressions against the picturesque backdrop. "Ooh, that's a good one! And another, just in case," he exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious. "Tres bien!" he added, satisfied with the shots he had taken.

Feeling the excitement of the moment, Polnareff couldn't resist adding a flirtatious touch to his interaction. "If only I could take your heart instead of your picture!" he exclaimed, playfully teasing the girls, his words filled with joy and a hint of mischief.

The girls blushed even more, flattered by Polnareff's attention and charm. "Thank you so much!" they chimed in unison, grateful for the memorable experience. They bid farewell to the group, their hearts fluttering as they walked away, cherishing the photographs and the encounter.

As Polnareff rejoined his companions, they exchanged amused glances, recognizing his penchant for attracting attention. "Smooth moves, Polnareff," Joseph chuckled, patting his friend on the back. Polnareff beamed, proud of his ability to make the most of any situation.

With the encounter behind them, the group continued their walk along the dock, the sounds of the ocean providing a soothing soundtrack to their journey. They laughed and shared stories, appreciating the lighthearted moments that brought them closer together.