
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Bücher und Literatur
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1207 Chs

Summer Day

Upon their return home from their meeting at Gringotts, their grandfather did not press with lessons but rather allowed them a few days to their own devices before their lessons would resume. Severus and Rowan spent the morning and early afternoon with Rodrigo and Laldey in the nursery or solely Rodrigo on the grounds (since Tadbey would take Laldey on father-and-son excursions). 

A warm afternoon Severus held the little pudgy, pale hand of Rodrigo. They led the little boy across the large green lawns, past the ever-changing maze, and the beautiful gardens towards the back of the manor. In the shaded woodland, the little boy gaped at butterflies and other magical creatures fluttering through the woodland.

Rodrigo happily let out a cry of appreciation, "Pwetty!" He loudly giggles upon spotting electric blue pixies and zooming about fairies. 

Following the pair of boys, Rowan carries a large picnic basket along with a bag filled with towels, a change of clothes, toys, and other objects a small child might need. She ignores the mischievous pixies and fairies darting through the air. Though her dislike of fairies hasn't wilted, she wasn't about to smack them away in front of a toddler. 

That and well, the pixies nor fairies were approaching her as they did in the past. They were hovering high overhead rather than approaching Rowan. It was strange, but Rowan did not dwell on it as she was rather pleased not to be approached by the pixies or fairies. 

  As they walk Rowan studies Rodrigo from behind watching Severus care for the little boy, who had not long ago turned three. Rodrigo's dark hair is longer pulled back with a blue ribbon since Rodrigo wanted his hair just like Sev! His cheeks are sharp, and his nose is long and straight. In some ways, Rodrigo greatly resembled Severus when they were younger. Rodrigo is much stouter and broader-shouldered than Severus ever was at that age, but the family resemblance is undeniable. 

After a walk through the woods, they arrive at the creek and make sure to take Rodrigo to a shallow end of the creek. Even then they will have to take care as young children can even drown in an inch or two of water. That and well the deeper end of the creek hides dangerous magical creatures. It is safer to stay in the shallow end.

They sit down on a large flat stone to remove their socks and shoes. They make sure to change Rodrigo into a Victorian ear swimwear style. A long blue and white striped shirt that reached his thighs with a pair of matching striped shorts that just went past his knees.

Rodrigo fusses at the start but stops with the promise of wading in the water. Rowan and Severus stand on either side of Rodrigo and hold his hand. They lead Rodrigo into the cool water causing Rodrigo to shriek in surprise and delight. Very quickly the little boy begins to play and splash the water.

As a result, Rowan and Severus get drenched, but Rowan maintains a rather blank face the entire time. Eventually Rodrigo tires and they retire to play at the edge of the creek next to the bank. Rodrigo happily makes mud pies before darting into the stream to pick out pretty rocks. Toddlers can have a very short attention span.

Rowan doesn't care about rock hunting and instead, she dries her clothing while keeping an eye on Rodrigo. Not long after Rodrigo spots a very round fish in the water. The round fish approaches and nibbles at his toes causing him to squeal. Hearing his cry, Rowan and Severus startle and jump into the stream.

Not hearing any sounds Rowan and Severus slow down only to see a pufferfish with two tiny legs nibbling at Rodrigo's toes. "Ah, it's a plimpy," Rowan instantly said recognizing the creature from the previous summers (and Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them).

"Plim-pee?" Rodrigo cocked his head in question.

Yes, they are a type of magical creature," Rowan patiently explained reaching into the water to tug the fish out of the water. With ease, she ties the Plimpy's legs and tosses it back into the water. It wouldn't harm the Plimpy but stop it from coming back to nibble on toes.

Rodrigo looks rather wide-eyed at Rowan's actions as if uncertain of what to make of it. "Row hurt fish?" Rodrigo asked in a quivering voice with a trembling lip.

"No, it's a game," Rowan instantly lied not wanting to deal with a crying toddler.

Rodrigo looks rather unconvinced, but Severus persuasively speaks up before Rodrigo begins to cry. "Well, I am famished, how about we enjoy our lunch?"

"Yummy food!" Rodrigo excitedly shouted and allowed himself to be led out of the water.

Rowan and Severus cast a cleaning charm on the little boy, before drying him. Rodrigo pouts in a sulk but doesn't fuss. Quickly Rowan and Severus spread out a picnic blanket and begin to pull out the delicious goodies from the picnic basket. Sandwiches, tarts, egg and potato salad, an assortment of cookies, and cool bottled drinks of juice and lemonade. 

Severus tucks a bib around Rodrigo, before handing the impatient little boy a sandwich. Rodrigo takes a great big bite and chews. His little face brightens with hunger. "Yummy!" He exclaimed.

With Rodrigo old enough to eat by myself, (not that he wouldn't make a mess), Rowan and Severus also begin to dig in. Between the three of them, they managed to eat most of the contents of the picnic basket. After eating Rodrigo is not yet tuckered out.

Sensing that Rodrigo still has energy, they decide an adventure through the woods is more prudent. Rowan and Severus clean up after themselves before Severus picks up the toddler in his arms. Rowan carries the basket back as they make their way out of the woods.

They stop several times to show Rodrigo things and set him down to explore safe areas. One of the areas is filled with tiny, green stick-like creatures, Bowtruckle's, who shyly peek at them between the leaves of the trees. 

Rowan extends her hand, but the bowtruckle's don't come as readily as they did before. She can feel a clear difference, her connection to Earth has greatly weakened. Yet even with her weakened power one or two bowtruckle's approached. She carefully stretched out her for them to climb into her palm. 

Rodrigo excitedly reaches up for the bowtruckle's, but Rowan does not let him touch them. A toddler is not exactly gentle and bowtruckle's are shy creatures to begin with. She carefully sets them back as Severus with nostalgia recalls his envy in his formative years.

Rodrigo looked just about ready to cry, but Rowan pulled out an emergency sweet out of her pocket for just such an occasion. The toddler's eyes greedily eye the colored foil and eagerly reach for it. Severus sends Rowan a pointed look, but Rowan shows no shame as Rodrigo happily removes the foil to eat a Honeyduke's chocolate drop.

Moving along, they continue their walk until Rodrigo begins to fall behind. Sensing the toddler is finally tuckered out and ready for his afternoon nap, Severus bends down to grab the little boy and carry him back. Yawning loudly Rodrigo tiredly tucks his head under Severus' chin to rest.

Emerging out of the cool woodland into the startling warm light, Rowan and Severus cross the lawn hurriedly as the heat of the day has yet to wane. They hurry inside and sigh in relief when they reach the cool air of Prince Manor. 

Waiting for them inside is Aunt Georgine with a light shawl wrapped hanging on her. Spotting her child, a gentle smile appears as she extends her arms to take sleepy Rodrigo from Severus's arms. "Was Rodrigo any trouble?" She asked.

"Not at all," Severus sincerely replied while Rowan kept a poker face.

Georgine pressed a kiss to the top of Rodrigo's face causing him to wrinkle his little nose at his mommie. She loudly laughs at the expression on her child's face. "In that case, I shall take my leave. I have a child to tuck in," Georgine said before Rodrigo could throw a fit.

Severus barely suppresses a yawn himself. "I could go for a nap too," he readily admitted. 

"Well, we have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves," Rowan stretched her neck to the side. "You might as well rest since we will be starting training again in a day or two."

"True enough," Severus loudly yawned unable to suppress the yawn.

Naturally, Rowan loudly yawned as a result causing her to scowl at Severus. "Here return this to the kitchen," she said in petty revenge shoving the picnic basket into Severus's hands. Before Severus has a chance to protest, Rowan flees at full speed.

Severus grumbles but does as he is told. What could he do? Rowan had outplayed him. But mark his words, he would be sure to return the favor!

Alright, the plan is to resume posting a chapter again every 7 days as before! I am back! :) WOOT!

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