
Meeting A Handsome:

I am Rose...Now I am transferred to a new city..its nearly hard for me to adapt to it....Its my first day for the university "The Miraculous University."I am really very nervous today without my friends around...I hope everything goes well. ✌️✌️✌️I always hope to lead a simple and peaceful life ....But I never thought a simple transfer ....really transfers my life.... "ME BEING HERE FEELS LIKE SOME KIND OF STUDENT ROMANCE NOVEL" I just lost MY WAY to the class on my first day. "WHO SUGGEST TO BUILT THE UNIVERSITY LIKE A MAZE....ITS REALLY TOO TOOO VAST AND LARGE AND EVERY CORNER SEEMS TO BE THE SAME!!!!!! To top it all, I AM A GIRL WITH POOR DIRECTIONS!!!! how can I find my way???.Is the owner that rich??? building such a huge college ,as it can cover my whole village... really he must be a crazy lavish money spender." Rose mumbled these words as she was walking around.Suddenly she realised someone was standing behind her back and was hearing her bullshits and giggling. When she was about to turn she dashed into the strangers ' broad chest..She really feels so warm and rock solid. A perfect example for a workout body.She regained her senses and pushed him away....."I am sorry,brother.I didn't do that on purpose.."He just smiled at gently and looked through some papers ,which he was holding in his hands .He was so handsome,with long eyelashes,a warm smile with gentle and calm appearance.He looked at her and said,"My name is Kaio,I am the student Union Vice president,I hope u must be Rose... and U have to complete the admission procedure..so please get all your student passes in the administration...off..ice.. "before he completes a voice interrupted.It was a girl,"Vice President ,the principal REQUESTED UR PRESENCE ABOUT FRESHERMAN'S meeting. and it's urgent.,... Planning team made a mess!!!" 'He turned towards me and said,Sorry I ought to go now... Just walk straight and turn left u'll find the office to complete the procedure. Hope we'll meet again.." saying he walked . principal office. And Rose walked at the direction,Kaio mentioned. Suddenly a girl ( only God knows where.....),came out and stood in front of her and blabbered ,"Vice president is always a friendly type....so don't get the wrong idea about him!!!! Don't ever dream to love him and fall for him!!!!Mind ur place ur bitch!!" Rose remained puzzled and stunned.She thought the girl lost it .After finishing her warning ,the strange girl went off her way.Rose thought,"ARE THESE PEOPLE HERE CRAZY???? SUDDENLY WARNING SOMEONE NOT TO FALL IN LOVE AND CALLNG THEM BITCHES!!!!! I FEEL LIKE I TRANSMITIGATED INTO SOME SORTA HUNK NO1 NOVEL!!!!!"