

Hai...My name is JULIET.My motto is to enjoy life and wait for my prince charming ROMEO and live a happily ever after life.😍😍😍Of course life is not just a bed of roses...and full of surprises.Hey!!!!u may think now I am the story's beautiful heroine....

SORRY to disappoint u...😜😜😜since our heroine is a cold face calm girl...I am supposed to introduce her....Her name is Rose.She will be pretty whenever she smiles,but she never smiles.She has fierce eyes,but hate to fight others and make herself a joke.So often everyone used to pick up a fight with her .....To rescue her there is always a crazy person,his name is Oliver...my naughty cousin.He is good at everything.He'll do work beyond perfectness. He seems to be like a hero out of some kinda BOSSY NOVEL.Hot and cool guy,but always support Rose nomatter what.I often wonder "AM I HIS COUSIN OR ROSE???" And my hobby is always bickering him. But still we hang out pretty often. We guys were friends from childhood and we live happily in a small rural area.Until a day comes, when Rose was transferred to a city full of modern things....And everything gradually changes , even though its just few days after she transfers,I miss her badly..the cold face of her.😭😭😭😭😖

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