
It All Started

It all started. A dark figure sitting at the rooftop of a tall building, about 14 storeys tall, down of that building is filled with life, and lights, Tens of cars and pedestrian passing through, but that tall building was completely void and at the top of that building a little star light reflects, and that dark figure became a bit visible, a boy, about 17 sitting at the rooftop, his eyes filled with tears and regrets and his cloths covered in blood, he stood up slowly and walked to the edge of that building, wiping his tears, Zac glared at the road like he was expecting something, waiting impatiently for it to come and when the road becomes a bit free, he turned around then spread his arms wild, at that moment he recalled himself standing in a puddle of blood with dead bodies staring back at him, slowly he lets himself fall from that tall building. As he falls too close to the ground he blacked out and slowly regains consciousness, with his sights blurry he notice a male figure sitting on the bare floor aggressively tapping on the screen of his phone, Zac noticed it was an elderly man as he slowly lifts his top half to sit up, he asked "Is this hell" the old man smiled and answered "No", " good because I don't think I can spend eternity with that smell" He said standing up, as soon as he stood up he felt a sudden push and falls down, "I'll advice you stay down", " why" Zac asked "Because... Zac waits in anticipation " We're in the back of a garbage truck" the old man sigh "that's why it stinks" he said pointing up "Right, I fell in a garbage truck and survive my own suicide" sarcastically "that makes sense, I really do have the worst luck. The car suddenly stops the old man stares at Zac straight to his eyes " You are not dead, but you did die" Zac stammers trying to think of what to say "What..." What are you talking about " the old man stood up and continues to speak in a more serious tone, "Zac do you believe demons exist, do you think ghost are real or do you believe in resurrection and reincarnation, a magical realm and the numerous myths and legends the human has to tell", Zac faced with confusion he silently answered "No", the old man stares at Zac and suddenly burst into full laughter " good, otherwise it will mean you are crazy" he suddenly stops and stares at Zac "Are you crazy" he asked, Zac filled with confusion, and startled finally had a grip and took a deep breath "I wonder, I've heard people say that about me too many times I started to believe it myself" the old man took a step forward to Zacs direction "Why, was it because of what you saw that night, 7 years ago" "You know about the serial killer incident I guess everyone does" Zac answered while slowly hugging his legs, "but it wasn't a man you saw that night was it? It was a demon" "No, you are wrong, they are no such things as demons, they are no such things as demons, I was scared because of the sight I had just witness my mind came up with the best scenario it could to explain such gruesome sight, that's why I saw the man in form of a demon, because I believed it wasn't something a human was capable of doing, I was too young to understand our true nature" the old man shook his head "Zac is that what you believe or was it what you were told" Zac looked at the old "No... That's what the doctor told me, while people... People said I was a freak for being the only survival, in the five family he killed" The old man sits down "It must have been difficult", more difficult than I had imagine, The person or should I say demon responsible for the accident was a demon we call Thanatos A demon accidentally let loose by the legion, Zac interrupted him " they was no demon" he stands up "every single person except me was killed by some psycho killer now please let me out" he said demanding. The old man replied "If I were you I would not go just yet" Zac paused and took a deep breath he then says to old man "you are not the first mysterious person trying to dig up my past just because you read my files does not mean you know anything about me" he walked towards the truck exit door, the old man immediately ask "don't you want to know why? ,what happened?, don't you want to know why you alone survived that night, I don't need to read your files to know that your whole life from that accident revolves around that question, that which answer you've think of times without number" the old man point at a chair "sit down and I'll tell you, whatever you choose to believe afterwards is entirely up to you. Zac hesitated... " Fine I'll play along a little" "A day before that night your parent found an artifact" Zac was startled "we never mentioned the artifact my father asked me to keep it a secret as his dying wish and stay far away from it" 'my father and the other five families never told anyone else, then how did he know about the artifact' Zac thought to himself. The old man continues "I know what you're thinking, I was there when your parent found the Knowleslore well more like I let them find it" Zac was confused" " I thought it would be safe with the humans but when the Thanatos found out it killed everyone who came in contact with it except" Zac interrupted "Me!", " Exactly and the reason was it could not pick it scent on you which means you did not touch it, Zac quickly Recalls 6 years ago, himself holding the Knowleslore, the old man continues "that is why you survived if you had touched the Knowleslore like the others you would have been dead, so you see it was never your fault" "No, it was yours old man, if you hadn't send the Knowleslore our way they would still be alive, the old man replied " yes and I regret every moment of it" "was that why you found me and save me, guilt?" "No, I had sworn to myself not to cause you anymore trouble, but this time fate brought us together, and believe me it was right to do so" "what do mean" the old sighed "we have too much to discuss but I'm afraid it might be too much for you to handle in one night, Zac it's time i tell you a little story".... He stepped out of the car, then stares at his house across the street, closely looking at that old house he flashed back and remembered six years ago, shortly after the incident, how crowded the place was with the police, reporters and neighbors but not even a single person came to console him he felt completely invisible and lost, soon the feeling disappeared he felt something else the glare people had when they stare at him, that new feeling was fear and in the eyes of those staring he could see judgement. He snapped out of the past image hunting his thoughts 'is the old man really... No never mind' he thought to himself, the garbage truck just parked there finally drove off with the old man still staring at him through the window, meanwhile Zac put both hands in his pockets and walked straight home, as he opens the door he heard a voice speak "Where were you I was worried" it was his aunt Lucy the last family he had "Sorry I'm late" and kept walking to his room, he fell flat on his bed and dose off quickly. 'Another morning in this hell' Zac looking at his reflection in his locker mirror, he slams the door, wears his hood then face the ground and start moving, he hears loud voices criticizing him and calling him a freak, the voices becomes louder as more people joined in, he can hear them calling him all sought of names and sending all kinds of insults but he did not notice that nobody lips was moving they were all just glaring. 'Normally there would just stare and mumble to themselves' he kept walking while everybody's staring, he flashback to what the old man said " I understand what you had to go through " he scoffed 'No, you have no idea, hatred burns deep in their eyes, I could see their thoughts filled with judgement and anger, but I had always wondered why?, because I thought I was a victim, would my death be enough to satisfy them? He noticed something rushing towards him fast, a small object aimed at his head, he chose not to duck, 'But for some reason... 'I don't die'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Daniel_Stephen_7762creators' thoughts