
Tales Of The Past

A folded paper hits him in his head he sighed as he kept on walking

'it never ends does it, it had been six years you would think they've had enough, enough with the curses, enough with the hating and tossing things at me, enough with the bullying , but for some reason it's fun for them even though they could see how sad and broken I was, it was easy to push me around well I'm guessing it's time'.

He walked into class all sits were filled except one at the far end of the class he walked to sit and sat on a whoopie cushion immediately the whole class bust into laughter while he as always ignored them. The teacher walked in and everybody welcomed him he apologized for being late and immediately started teaching, but Zac was lost in his thoughts, thoughts of everything he was told by the old man.

'we have too much to discuss but I'm afraid it might be too much for you to handle in one night, Zac it's time i tell you a little story. This one well... started centuries ago, I know you have a lot of questions but just listen.

centuries ago which we call the Early Years the Ancient Elders known as the gods found a way of giving powers to humans to even our strenghts against the demons and the humans formed a legion, making sure humans can stand up to demons and fight. Years after thousands of battles had been fought between humans and demons we finally made peace with one another, as time passes the peace streghtened but as human nature evolves it starts to shcoulds true nature, little did they know one of the Elders was putting doubts in the human mind his name was Eros, while others ignored him some believed, he claimed the demons could not be trusted and will one day rise against humanity and revolt. You see demons can live hundreds of years and within that time produce hundreds of offsprings while humans wither and die with time, the demons were multiplying greatly while humans growth in number were catching up too slow, too far behind. Eros stood against the legion and out of his fear for the demons stole the knowleslore. The knowleslore took the Elders decades to create, it was said to have all the knowledge of the world, the elders weren't ordinary people just like the demons they have powers and have roam the earth for a long time and the knowleslore was their greatest gift to humanity, but just like that Eros stole it under the human noses and it angered the other Elders, the human couldn't protect something so important entrusted to them, they scoffed at humans and rushed to chase after Eros but he was nowhere to be found, and Eros went on with his plans for the demons, as time passes his trails becomes difficult to conceal as his path were covered with blood and lust. The Elders were saddened to see what one of their own was turning into, but also frightened as he was loosing himself with every kill and turning to a monster that could not be controlled, the Elders felt the need to save him from himself after all he was only human like the rest of them even though they were no longer considered as humans nor demons but gods all thanks to the powers gifted on them, the Elders rushed to Eros and soon caught up. Eros who thought he was right was not ready to stop. Eros was never evil and had always wanted peace but time tells a different story he who was once filled with love and passion was now filled with revenge and death, after all the lose of ones true love can turn even the most holy man evil and condemn him, and so it did to Eros who lost the most precious thing he held dear to the demon it was never forgotten and for that reason he couldn't be at peace with them because the hate in his heart were just too great to conceal. Finally since the Elders couldn't get through to him with pain in their hearts they declared war against him and he declared war against the demons and whoever stands in his way, using the knowleslore he and his followers gained even more powers than the Elders, another war started but this time humans and demons join force to fight a single enemy... Grieve. which was what filled Eros's heart. But finally the world stood silent when the ones called the true god descended earth even though they once swore never to involve in human affairs but the plight of the weaker humans without powers that were caught between fires, the plight of humans that were just collateral damage was just too great to ignore, the trails of blood everywhere was not something to overlook as it left the true gods with disgust for what the humans had done what Eros had done and out of anger the true gods made an example of Eros, an example that shows that a man can easily be controlled by rage and becomes what he hates, what he protest, a man can become an even bigger monster trying to fight a monster, and so they turned him into a demon and tagged him Thanatos',


'Yes death and the true gods sought the only way to stop the war is to make sure humans or demons don't have the knowledge or ability to gift maigical powers not even with the knowleslore once claimed to have all knowledge could counter this judgement passed on by the ones called true gods, the true gods also reduced the lifespan of demons as a way of creating peace and equality and with great displeasure the true gods passed on a final judgement by creating another reality, another world for just humans, humans without powers and keeping them apart from the demons and powered humans from there on known as The Gifted, because their powers were considered as a gift from the Elders. The worlds became split that way no humans would fall victim of powers being misused or victim of demons rage and they will be no more reason for humans to chase powers, they won't be a reason for them not to leave a peaceful mundane life, but the price the world had to pay was heavy as the law kept families apart, and after the split was done the humans went on living their lives, and Thanatos was sealed for good while the demons and The Gifted humans agreed to stay away from what was now the Human world, never to step on it or even close to it. But even the true gods weren't spared from judgement for going against their words not to involve with the humans they had to pay a price known to them only and unknown to the world and they left never to step foot on earth ever again'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Daniel_Stephen_7762creators' thoughts