
Meet me after class

As the teacher started their lesson everyone started taking notes and started paying attention to class.

Only Fan Cheng was absent-minded and because he noticed that the spirit energy here was greater than outside and started pondering about it. He then found the reason is that there is a lot of young and vigorous Yin and Yang Qi.

As the lesson was progressing Bing Shui noticed that Fan Cheng was not paying attention to her lesson at all.

She shot her chalk at him. Fan Cheng was pondering when he suddenly stretched out his hand and caught the chalk with his hand. He looked up to find Bing Shui glaring at him. She was a bit surprised that he caught that when he was not paying any attention in class. But she just said

"Meet me after class at the student counseling room"

Well, I'll just not come to class after today. The class soon ended and the bell rang.

Everybody heard about the betting match after the class. So they hurriedly left for the special arena created by Big Lu.

Fan Cheng also knew about the arena and its popularity. Students who wanted to fight couldn't fight anywhere outside this arena or they would be dealt with by the Academy head.

Although this looks like a normal college the catch is you get even more attention when it's related to your physical abilities.

This doesn't mean their grade is low they are ranked in the top 100 just based on their grades among best colleges.

On prestige, it is considered a top tier despite being a second-tier college. The reason for its prestige being so high was the Academy Head. The academy head is a female and her name is Yun Bing. She is a very beautiful female in her mid-thirties and one of the most successful businesswomen. This is the only college in the top 100 college rankings that indulges both in physical abilities and knowledge.

Because other top 100 colleges only focus on a single thing either they pursue knowledge or strength.

Some colleges were famous for training the best martial artist or sprinter or swimmer or boxer etc.

while others were famous for producing the best scientists or doctors or inventors etc.

While this college didn't produce the best prodigies but they produced some people who were enough to leave their names on the page of history.

Back to the topic Fan Cheng went to the arena where they were gonna have the match.

He saw on the arena there was Big Lu and the instructor to watch over their match and the student council president wearing glasses with blue hair her name was Xu Wei. She was here for presiding the bet with them. She was holding some papers on her hand and flipping through them.

The match here will be fair. Because no one was gonna offend the academy head and the academy was only looking for best talents and not any pretentious kids.

The reason Big Lu and the others got people on the arena with them was that they couldn't hurt students on the campus and needed a reason for the wound.

They made students meet in the arena so they could teach them a lesson with a "just" cause.

The reason they made this arm-wrestle instead of a fighting match was that the academy knew this was also a little bullying and they couldn't let them do more than breaking an arm.

Fan cheng climbed up the arena and stood face to face with Big Lu. Surprisingly Big Lu wasn't a boorish looking man with scars on his face but was a 6'6'' tall (1.98m) tanned with a bit muscle young person. The reason for his name Big Lu was His height.

Big Lu opened his mouth say with a sneer "So, you're the person who didn't listen to Young master Zhu's order." It seems the lackeys didn't tell him about the beating they received because of getting scolded.

Fan cheng just said, "Cut the crap, and let's see the contract."Big Lu and Xu Wei both of them were surprised by his words.

Even so, Xu Wei gave both of them a paper to write their names and said"Both of you have agreed to a bet of 100k payment method can be selected for each of you Lu Tai Xuan has chosen to pay by credit card and we have checked its validity. How are you going to by?"

Fan cheng asked, "How many months do I have to work for getting 100k paid?"

This time Xu Wei replied "As you're only a second-year average student your value is quite low. So if you work now your pay would be 10k a month so 10 months and because they are at a disadvantage getting paid late you would have to work for a year."

Fan cheng was a bit surprised at this value but he said "Ok, This is how I'm going to pay"

Then Xu Wei asked Lu Tai Xuan "Do you accept this type of payment?"

Big Lu replied, "Ok, so be it."Then both of them sealed the contract and gave them to Xu Wei.

Looks like this is how its going to be like 1-2 chapter a week.sorry guys and thank you for reading.

Jubaer1creators' thoughts