

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Here we go again

Welcome to the new chapter....

Story continues...…..

Several weeks has passed .....

'Sen' Nero you only have a few days left... I advise you to complete your preparation...They are searching for you like a wild dog for its food….. It's bcz of me they still are not able to find your whereabouts….

Nero follows Sen's advice and starts chanting a few spells and a Teleportation doorway appears…..After a few times he finds himself in a pleasant environment…. Currently Nero seems to be at something like ancient china... The scenery is mesmerizing …. Calm and beautiful weather... Nero comes in front of a big castle….. and requests to visit the Great lord :- Lu sheng...

Guards denied his request cuz he didn't seem to be a person from this land….. They take a defensive posture and warn him to get lost , but on the refusal from Nero , they attack him... But Nero just makes them unconscious with his powers…. The Lord of this land senses Nero cuz he is nearby and approaches….. 

Now Nero is sensing that something very powerful is on his way…..On getting closer…. it's even hard to breathe for Nero ....

Nero :- So powerful, It feels like my spirit is being crushed ….

On Arrival , Lord Lu sheng looks at him…..Nero is still standing , Holding his ground.

Nero :- ( Surprised) Can't believe , He is a young man . Looks like few years older than me. But still this much powerful….

Wasting no time . Nero Greets Lu sheng in Ancient Chinese manner ….

Lu Sheng :- (Little laugh) Young man , I am confused by your acts. I can't decide whether you are an enemy or a friend.

Nero :- (Ancient Chinese Accent) Please forgive this junior for the foolish action. Junior is here for the help of Senior/Lord Lu Sheng. Please don't refuse , a lot of lives depend on seniors' answers….

Lu sheng :- Hmmm ( Thinking ).. 

After this Lu sheng invites nero , and their meeting begins…. Nero explains the situation…..On hearing all this….

Lu sheng show something to Nero :- Did you see this….

Nero :- So many powerful souls…..

Lu Sheng :- These are the Gate Users who try to perish this land …..

Nero :- Can't believe even Gate 5 User souls are trapped here…

Lu sheng :- So that's why i can't help you…. It's not bcz i hate Gate User…. I am well aware there are also good people holding these powers….. The actual reason is that :- If i participate then Gate 6 Users will also interfere in this battle to stop me ... .and following the Gate 7….. and honestly Gate 7 is the thing not to mess with... Even the Supreme Entities fear this title….. Trust me Gate 6 is also something else….

So my participation only decreases your chance of winning... I hope you can understand me…. 

On seeing the worried face of Nero...

Lu Sheng :- Ok , even if I can't help you in battle . There is something for you...but before that how about a 1v1 ... I want to test your battle spirit….

The fight begins and ends in short ... .Lu sheng has an extraordinary martial Art province… just untouchable ... .but he still finds Nero's Battle art strong…The thing he lacks is to deliver that blow in precise time and that requires power up…

After this Lu sheng gift him 3000 Lightning steps battle Art…..and A soul Strengthening Scroll…..

Lu sheng :- The way you fight is unique . Did you copy some ancient legend war art from the soul library ... .like other Gate Users did…

Nero :- Nope . But this Art also doesn't belong to me completely cuz i learn this from my mother and she from her clan and my father…..

Lu sheng :- That's nice. Keep improving this.

Nero is about to leave the realm but he is stopped by lu sheng…

Lu Sheng :- You forget to take this idiot with you...

Nero sees it's the calamity of Thunder….

Nero deeply thanks for this help...

On the way back....

C.Thunder :- So, you somehow convince master Lu sheng. not bad

Nero :- Well it's all thanks to you in Aryavarta.. I remember you telling me that your original master is a kind and gentle man . So, I thought of giving it a try. and hopefully it works well…

In this way many days have passed , everyone is improving themself to the best and thus the fateful day has arrived….

According to the plan Everyone is standing on the designated locations... Here in the Hunters Association the Restriction of Vapi begins to weaken as his power increases….

There are thousands of thunders crackling in the sky . Most of the citizens are evacuated and many hunters are present there to see what comes next...

Portals with cracks begin to appear in the sky following with the flood of various kinds of monsters….(Thunderbird, Giant snake, Worms, Ferocious beasts, Gaint claws , choas is everywhere)

Here Seino :- (Via communication) Can i start the nerf engine now….

Nero :- Hold , not now.

Seino :- But innocent hunter will die due to overwhelming strength of monsters….

Nero :- The thing which is coming Next is more overwhelming then you are seeing now.

Following another dark Crack in the sky , emitting a vast negative aura….. A Hound like entity come out of it, following by few dark soldier…

Dark soldiers fixed their gaze on Nero and here is the reason why , cuz they all belong from dark factions and Nero has killed many of their kinds , so they can sense the death cries of their comrades from Nero's Aura…

by avoiding everything else they charge straight into him.

Nero commands his team to handle the rest of the monster while he deals with them…..but not obeying Nero's word sugeto tries to help. .

He is not even close to dark entities but his body begins to corrode and the bone of his one hand is visible ... Nero instantly use his priest magic to fully heal him and tell him not to do anything foolish like this again…

Nero :- These are the dark power, sugeto and without priest magic , no matter how powerful you are. You are nothing to them.... Even my Gate power can't do much without priest magic.

The battle division/Road map:-

Nero will fight to any/all dark entities and stronger one…..Myth , Sugeto/Thunder calamity,Blaze, Toki and his friends, are dealing with the upcoming waves of monsters….Seino is totally at the safe spot watching and ready to support his team at any time….So this is Nero's side

Here is the other Hunters sideFew S ranker(Kim and other) and many low ranker , trying their desperate attempts to stop monsterMeanwhile other hunters who have borrowed Gate power are just chilling with sweeties on their sides along with other true Gate Users but rest assured they are getting their role in no time…

Here in hunter HQ , Now the Borrowed Power users are enjoying their life to the fullest, unaware of the danger approaching…. 

One Hunter to another :- The hunters fighting outside are just sacrificing tools , right? ( Cheers their drinks)

Their joy is interrupted by an alarm siren….. this indicates that the most powerful enemy of HA(hunters association) is broken free.

One hunter by looking below :- That rat can never climb up from that underground facility, so there is nothing to worry about. He is just a nutrient supply for Guild mast….

The Hunter Couldn't complete his words and got obliterated by a beam of light from underground. This beam is so radiant that even the dark sky is shining … then we just hear screams from Hunters HQ…

Here on the battlefield Nero and others also witness this scene…

Myth :- Here comes the disaster…..

Nero and others see WiL/Vapi is fighting with the Borrowed power holders and Guild Master...

Nero :- Damn , he is strong….. what kind of monster he is... It's better to stop him before he goes on a rampage...

Then a Dark knight cuts Nero's one hand like butter..

Nero :- Really i can't got my eye off you guys…( The dark portal is still open and it's seems like something has his gaze upon Nero , Waiting desperately )

Nero heals his arm like it's nothing...and the battle continues...Here sugeto and others are also at their best...

In few moments Nero cast an barrier spell and locks that DARK Dimension Portal…..

Nero :- Seems like one problem is solved here….. really i hate to work hard…

Nero's focus is breaked by a loud powerful explosion…and we sees that vapi has killed Guild master along with many hunter….and murderous intent is clear in his eye, wants to obliverate this humanity….Looking for the next target…..

Nero :- Hello there , you look angry buddy...

Vapi grouls something but out of vapi's surprize , Nero can understand his language…..

Vapi :- wait a minute , you are not a human….. I can sense that monster heart pounding inside you... Then there is no need to attack a fellow comrade….. Please don't stand in my way…..

Nero :- Vapi I can understand your pain... Losing a precious friend is really heartbreaking. But these innocent peoples are not responsible for this. The real culprit is hiding in the shadows…. You have to destroy him….. Vapi :- hmmm(laughing ) You are really like him. But sorry i already make up my mind...…

Nero :- well then….. (Battle break Between vapi and Nero)

The battle grows more and more violent and every second counts.....

Vapi :- You are indeed a formidable opponent....Nero :- You are also not bad. But if this continues you will lose in no time…Vapi :- Hahah…. This is not the 10 % of what i capable and throws are powerful punch , sending Nero flying...Followed by many consecutive shots….. 

Both fights like wild beasts destroying everything in their path....Nero receive another powerful blow and it not feel good...

Nero :- I really don't want to try my battle art on Vapi cuz each of them deal life threatening injuries...may cause his death….I think using SOUL RESONANCE (SR) would be best now….

Vapi :- Too slow…..

On the next second …..vapi got hit by (SR) . And it's very painful….. causing him to lose control over his body in a state , vapi feels this attack loosen the connection of his soul over his body….

Nero :- Pls don't force me, cuz now my mind is diverting from the concept of peaceful negotiation.. I am telling you we can still talk instead of fight....

Vapi moves his left hand forward, and Nero thinks he surrendered. But on coming close he received a very deadly blow that his heart skipped a beat…..

Nero :- If Eri's Monster heart is not in my body. I am sure died of this hit….

Nero :- Vapi , I thought you are a prideful monster and won't play any cheap tricks.

Vapi :- I am still a prideful species, but it's your misunderstanding . Cuz on my land , Land hand means :- We never surrender and Right hand means peaceful negotiation….

Nero :- Looks like you leave me no choice …

Now we sees Nero's body is floating in the sky and Blazing Blue flames become to envelop his body….containing thousands of degree temperature...

Vapi :- (In mind ) Damn it. This Body of WiL still hasn't evolved into my original body. As i can sense , These flames are terrible , able to burn me into ashes....

Nero :- I am still asking you to surrender...

Vapi smile and Nero is confused by this …..then Nero hear a unknown sound :- How about you annoying peoples leaves from here in one piece…. Before it's too late….

Nero Sense it's an Gate User , Not any borrowed power holder. 

Nero :- He is the original one…And from the level of power…At least Gate 4th…..Fk it's Feel even higher….

With a big explosion Nero disappears and at his place we only see a skeleton which soon turns into Ashes….

Yep Nero died....soon enough followed by Seino and Toki…..but their body is intact, that means they only got teleported somewhere else…..not dead...

After some time Nero open his eyes and find himself in a very strange location….