

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Appearance of Cosmo Hunter

After some time Nero opens his eyes and finds himself in a very strange location….

An Unknown Man :- Greeting , Did you feel comfortable here. Trust me , we can't allow you to ruin our plans so easily. Lord just un-necessarily sent 3re Gate 5 users this time when only one can do all. Anyway, you got any questions?

Nero :- Who are you ? and this place…..

Unknown :- Me:- "Alexius" and this place ,you can call this as tartarus of the gate users… like a prison. But don't worry you are our special guest, we can't let you go so easily…... .Don't think so much cuz even for obsidian it takes time for him to reach here ....

Nero :- No way, obsidian can't reach here….?

Alex…: - Yep he can , but he is currently busy in high council meetings including our lord(Aekai/Leader of Fatebreakers)… The time he got free , our plan had already succeeded ... .and you also got out of here when that happens…but till then enjoy yourself here... 

Here on earth somebody tell the news of Nero's death and disappearance of other to Sugeto and General blaze....

Blaze :- No he can't die…..

Sugeto :- But i see his body turning into ashes , then how...

Blaze :- It's true Gate Users are not immortal , But before their actual life span they can recreate their bodies as many times they wish. That means somebody locks his soul somewhere else...

Sugeto :- We have to do something , Even Toki and Seino have disappeared…

Blaze :- Hmmmm (Thinking ) 

Here on the other side Toki finds himself into a very strange place....

Unknown Man/Berro :- I can leave from here without telling anything but that would be just unfair and (seriously) I don't like unfair things…. So , Mr ... .You are currently in an Artificial plane created by me…..There are Total 13 floors in this Dome . You can proceed to the next floor if you kill all the monsters present here...Once you clear all, you can return to your home….

It's a deal ,ok. I won't go back on my word…

Toki :- Just a power bast**d….what did he think of me, as a entertaining clown or what?

Toki :- what if i don't succeed ?

Berro :- Then happily die here.....

Toki :- (In mind) Damn...I swear , If i get out of here alive. I will kill you first…..

Here in Seino's Case , there is no condition . He is in a plane , full of monsters lurking here and there in the plane. Ready to devour him at any time….. But there is a problem: Seino skills are not as powerful as Toki's...So it's unsure how long he will survives here....

He is in great fear but somehow gather the courage and stoodup…On seeing this the monster begin their attacks ... When he is about to die via upcoming attacks….. The Nano-Tech Tattoo on his body glowed-up creating an unbreakable barrier around him…..

The Monsters were too strong but they were unable to put a scratch on the barrier…... .but their attacks are still on going while Seino is in Fear and a state of confusion... He fear:- What if this barrier goes down….He is in confusion :- What is this on my body since i was very young . These strange patterns are always used to be on my body…. What are these ….. Seems like some sort of Nano - Technology…..

A Tech Far from this world , A Tech which seems like a Product from a Very high tech civilization…..Seino Remember during an S rank Gate break…. A monster charged towards him with the Nuclear breath, similar to what happens in an atomic bomb …. But still that monster was unable to touch me due to this barrier….. I can't calculate how strong this is..

Here Mr.Yu get to know about Nero's condition.... ( He seemed in Rage)

Meanwhile :- On Earth, Sugeto along with other hunters were fighting the Unending waves of monsters …On the other hand ….General blaze with his Holy magic they are fighting to the creatures of Dark portal....Meanwhile C.Thunder is Fighting to the VAPI. Other hunters like Kim are fighting various kind of creatures 

(Point to be noted :- Nero seals the dark portal then how blaze is fighting with Dark entities. It's True Nero Seals the portal but this is also true that he disappears right after that and the seal placed by him begins to broke ....that's why General blaze is holding these ferocious creatures back)

Vapi :- (Every single attacks from him feels like a bolt of million voltage lightning…..And i am sure he is not even started...That mean his critical hits are yet to come)

So in this way the battle on earth continous without any crucial support from Nero ...….

Here Nero also , not in any good shape .....Contrary to the rest . He is constantly fighting with the artificial Gate power holder….bad for him . just holding his ground on his soul energy… If that dissipates then he will just dissolve into void/nothingness…. That's why he is just defending with all his might...

Borrowed power users' attack seemed effective against Nero and now he is on the verge of collapse....

Here Toki is also not looking good , It's true his attack are really something , combined with his primordial skill. He is just one shotting each and every monster whatever their ranks are….. but after all he is a human and fatigue is taking over him…..with the last sum of his energy . Toki fires a deadly bolt of energy, erasing floor 1st from its existence…..the Gate user watching this is surprised by this showcase of power…..

Berro :- It seems like he doesn't know that this is not only the 1% of what this bow is capable of doing….. sadly i can't occupy this bow . cuz it chooses its own user. 

Toki on seeing Next wave of opponents ….(breathing heavily):- Can't you just wait for a sec….

Toki - It seems like they won't listen…..and Toki charges with all his remaining strength….

After a few minutes , we see Toki is pinned , lying unconsciously on the ground…..

Here in Seino's case...

The watcher/Oran(Gate 5 User) sees that his attempt to kill Seino is failing….he instantly order few Gate Users to erase him…..

Here on the battlefield seino is in deep fear, protected by the shield ... he feels something terrible is on his way...on the next instant , he receives a heavy hit...but fortunately this was blocked by the shield…

- Can't Believe, I am at Gate 2nd and I hit you with all my power. and still you are un-scratched…..What the heck is this shield 

Others:- How about we all hit him…..then we see, how long this shield of yours protect you.

As they say, their tactic seems to working , there are cracks in the shield and after a few powerful blows the shield disintegrates…..

Then a sound play , everyone can hear it:- Initiating Beta protocol, in 20 seconds , A new shield will be created , 100 times stronger than the Alpha protocol…..

On hearing this , Gate Users attacking Seino are Pi***ed :- WTF with 100 times stronger...Attack him now or it will be never…..

They attack seino ...….

We constantly hear :- Initiating damage absorbtation….. Subdueing incoming damage...

after very efforts of the Nano tech... Seino still got injured badly and in a state of COMA…..His body is bleeding heavily.

Here on the other Side Nero is on the verge of collapsing....

- Don't worry we end it all with this attack...…

Nero is in great pain...and he think this is the end....but contrary to everyones expectation.....All the Gate Users surrounding Nero Dies in the blind of an Eye…..Nero hears a familiar sound....

:- Sorry for the late brother....

It's Mr.Yu …"How did you find me...…"

Mr.Yu :- Brother's instinct...

Mr.Yu touches Nero and once again he was healed instantly.....

Nero :- What kind of healing power is this...It heals in seconds…..

Mr.Yu :- Listen Nero other things aside…. You have to get out of here as soon as possible....

Alex…..:- Yu….It's You . Please don't interrupt heaven's order...

Mr.Yu :- F**K off you ras**l. Before i kill you…

On hearing these words , Sweat drops from Alex.. forehead…

Alex…:- ( I have to buy time as much as possible , Even though I also have Powers of Gate 5 . But Yu is a Monster which can slaughter an Entire Squad of Gate 5 users...I never think i have to face him head on…..)

Mr.Yu :- Be ready Nero , we will be departing in 10 minutes....

We just hear these words...….

Here on Seino's side ...one of the Gate User… hold Seino from Neck...…..Kid It's End...

Then at the same time ...strange patterns on the Seino's Body begin to glow in a Nano-Tech pattern…..

"Host is in unconscious state, Initiating Cosmo Hunter analog.... Initiating Now...…

At the same time the Gate user attacks...but his hand is blocked by Seino...Now there is a strange Glow in his eyes , same to those patterns on his body...

Seino :- (In gentleman's voice) Excuse me …?

We hear a loud Gunshot , making a hole in Gate user's head...

Seino :- That was dead...

Followed by many low level Gate Users…... .We just hear screams …..and after a moment we see everyone is lying dead….meanwhile Seino is standing still in the battle field…..

One of the Higher Gate 3rdUser came to check the condition…..about what's going on...

- Hey , what about all these screams? Don't make that child suffer this much…..

He was shocked by seeing the scenario.... Seino looks in his Eyes….

Seino :- Was that their best , How embarrassing….

Gate 3rd :- Impossible , How can he kill all of them, most of them are true power holders…..

He sees there is a small desert eagle type Gun in Seino's hand , Glowing with Techy Aura…..

He call for help and many Gate 3rd Users come to face Seino...

Seino :- Rita(A.I) analyze opponents...

AI :- Analyzing, There are complete information in Database related to Gate 1st to 6th... . As for current power…. You can obliterate User till Gate 5....

Seino with a smirk on face , this is going to be fun…..

[ Remember we still don't know anything about the Tech Seino is using now or is this really Seino? Who is Rita? What is Comso hunter Analog? All are unknown for now.]

Here Toki is lying injured/unconscious on the ground ... .In dream state:- Ahhhh so weak, I am not strong as Nero ... .How am gonna defeat all of them…. I can't ...

Another voice :- Yes you can…..Toki believe in yourself, The biggest strength comes from your will power and as per your that friend Nero . He is using the same strategy . The power of your will. once you believe in yourself you are unstoppable….

[Loudly] :- Now wake up and slaughter all evil... believe in yourself…..

Toki's heart pounds with a great rythm and he slowly wake-up....

Enemies - So, you wake up…..

Toki :- (light smile) For a moment I see them , my grand-pa…. The one who teaches me . how to use a bow. Interesting. I wonder if that was not a dream. I really miss you….

Enemies chatting :- hey, he is not moving. 

Let's burn him alive …..lord will be very happy . and don't forget to take that bow from him.....

Hence once again the story of Toki's struggle begins, he is killing monsters and enemy humans non stop till he was stopped by Berro, a gate 5th user.. He attacks Toki with a very powerful attack that one hand of Toki is broken now... Berro also snatches Toki's bow.....

Berro:- Enough of this kitty fight…. I am tired..... 

Berro to his henchmans :- Kill him now , i am leaving first with the bow,

Meanwhile Berro is in the air , Going to exit this hell of 13 floors…..he hears Toki's laugh , says something to him….

Toki (Laughing) :- It seems you fear the power of this bow…..

Berro stops :- stop nonsense , i am a divine entity…. I won't fear anything from a bow…..

Toki (by grabbing a wooden stick) :- Is that so?

Now toki barely stands on his feet by grabbing the wooden stick and speaks a command word :- Light , now it's your turn to shine…

Suddenly the wooden stick in Toki's hand turns into the Legendary bow. It's glowing with intense light like never before…and the bow in Berro's hand turns into ashes...

Toki :- Brace yourself , Kami sama...

once again equipping the bow . Toki's body begins to heal at a rapid rate….and now there is an arrow on the string…..charged with terrifying energy…..

Toki feels an image of his Grand-pa , holding his hands…. Telling him to release the arrow.

on seeing this berro put a shield to protect himself ...….

Berro:- are you serious :- This is the 40% of this bow's power…..(he was unable to complete his words)

Berro ,the creator of this 13 floor Tartarus tries to stop this attack of Toki , But the power was way too much and it destroys one of its hands...

After few seconds on Earth , Everyone feels an intense wave of energy below the earth…..in seconds with a large explosion the wave is so strong that even after destroying the 13 floors and killing Many gate users / Destroying one hand of a Gate 5 user…..The energy wave is still ongoing…..Destroying everything in its way.....

First 13 floors….

Many low level gate users.

then Gate 5th user Arm….

Then moon

Then Mars , jupiter, saturn and it's finally stops at neptune….

Scene shift's on earth.....

The injured Gate 5 user (Berro)fell off from sky.... Meanwhile everyone on the floor stops fighting Even Vapi …..Everyone is looking toward injured Gate 5th User... and Wandering about the last attack…..

Blaze by looking at Berro :- Did he do that attack…. that was so powerful. but wait he is also injured that means…..[everyone looks at the hole]

Vapi came near Berro :- Friend are you, ok? Who did this to you…..

Then we see Toki , he is in a completely different form . Glowing with intense power. He is flying now. with energy wings

Toki :- It's me , who did this to him, and be ready cuz you are next….

Berro Smiles and casts something on Vapi's body….. We see that due to this , some kind of seal began to break from Vapi's body….. 

Berro :- Be ready, for what comes next....

Then we all see a large amount of dark Aura begin to gather around Vapi's body…

Vapi to Berro:- You can leave from here, cuz i am going to lose my control soon…..

Berro :- [ I can end all this in a second, the little issue is that i can't use my power on these people, cuz according to law :- i can't use my power on any being living on any planet….. Private dimension is an exception. If that bastard hasn't used the power of Gandiv… I Would have killed him….. The issue is that These Ancient Legendary weapons not only suppress the power of Gate User but they also do massive damage to the Gate Users. In other words they are like a Natural predator of us. And this is the reason i got injured otherwise there is no f**king way that a Gate 5 user got even scratched by an ordinary human..

BTW good luck with vapi….. I Unlock his Natural Monstrous form with buffs…. Once Vapi cause a vast amount of destruction….. Then According to primordial law . we got authority to use our powers, wherever we wants. And when that happens , I will see you brat. I make sure to give you a painful death]

Berro :- Good luck , everybody….( and he disappears)

Here along with vapi another dark entity emerges ….. the Aura is so dark that the whole sky becomes dark...due to this most of the nearby humans begin to die...

Now vapi is in his monster form and he looks at Toki/Sugeto/blaze and many Other hunters are standing with them to fight this demon...

Vapi on the wave of his hand :- Summons the army of his planet , full of terrifying monsters…..

Vapi :- Now i will let you re-experience that incident of legendary Gate breakout.

Fight begins ...…..

Here on seino's side , he is facing with an another Gate 5 user/Oran…

ORAN :- Impressive , you slaughter each of them and not even a sweat on you….

it's not you ….there is someone else …..

Seino :- That's true…..

Oran:- Okay so we are going to fight , how about you tell me your identity... It's a general way to begin any battle…

Seino :- (by holding his weapons) How can i explain. (seriously ) You can refer me as :- Ghost from Cosmo Paradise….

This word send chills down Oran's spine...

On the same Moment Seino slices his private Dimension….with a tech- blade

Oran :- ( I am so F**king dead….. He is from Cosmo paradise. The Civilization that our Gate 7 users(Aekai) fail to conquer…. I hear Fatebreakers attack this civilization in order to get an Eternal Fragment. Not only we fail to get the fragment but most of the Fate Breaker Members died there….. If he is from that civilization then it's really - really bad.)

Here on earth once again everyone sees a big cut in space , through this seino and Oran came out fighting…..

Oran :- Look like i have to break the Rule of fight in the real world otherwise i will die here….

[ Now on earth Toki's and other's battle is going on and in space Seino and Oran's battle]

We see on Nero's side , He and Mr.yu are fighting with other Gate users. In order to escape. Despite being Mr.Yu's strength Nero is not totally safe . Of Course Mr.Yu is protecting Nero . But there are just way too Much Gate Users to defend....

Gate Users :- Yu , you can protect yourself but not him....

Nero feels weak due to exhaustion …..

(Point to be noted dear reader that now :- The Karmic effect from Toki and Seino is completely removed…On toki due to Light bow and on Seino due to Some-sort of Nano tech A.I and this is the Condition for Nero …If he was able to free 2 persons from Heavy karmic effect then his powers will be unlocked….)

Suddenly there is a strange stretch in the Atmosphere...and Nero becomes motionless…..

Mr.Yu while fighting :- Hey brother , what happen ....wait is this really gonna happen…..Now…

We hear every particle in the Sky/environment begin to oscillate.... Everyone can feel this...

On seeing Nero Stand still…. Few Gate users Attack him…..but when the attack is about to land .... A burst of tremendous energy flows out of Nero's Soul body.... This burst of power is so dense …..that Even Gate 4th User hardly holding their feets and low level gate users are nowhere to seen

Gate 4th Users :- So , this is the Awakening of a Duel Gate User/ Gate 3rd ... The level of this power is Even higher than a Gate 4th User...Somewhere near Gate 5...Can't Believe such a wide power difference Between a normal Gate user and a Dual Gate….. So, This is the combined power of both Gates.(Divine/Hell)

On the Next instant most of the enemies are wiped out by Nero and Mr.Yu...

Nero :- That was easy...

Mr.Yu is looking at Nero in dis-belief :- He just kill gate 3rd user in one blow ... .Even though he just awakened….. Can't imagine how much power these Dual Gate provides. It's beyond my imagination...

Mr.Yu :- (by opening a portal ) Ok now you can go brother...

Nero :- how about you?

Mr.Yu :- You can say , it's our farewell…. hope we meet again….

Nero :- ok-ok….look like you got some bizz to do….anyways take care brother…. see ya …hope we meet again….

And Nero enters the portal... he begin to move at super speed…..(while traveling in space) Now Nero finds that all this time ... he is being locked in a black hole....

Eri :- be happy ….

Nero :- happy ?

Eri :- You know this is the largest black hole of this universe. If we have our physical bodies then it's impossible to escape from its gravitational pull.... Anyways nice place to hold gate users as prisoners but unfortunately Gate 5 or above can't be hold here

Nero :- hmmm, I got an idea.... 

Here on earth , Everyone is hardly holding Vapi and his Army …..


So , the chapter ends here... 

Writer thought :- Maybe these chapters of my story are not that perfect. but as for me this is just a saving/checkpoint…. cuz when i got some money . I just recruit some good buddies to improve this series more. And then manga. 

Trust me, I will try my best.

That's all . See ya....