
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Dropping the bomb



I place glasses into the sink, throw away cans of beer, and tidy up whatever else got messed up over the weekend. 

I spent all of yesterday sleeping. I drank way too fucking much Friday and Saturday night. The partying didn't end until six in the morning yesterday. I feel like a corpse at this point but Millie will be coming over soon and the last fucking thing I want or need is a fight. 

Saturday night Antonio, Julian, and Dani came over after a night at the club. When I say Antonio could party, he could fucking party. We stayed up into the early hours drinking to the point of forgetting our names. Millie would probably be disappointed but I didn't do anything other than drink too much that would upset her. I was a good boy, kept to myself, and immediately shooed away any female that tried to get too close. 

I fucking miss Millie, which still feels strange considering it's a new feeling for me. We didn't talk or text much while she was gone, which put me on fucking edge all weekend. I got shit for it from everyone because apparently my feelings were written all over my face. 

Fuck them, fuck them all. 

I know something is up with Millie, I'm not fucking stupid. The night before she left for Chicago she called me in the middle of the night from some dream or somethin. She sounded so distressed but I tried not to push it considering whatever she dreamt about wasn't reality. If she acts off today when I see her I'll push and if not, I won't. 

There's a light knock at the door. 

I open it and disappointment flows through me, it's just Dani, not Millie. 

"Hey, what's up?" I ask leaning my arm into the frame of the doorway. 

"I have the new orders," she says handing over some papers. 

"Fentanyl is in short supply, I couldn't order as much as you requested but Marco said he'll make a call and get us a larger order delivered in the next couple of weeks," she explains looking at a paper in her hand. 

I roll my eyes at the inconvenience but I believe that it's in short supply, the demand for it is insane lately. 

"Alright," I sigh out annoyed. 

"That all?" I ask since she's still just standing there. 

"Um, hey, can I ask you something?" She asks looking a little on edge. 

"Go on," I say flatly. 

"Was there an Adria here?" She asks not exactly reaching my eyes. 

My pulse quickens at the question. 

"There was," I say nonchalantly, "why?" 

She opens her mouth to speak but my eyes leave hers and meet Millie's unreadable face. 

"Millie, baby," I say pushing Dani out of the way to wrap my girl into my arms. 

"Hi," she says wearily, not hugging me back with as much intensity as I am. 

I can only imagine what's going through her mind right now, she probably wants to rip me apart and watch me bleed out in front of her. She's unsure of Dani and I get that but she doesn't have a single thing to be worried about. I staked my claim in Millie a while ago and she owns me now, no one could ever come close to that for me. 

"Dani was just leaving," I say loud enough for Dani to hear and get the hint that threes a crowd. 

"Yeah, I was, nice to see you again Millie," Dani says walking away. I know that shit can't be genuine, I've spent the last couple of weeks hanging out with Dani and she's a little shit. She's putting on a show to be on Millie's good side for my sake. 

When Dani is out of sight I wrap an arm around Millie and guide her inside, I feel the apprehensiveness in her steps. 

Fuck, I just wanted to have a good night with Millie and now that's probably screwed. 

"How was your trip baby?" I ask trying to change the subject as fast as possible. 

"It..was fine I guess," she sounds so defeated. 

"Just fine?" I ask lifting an eyebrow. 

"Yeah," she says emotionless. 

Okay, what the fuck is going on? Why isn't she tearing me apart? She's blank and it's freaking me out. Yell, scream, do fucking something I'll take it instead of whatever this shit is. 

"Baby, Dani was just dropping these off, nothing more," I say waving the papers in my hand for proof. 

"It's not that X," she says in the same lifeless demeanor. 

It's not that? So then there is something? 

"What's wrong baby?" I ask scratching the back of my neck. 

"Beach?" She asks and that can't be fucking good. 

"No," I shake my head. 

I can't fucking wait to make it all the way to the beach for whatever bomb she's going to drop on me. What the fuck happened this weekend? Did she cheat on me? Was Nico there? Did someone fucking hurt her? The thoughts of murder are already arising in my mind. Slow and painful and torturous are the only ones that I imagine. 

"Just tell me and get it over with, what happened this weekend Millie? You saw Nico didn't you?" I ask but it's more of a demand. 

"Just sit down at least," she says gesturing her hand toward the leather couch. 

Fuck this isn't good, I run my hands over my face and do as she suggests. 

When she's sitting too she puts her hand on my thigh, it feels foreign though, I know this woman is about to break me into a million pieces. I already feel the old me surfacing, the rage, the hate, the violence, and the chaos are already pulsing through me without any words leaving her mouth. 

"To answer your question, yes, Nick was there, but no, nothing happened and we barely looked each other's way," she says and the hand on my thigh begins to feel familiar again. 

But if that's not what it was what the fuck is it? 

"Something did happen though X, and I'm really unsure how to word any of this.." she begins but I cut it off. 

"Just fucking spit it out already, stop dancing around the goddamn words and just say it already I'm getting irritated," I spit out and I don't know where that rage came from, my emotions are getting the better of me. 

She sits back a little bit stunned and glares at me, "Fine, fuck it, I'm pregnant."

That was no ordinary bomb, that was a nuclear fucking bomb that just detonated right in front of my face.