
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Convince me otherwise



As soon as the words leave my mouth he goes white but there, I said it. I planned the whole thing out in my head and then with Steph on our way here but that obviously went to shit. It was going to be delicate but no, he was a dick so I decided to be one back. 

"You're what?" He whispers like he hasn't heard the words correctly. 

"I'm.." but he puts a hand up to stop from saying the words again. 

He stands up to his full length, "how?" He demands, his appearance changing to grim. 

"We had unprotected sex X, how else?" I ask but I know he's ignoring me. 

"How far along?" He asks through angry gritted teeth and eyes losing pigment. 

"Between seven and eight weeks," I say intertwining my fingers together on my lap, palms collecting moisture.

"Are you sure it's even mine?" His words tear through me like a slow-motion jagged knife. 

"What?!" I ask standing up myself now. 

"Did you fuck Nico? Chase? Or some other fucking prick?" He asks, the white flesh turning red. 

"You're joking right?" I ask in disbelief. 

How could he possibly even think that?! I expected some shock, maybe a little anger but this? This is low even for him. 

"Does it look like I'm joking?" He spits out. 

Who the fuck is this man in front of me right now? Surely not the one I fell deeply in love with. It's like he's been possessed by the devil himself. 

"Answer the question Emily," thick deep creases line his forehead. 

"No, no one else," I say a lot more calmly than I actually feel. 

He runs his hands over his crimson face, he looks like he wants to kill somebody and I'm beginning to get a little frightened. I know he's capable of some morally questionable behavior but I've never seen it firsthand until now. 

He takes a deep breath and puts his hands on his hips and then releases them to his sides walking away and into the kitchen. He pulls out a joint and lights it right in the house. I instinctively turn my back away not wanting to inhale the smoke. I already unknowingly drank while pregnant, which the doctor assured me everything was looking just fine and it's not the first or last time a woman has or will drink before she knew she was pregnant and the babies have come into the world completely healthy. Now that I'm aware of the baby inside of me I don't intend to do any more harm. 

I want to tell him to put it out or not to smoke around me but right now I'd be making a death wish if I requested that. In all honesty, he needs it, anything to just calm him down a notch. When the joint has disintegrated and filled into his lungs he walks back over my way. 

"We'll make an appointment, I'll get it set up for you," he finally says and I'm confused as all fuck by the switch in emotion. 

I turn back around to face him, the redness in his face has diminished and he seems a touch more at ease. 

"Oh, uh, I actually went to the doctor today, everything looks good," I say hesitantly on guard. 

He walks over and puts his arms around my waist, his voice is dark, "I'm sorry baby, I shouldn't have reacted that way but that's not the kind of appointment I meant." 

I push away from him and he rolls his eyes. 

"What are you talking about X?" I ask locking my eyes to his dark ones. 

"We're.." he points his index finger between himself and me, "not having a baby, get it out of your head and get rid of it." 

I instinctively put a guarding hand over my belly to protect the little gummy bear from his vile words. 

"Fuck you X, I'll do it by myself then," I nearly spit in his face. 

He sighs in annoyance. 

"Millie knock it off with the drama, we don't live in a fairytale, can you actually imagine me? As a father?" He wickedly laughs out.

"It's not me. You know that baby would grow up in a fucked up world. You actually want that?" He asks in a serious tone. 

"I know you had a fucked up life and I'm really truly sorry about that X but that does not mean that our baby would," I try to explain to him but it's useless.

"You're not going to convince me, Millie," he says practically writing me off. 

"Then convince yourself to forget you ever met me," I point right in his chest with force. 

The ghostly white look is back on his face and I'm fully aware I hit him where it hurt but I don't wait around for a reaction and frankly, I don't care either. I turn away and leave him standing there frozen in his own skin.