
HP: The Magical Gamer

Autor: Kitamari
Bücher und Literatur
Laufend · 1.8M Ansichten
  • 166 Kaps
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A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him. He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it. And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: Waking Up!

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Harry Potter awoke to discover a ghostly blue screen floating before his eyes. A voice, devoid of emotion, echoed in his mind as he raised himself.


[You have been chosen as the first gamer in your world. Please select your race.]

[Race] : ?

Bewildered, Harry stared at the screen, wondering if this was some sort of bizarre dream. But before he could sink further into confusion, the screen updated.

[Perk Gained:]

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[– Facilitates clear, logical thinking. Ensures a serene mindset. Immunity to psychological status effects.]

[Perk Gained:]

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[– Provides a physique suited for experiencing real life as if it were a game.]

[Perk Gained:]

[Observe] (Active)

[– Delivers details about the chosen target.]

Instantly, Harry's bewilderment and unease were replaced by clarity, thanks to the [Gamer's Mind].

He quickly came to terms with his new, extraordinary ability known as Gamer Host.

He resolved to make the most of this unique power, recognizing the privilege of being its bearer.

'Let's explore what this entails,' he thought with newfound calm as the initial screen reappeared.

[Race] : ?

He selected 'Human', the sole choice presented.

[Race 'Human' selected.]

[Class] : ?

With only one choice available, he chose 'Mage'.

[Class 'Mage' selected.

Your character sheet is now available. It displays all your statistics and special skills. Simply think about this screen to access it.]

[Character Sheet]

[Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 10 (0%)

HP: 500 (1 per minute)

MP: 1000 (10 per minute) ]


[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

Harry gave himself a thoughtful nod, silently commanding the ethereal screen that floated before his eyes to vanish into thin air.

It seemed that, quite unexpectedly, he had been drafted into a role he had never auditioned for—that of a participant in a grand, mysterious game, at the behest of some unseen, omnipotent entity.

Skepticism gnawed at him. Was this the work of a deity, or merely a figment of unfathomable technology? Mulling over such questions wouldn't yield answers, he concluded.

Despite his reservations, Harry wasn't about to scrutinize this unexpected boon too closely. A fleeting, self-conscious smile brushed his lips as he realized his own naiveté in the world of gaming. His experience was minimal, at best.

Yet, even with his limited knowledge, Harry grasped the essentials: the necessity to advance in levels and complete various quests.

"What's your identity, and what's the ultimate goal here?" he pondered inwardly, hoping the enigmatic voice would once again make itself heard.

[My identity is Isis, and the game's purpose is devoid of any grand design. It's an experiment by the creator, and you're afforded complete liberty with how you wish to navigate this system.]

"Okay, thanks, Isis. I suppose it's time for me to begin my journey towards strength, right? And about those quests, will you be assigning them to me?" Harry inquired, curiosity lacing his tone.

[Indeed, embarking on a quest for power would be prudent. To neglect such a unique opportunity and retreat to the mundanity of your former existence would be unfortunate. And yes, I will provide quests in response to certain triggers and events.]

"Understood. I'd better not skip my morning run, or else my mom will label me a sluggard," Harry reflected internally, his thoughts shifting to his daily routine.


– Run a distance of 2 kilometres without any interruptions.


– Perk [Peak Body] This perk elevates your physique to its optimal form, ensuring peak health and fitness.]

A surge of enthusiasm overtook Harry as he received his inaugural quest. Swiftly, he donned his running gear and exited his bedroom, his steps quick with anticipation.

Upon entering the living room, he was greeted by the sight of his mother, already clad in her exercise attire and waiting for him. "Good morning, mum," he voiced warmly, offering her a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Good morning, my dear. Ready to go?" she replied, her smile radiating warmth as she clasped his hand and escorted him out of the grand confines of Potter Manor.

She was dressed in vibrant pink yoga pants and a snug tank top, epitomizing the perfect blend of comfort and style for their morning exertion.

Harry had adopted the habit of joining his mother for her morning runs shortly after his ninth birthday, a little over a year ago. He had quickly come to appreciate the visible benefits of regular exercise, as evidenced by his mother's radiant health and vigor.

To Harry, she was the epitome of beauty, a sentiment perhaps colored by familial bias, but a truth in his eyes nonetheless. Her figure was enviable, maintained with seemingly effortless jogs that belied the discipline behind them.

Though it was somewhat embarrassing to admit, Harry harbored aspirations of mirroring his mother's aesthetic appeal. It was with this goal in mind that he deployed the [Observe] ability on her.

[Name: Lily Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Level: 51

HP: 2550

MP: 5100

Affection: 100

Obedience: 10

Thoughts about you: Love, Pride]

The realization that his mother was not only incredibly powerful but also harbored deep love and pride for him warmed Harry's heart, flushing his cheeks with a soft glow. To hear words of pride was one thing; to witness tangible proof of those sentiments was profoundly moving. He tightened his grip on her hand, a silent expression of his happiness, and she responded with a gentle squeeze and an amused glance.

"We'll stick to our usual path," she announced, halting at the fringe of the dense forest that sprawled behind their manor. A familiar, well-trodden path beckoned, winding its way through the verdant thicket and looping back towards the western façade of their home, covering a distance of approximately 5 kilometres.

"Yes, mum," he agreed readily, his voice a blend of eagerness and respect.

"And remember, there's no need to overdo it. The fact that you're up and about with me each morning fills me with pride. Don't push yourself to the brink of exhaustion just to impress me," she advised, her voice tinged with affection as she playfully ruffled his already tousled hair.

"Of course, mum," he replied, brushing away her hand in a mock attempt to salvage his unruly hair. His natural bed head was problematic enough without additional help to resemble Medusa.

"Let's start." she said and ran inside the forest at a sedate pace. Harry followed her and kept up with her. He hoped that jogging counted as running, otherwise his first quest was doomed to fail.

[Jogging is counted as Running, Harry. You don't need to worry.]

'Thanks, Isis.'

"Are you excited about your 10th birthday party?" Lily asked, turning her head to the side as they kept running.

"Yes. It will be good to see all of my friends again." Harry answered with a soft smile. He wanted to see Neville, Daphne, little Astoria and Tracey too.


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