
Chapter 38: Half-Blood Davies!

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Edward Draxin was silent for a second before his eyes widened. He started laughing.

"I see what you are doing, Greengrass. You are basically taking Henry Potter as a hostage so you can hand him to the Dark Lord in the future for extra favours. Wow, that's ruthless. But that's exactly what I can expect from someone like you. I am impressed." Edward grinned. "Poor Potter, he can either be a willing prisoner of yours or a dead body. Little kid doesn't have much choice."

"You can think whatever you want, Edward. Now, It's time for me to guide my new friend to his dorm." Daphne replied blankly.

"Haha. Go on. Honestly, it is such a tragedy that a beautiful and intelligent girl like you is settling for the half-blood Davies. I won't mind having that arse." Edward smirked, trying to get a reaction out of her.

"You won't be able to handle this arse, Draxin. Just dream on. I don't like boys anyway. Why would I want your ugly dick instead of my sweet Tracey's flower? If you are being truthful you would have chosen the same in my place." Daphne smiled patiently while her eyes burned with anger.

"Alas, this ugly dick is required to produce future heirs for your family, no? It doesn't matter if you like it. I just need to pump into you for the betterment of our race. We can't have the ancient house of Greengrass die because the daughter of that family wasn't up for dicking." Edward chuckled mockingly.

"Hmm, you are right. I will fulfil my duty as a daughter of my house. But I will definitely choose a better candidate for 'dicking' me than you. After all, your ancestors were pimping their daughters and mothers to gain prestige while mine was already an ancient house even at that time. And the last question for you, Eddy, does your father too follow the tradition of pimping his daughter, wife and mother? I wouldn't mind having a go at your mother. She does have such nice lips. I can imagine them locked with my nether ones. I might even throw some galleons at her for the service." Daphne smirked cruelly.

"You bitch! Cru-" Before Edward could finish the spell, Daphne's own wand was pointed at him.

"CRUCIO!" Daphne yelled. The red jet of light struck the boy and he went down screaming in pain. His blood curdling shriek echoed in the common room. The others looked horrified, but no one came forward to stop it. After a minute of terrified screaming, Tracey placed her hand on Daphne's shoulder and shook her head.

"I think we have scarred the new first years enough. Let's go."

Daphne stopped the spell and gazed at the cowering first years. She let an amused smile play on her lips.

"Welcome to hell."

Tracey grabbed her hand and led her towards the first year dormitories. Henry was hot on their heels.

"This will be your room, Henry. It will be your only safe haven in the Slytherin house. No one can enter it without your permission." Tracey informed him while pointing to a door with his name engraved on it.

Henry nodded and opened it.

The room wasn't too big or too small. It was just large enough to fit a big bed, a wardrobe and a shelf without appearing crampy. Henry stepped in and gazed around.

His cat, Aura, was already on the bed, napping silently. His trunk too was sitting on his bed. Overall, he liked his new room. The green overlay on everything looked quite nice. He plopped down on his bed with a sigh. Today had been quite a tiring and dramatic day.

"Henry, would you mind inviting us in? We can't come in without your permission." Daphne asked.

"Oh, sorry! Come in both of you."

Tracey dragged the chair from the study table and slumped in it. Daphne chose to sit on the armrest of her chair.

"I hope we don't break his new chair." Tracey said amusedly, placing her hand around Daphne's waist. Henry decided to stop them before they began their playful banter again.

"So, that happened, huh? Wow. Don't know what to say or feel."

"Don't worry, Henry. You are safe for now. I won't let anyone hurt you." Daphne said reassuringly.

"I don't want to come out as rude or anything, but why are you helping me so much? I am basically a stranger to you." Henry asked slowly, staring at the crazy blonde girl.

"Yes, Daphne, even I am curious to know. Why are we helping him? I don't reckon your altruistic side has finally woken up." Tracey questioned her.

Daphne hummed in thought.

"Honestly, I don't know. I guess I just like you very much." She shrugged, telling half-truth.

Henry and Tracey shared a glance. Then Tracey shook her head fondly.

"Your latest stunt might get us in more danger." She tried to complain though there was no bite in her words. She seemed resigned, used to her girlfriend's impulsive antics.

"Don't worry. The Dark Lord won't target us. He has enough on his plate. He wouldn't want to anger the Neutral faction while he is waging war against the Progressives." Daphne responded thoughtfully.

"And you think he will leave you all alone if he wins the war?" Henry raised his eyebrow.

"Oh hell no, he will kill all of our leaders and sell us girls into sexual slavery to the Death Eaters to satiate their lust and pop out pureblood babies for his new world. Hmm, even I won't like that and I am far from prude." Daphne said nonchalantly.

"Darling, why don't we keep the language child-friendly? I am getting tired of scolding you already." Tracey growled, smacking her head lightly.

"It's fine, Tracey. I have an uncle whose jokes are cruder than Daphne's. I am used to it. But aren't you worried about what will happen after the war?" Henry asked dubiously. He couldn't understand why Daphne was being so carefree about her situation. If he was in her position, he would have killed everyone to solve his problem.

"I guess I am a little worried. But I have a hunch that Harry Potter and Dumbledore will somehow save the day. So, I try to ignore the looming darkness. Ignorance is bliss after all." Daphne shrugged again.

"Well, you can be sure that I won't let anything like that happen to you. You are my friends now. I will protect you." Henry nodded resolutely.


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