
Chapter 37: SLYTHERIN!

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"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled.

Henry rested the hat on the stool and walked towards the table full of Death Eaters and Death Eater sympathisers.

The Great Hall was totally silent after witnessing a boy named Henry Potter get sorted into the house of snakes. Henry caught Harry's troubled gaze from the Gryffindor table.

He just nodded at the boy. There was no need for his older counterpart to be worried about him. He was strong enough to protect himself and if not he could still use his [Teleportation] perk to escape.

Henry should have chosen a safe house like Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw to lay low in this tense period of war. But after giving it some thought, he decided the opportunity to be with Daphne and Tracey was worth some danger. And it wasn't like any of the Slytherin students were a threat to him.

None were strong enough to harm him.

He was a budding Necromancer. He would turn their insides out instead of cowering in front of them. He would turn their parents and siblings into ghouls before kneeling before them. Yes, his decision was going to cause some annoyances but it was worth it. After all, he couldn't exactly leave his new friends all alone with the 'evil' and 'pugnacious' Slytherins.

Even though they weren't his Daphne and Tracey, they were still the dopplegangers of his best friends. And that was enough for him to show some familial loyalty to the girls and try to keep them safe.

Daphne waved at him from where she was sitting with Tracey. He hurried towards them and plopped down beside her.

"So, you followed me into the snake pit. Wow, I am flattered. Really, I am. But I already have a girlfriend. A permanent girlfriend. Sorry to break your heart, Mr. Green. Still, you can be my little brother, no? I always wanted a younger brother. I will take care of you, little bro. No one will harm you while you are with me." Daphne babbled happily, ruffling his hair affectionately.

"It's fine. I am too young to have a girlfriend anyway. Hmm, I have never been a younger brother. Well, I will get used to it." Henry played along as an amused smile spread on his face.

"Jokes aside, Henry. You really chose the worst house for yourself. You should not be here. You cannot be here." Tracey sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"I am feeling very welcomed." Henry snorted.

"Shut your trap, Tracey. Big sis will take care of little bro. You don't need to worry." Daphne complained and pulled Henry into a one-armed hug.

"Yes. Big sis will protect me. I don't need you, Tracey. Go away. Boo!" Henry grinned, wrapping his arm around Daphne and shooting a smug look at Tracey.

"You both are going to be massive headaches. Aren't you?" Tracey groaned, thumping her head on the table, ignoring the ongoing sorting.

She was scared, change that to terrified, of the consequences of a Potter sorted into Slytherin. She knew they were on a tightrope after taking this little boy under their wing. She only hoped that they would survive this.

Daphne and Henry just shared an amused smirk, unaware of the legitimate fears running through Tracey's mind.


"Look what we have here? A little Gryffindor trapped in the snake den with Slytherins." An older boy stepped forward.

All the occupants of the snake house were present at the moment. It was just a few seconds after Professor Slughorn, their new head of the house, left the first years so they could mingle in their new house.

Tracey and Daphne were sitting alone on a sofa in a corner. They both stood up and sauntered towards Henry. Their gait was full of confidence, their faces didn't have a single ounce of fear. They stopped between the older boy and Henry, putting their hands on Henry's shoulders.

"Fuck off! Draxin, Henry Potter, is under my protection." Daphne smiled coldly, her gaze roaming over every student to see if anyone disagreed. "If anyone here even tries to hurt him, they will invite my unquenchable rage."

"What is the meaning of this, Greengrass? You are intruding in our matters. If you don't follow the agreement then your and your family's assured safety won't be assured anymore." Edward Draxin threatened hotly.

"According to the agreement between the Grey faction and the Dark Lord, we won't interfere with his plans and won't take a side. And in return he won't target us and leave us to our own devices, right? How am I violating this agreement? I just accepted a newly sorted Slytherin first-year into the Grey faction, under my wing. I think I am allowed to do that, no?" Daphne explained stonily.

The others didn't have any answer to that.

"But he is a Potter!" someone yelled from the back.

"Yes. A Potter from a sub-branch. An orphan Potter, a son of dead squib parents. Don't tell me you consider this first-year dangerous? Who I might add knows no magic right now. I hope you won't channel your hatred for Harry Potter on this child. I won't have that. He is under my protection and I won't have him harmed. Do you understand?" Daphne calmly asked.

"What if the Dark Lord asks for him? Will you stand in his way then?" Draco Malfoy, who was silent for the whole time, finally spoke up. Daphne narrowed her eyes at the blonde teenager.

"I hardly think the Dark Lord feels threatened by this first-year. So, I don't see him having any interest in him. But if the time comes when the Dark Lord wants a member of the Grey Faction, this Henry Potter, then he would have to talk with my father. After all, he can't just swoop in and kidnap a boy from my faction. That's breaking the agreement, right, Draxin?"


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