

Exo-Armor donning Fighters, the pinnacle of humankind, are the main fighting force of human societies who are genetically modified to attain extraordinary abilities. To become these warriors is the lifelong dream of every passionate young man in this interstellar age. But not for - Crey Morgan, A lazy student who is forced to seek entrance into one of Earth's best military academies to become an Exo-Warrior. But his dubious past and lethargic personality don't quite match the ideals of the academy. Crey is not a normal young man, apparent from his weird personality and seemingly extraordinary fighting capabilities. The secret is that he is an assassin who had walked out of the darkest society towards the world in light. An Assassin of the past who wants to leave his horrible history behind. Would Crey be able to gain admission into Terra Military college to become an Ex-warrior as his Uncle wanted? Or his listless attitude will spell trouble where ever he goes. Also, Crey thought he would be the top gun here due to his uncharacteristic past but his hopes shattered as soon as he took an entrance exam. The seemingly best military academy is not built on boastful claims and every character here has thier brilliance and if he had to survive he had to do more than his best. P.S- the cover art is not mine, The credit and copyright go to Wojciech Wilk. If you have any problems, you can contact me through comments. Update Rate - 1chap/day

Copper_mask · sci-fi
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214 Chs

Choosing Elective

In that crowded bar, just according to memories of Crey, a hooligan with a robotic right arm stood up abruptly in anger and smashed the bottle on the table. He walked with animosity toward the duo and pointed the sharp bottle at his uncle. Crey stood still in the distance watching silently, despite knowing what was going to happen next.

Actually, it was a dream, he was here to see the memories of what happened before, and he couldn't really change anything even if he wanted to, a fact of which, Crey was well aware. But that's actually what the Supercomputer AI uses to appraise the emotions and nature of the Test subject.

"Oi, Cripple! Ain't ya gettin too easy with your words? Ye have no fear of death, heh?"

His uncle, half-drunk, stood up with a smirk and flipped his prosthetic middle finger to him.

"*Hiccup* oh you think you can take me. Try it, bozo?"

Crey closed his eyes as he sighed, already expecting the next scene. The child along with his uncle watched indifferently as the rough goon punched the old cripple straight on his face. The sudden sucker punch, that too with a metal arm was too much for uncle to bear as he was thrashed to the floor, shattering the table in the way. While blood splattered along with the sound of breaking bones of the nose.

"How's that, f*cker!"

The goon spat on the floor but before he could follow up, his eyes fell on child Crey sitting calmly on the chair. The teenager was showing no fear, despite watching his Uncle beaten up horribly.

The intoxicated goon was quite prone to mood swings. Thus seeing the child, blood rushed to his head as he found the indifference of a child insulting. He flung his hand to teach this insolent brat a lesson too,

"F*cking midget! What are ye seeing?"




First, a sickening sound and then a collective gasp of people in the bar sounded together. Crey in the distance opened his eyes as he saw exactly what he assumed it would be. The thug had a sharp glass bottle punctured into his throat and the blood was overflowing from his neck. The thug stood in shock as he couldn't understand what was happening, remaining confused till the end of his life.

There was no change of expression on the face of the teenager but the whole Bar collective fell into terror seeing a small child so casually killing an adult man. Shortly, the whole bar was in chaos as the crowd began to scatter away in terror.

Suddenly at this exact moment, the scene froze again. Though Crey wasn't surprised as he was already somewhat anticipating it,

"Despite your Uncle's warning, you killed that man. As a result for the next two months, you and your uncle went through the worst manhunt in sun Mexico where he was shot three times and nearly died once.

Question: why didn't you defend your uncle if you have already seen his assault coming?"


Crey was taken aback as he didn't expect this question. He thought AI would ask him why he killed that man despite warning? But on second thought, explaining this question was much more difficult.

"I think….maybe I had no affection for him at that time."


There was weird silence for a few seconds when finally a recorded automated sound was heard.

"'…All right. Next Phase!"


After Sluggish Thirty minutes - for the observers outside, finally the 'examination room' opened as Crey walked out from it. He still had that plain face without many expressions but this time both the office lady and tech guy had different thoughts about seeing him again.

"Welcome back! Since we have completed the crucial step of developing an AI that has learned and Personalized according to your individuality. We will install it quickly on your Watch ID.

Now While we finish that, let's get to the other crucial admission procedure of choosing your electives and your Order."


The lady proceeded to walk towards her office room with Crey following behind her. For once, he turned to look behind, glimpsing at that tech guy collecting his Watch ID, from the drawer where he had removed his belongings before walking into that room. He narrowed his eyes but ultimately decided not to object.

Watch ID, which doesn't necessarily have to be a watch, in today's world is an important identification tool akin to a passport. It is your identity and carries not only your transactions but even your personal history, communication, and some sensitive personal details in the wrap of the isolated framework, making it almost inaccessible to any virus or hackers.

For the same reasons, it has one of the most secure locks to prevent breaking in. But all of this was meaningless in front of…..Experts in this field. Thus, if one wanted he could easily crack open the watch to retrieve anything from that device. This situation now something bugging Crey while he walked out.

"So as you know Terra Academy is established upon an unrestricted training institute with more focus on the autonomy and ambition of students. Here unlike other academies, who compel you to choose an elective according to your merit. You are given the freedom to choose your course and also can change it at any time.

Also on a similar note, for nurturing discipline and commitment, Students upon their admission are shuffled randomly into their academy houses or 'Orders' as we call them here. This Order

would be your home for the next four years which cannot be changed under any circumstances."

Crey looked into her eyes, making the lady know that he was following her explanation. She nodded as she continued, "As I said there is a freedom to choose an elective but as counselors, we are here to help…."

"No need! "

"Excuse me? " The lady was taken aback by his sudden exclamation, quite different from his earlier docile attitude.

Crey shook his head as he stood up suddenly,

"I have already decided what to major in. As for the Order, surely you can decide it by yourself. I think I should be going back if this settles everything."

"What? But…." She had an unbelievable expression and confusion on her face as she stood up but before she could ask what was going on? Crey was already running back to the technical room from where they had just arrived.

The woman came back to her senses as she strode out quickly after him and yelled behind him,

"Hey! What are ...." But she was astonished to see him already far away.

Crey had only thought running in his mind right now,

'Damn, I shouldn't have left the Watch alone!'