
14 Crowns of Humanity : Path of the Witch

*Female Lead* “I am an Acolyte of Mune. I pledged to give sanctuary and protection to all good souls from the great evils of this world. I will not fall so easily.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A foreign world, few memories, a lone witch. One day, Aki found herself transmigrated into a world vastly different to her own. A world called Tsar'jar where transmigrators, reincarnators, and even monsters are known as "Otherworlders" appear like clockwork every 300 years in an event known as the Storm of Arrival. To combat the dangers, radicals called the Old Guard blame all otherworlders and seek to hunt every one of them down in hopes of stopping the Storms and preventing the consequences of something known as the "Grand Narrative" born from a select few otherworlders. Called so because every Narrative has the final result be a complete reshaping of Tsar'jar, most directly by culling the population either on purpose or as collateral damage. At least, that is all it was meant to be. Nearly a year after the Storm that brings Aki to Tsar'jar, a second Storm occurs and shakes the very foundations of the world. In this strange world of magic, monsters, and an oddly game-like interface more dangerous than even the natives know, follow Aki to see how she survives danger, grows stronger, and becomes a hero known the world over. ++

Cyndronix · Fantasie
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66 Chs

(27.2) Gifts and Departure

Presently, Aki stands before the partially repaired fishing port where a single massive ship sits moored. Various dock workers haul cargo onboard, each and every single one armed with some type of weapon strapped to their body. They speak quickly in the common tongue, Tsa'run, though the terminology is far too strange for her to keep up with.

Yet the most fascinating thing is that the ship is made with a combination of wood and metal and has numerous markings engraved onto the hull. Beside her, the Silver Sword party are also agape. Only Winter isn't present, though it is to be expected as his body is still young even if his mind is that of an otherworlder.

"Seeing ships in person was really cool where we came from already," Aki can barely hide her awe at the romance of seeing a real life fantasy ship. "I really hope I don't get seasick."

Viscount Esrtil, Verityu, and a small entourage are also there, present for accompaniment as well as to make sure no stragglers from the previous day's send off party slowed down the merchant vessel by talking to Aki and the otherworlders.

"We'll be splitting ways here, huh?" Mirra clasps Aki by the shoulder and smiles. "You sure I can't convince you to join the party?"

"Thanks, but I'm sure."

Mirra chuckles and nods as if already expecting that answer. Then she turns to look at Dent who stands beside Aki, opposite of the Silver Sword. "And Dent. Is splitting up really the decision you want to make? I mean, I know we decided to really double down on finding a way back but splitting the party like this makes me nervous."

Besides Mirra, Caor also steps up to speak. His eyes, deeply vacant without a sign of light behind them. A consistent state since Phoebe's death.

"It's a stronger bet than staying together. We have people that need us back home, Mirra. There's Cacai too. Without Phoebe, she's really alone now." Caor grinds his jaw, flexing his fingers from a palm to a fist repeatedly. "I couldn't help Phoebe when she needed it most but I might be able to help that kid. As long as we find a way back to our world."

Mirra grumbles, as if mulling over an argument yet battling with the reasonable logic the two present.

"I'll be with her, so my mission won't be solo for some time, you two." Dent offhandedly jerks his chin to Aki. "We can consider this one last favour to this city as well. Investigating why trade with Deika was cut off even before the disaster as well as the information Aki brought from the Hunter's Guild is sure to be useful for us."

Mirra scratches her head and then nods.

"Well, just be careful. The dark side sounds cool on paper but the reality of it is a whole different matter." Mirra crosses her arms and starts to retreat. "Don't act without intel first. We saw what happened when… Vira nearly conquered this area by controlling information. Even in another world, it's still the most important thing."

Caor stiffens upon hearing Vira's name. He closes his eyes tightly and reflexively reaches for his sword. Instead, he opens his subspace inventory and pulls out a brown belt pouch. He holds it tightly before reaching out to Aki. Darker brown leather stripes the hard surface of the pouch proper and forms a simple contrast design on the belt itself.

Mirra sighs but nods and Dent says nothing aside from watch on.

"That reminds me, I want you to have this. It belonged to Phoebe." Caor looks up at her now. His empty eyes flashing for just a moment. "Pocket Campsite is what it's called. It's an item from our game we still had that lets you store everything you need for camping but since coming here, it can be used as an extra inventory space."

Aki gingerly takes it from his hands. The texture is a pleasant worn leather and faintly smells of earth.

"I couldn't bring myself to open it so Mirra checked its condition for me."

"Are you sure you want me to have it? Couldn't it be useful to you guys?" Her ears perk as she notices Caor biting his cheek.

"There's lots of things that belonged to Phoebe inside. None of us is really magic-focused and we didn't want to let these things just carelessly spread in this world. So, rather than keeping it as a sort of reminder, we decided we should give it to you." Mirra explains.

"Better to be used than to gather dust." Dent agrees.

Caor nods.

"I understand. Thank you, Caor." Aki reaches up and pats his head. His vacant reaction stiffens upon contact but he doesn't move.

Aki's eyes flash silver and the space around them warms slightly, as if she herself is radiating the pleasant heat. Caor's eyes, that had been so vacant the past month, were sparkling in the morning twilight.

Leaning in, she whispers to him in a gentle tone.

"Please don't let guilt and blame drown you. If you really find a way to go back, I'm sure not just Phoebe but everyone that cares about you in this world and yours would hate it if you became a shell of yourself. Do your best."

Caor pulls back slowly, contemplating her words before finally nodding. The twinkle in his eye is gone again but even now she can tell the darkness that clouded his vision is a little lighter. Everything else is up to him.

He nods then and flashes a momentary, fleeting smile before turning away. "We've taken up a lot of time. There's still things we need to get ready if we want to leave for Pilaris today, Mirra."

Watching him take off, Mirra turns back to Aki real fast and pulls her into a hug. "Stay safe. I'd like to tell my family the one that helped me during the first real hurdle is someone I met often."

Aki returns the hug and finally the two members of Silver Sword go back into the city.

Dent stands with arms crossed watching them go as the noble retinue approaches now that the scene is socially acceptable to intrude upon.

"Huh, wait. They didn't say bye to you." Aki says aghast. Her mouth is wide open in astonishment as she realises Dent just let them go quietly. "Hold on, I'll tell them to come back!"

Dent stops her before she takes off and shakes his head. "We already said our piece and bade farewell yesterday. Long goodbyes aren't for me."

"We're setting sail, either you two get on or stay ashore!" An elegant man with a red band around his head leans over the side of the ship. "My apologies to Lord Estril, as I cannot be face-to-face on account of responsibilities. Timetables are flushed."

Battle battle battle. I can't burn out before battle!

~ Cyndra

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