
14 Crowns of Humanity : Path of the Witch

*Female Lead* “I am an Acolyte of Mune. I pledged to give sanctuary and protection to all good souls from the great evils of this world. I will not fall so easily.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A foreign world, few memories, a lone witch. One day, Aki found herself transmigrated into a world vastly different to her own. A world called Tsar'jar where transmigrators, reincarnators, and even monsters are known as "Otherworlders" appear like clockwork every 300 years in an event known as the Storm of Arrival. To combat the dangers, radicals called the Old Guard blame all otherworlders and seek to hunt every one of them down in hopes of stopping the Storms and preventing the consequences of something known as the "Grand Narrative" born from a select few otherworlders. Called so because every Narrative has the final result be a complete reshaping of Tsar'jar, most directly by culling the population either on purpose or as collateral damage. At least, that is all it was meant to be. Nearly a year after the Storm that brings Aki to Tsar'jar, a second Storm occurs and shakes the very foundations of the world. In this strange world of magic, monsters, and an oddly game-like interface more dangerous than even the natives know, follow Aki to see how she survives danger, grows stronger, and becomes a hero known the world over. ++

Cyndronix · Fantasie
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66 Chs

(18.1) Polaris Plaza

Fremont took a heavy step forward, cratering the flagstones and releasing a wave of mana in a shockwave.

The force knocked Aki back since she was closer to the source but Phoebe merely flinched and took a half step back.

A garbled laugh follows and Fremont is suddenly in front of Phoebe, a giant clawed hand stretched open and ready to crush her head.

"What?" Aki barely has time to react.

All she can do is reach out a hand as she tries to dash to Phoebe's rescue. Mana converges in the hand gripping the amulet. 

"Game over, huh?" Phoebe closes her eyes.

Shadows converge around the looming death, pulling it just short of piercing Phoebe's head clean through.

Aki pulls Phoebe away. Whatever force stopped Fremont felt horribly malignant but at the least it helped them.

Fremont's skin is boiling as bubbles formed and expanded beneath his skin. Wrapping around him are thick dark tendrils originating from beneath his feet. As it looks, Fremont is not able to shapeshift while these tendrils hold him.

"What is this?" He flexes, trying to break free to no avail.

A face stretches from the shadows. The environment darkens as its features manifest themselves.

"That's-" Aki clenches her jaw, recognising the feeling of dread the creature in front of her brings.

["Oh my…"] says the Owrou.

Its many voices – layered over one another – flutter. The Owrou's tone is modulated and honeyed but still carries a menacing undertone. Of course it does.

Aki stretches an arm behind her to guard Phoebe. That thing belongs to Winter but since he isn't here, there's no telling what the Owrou would do. Would it be safe to assume the Owrou is an ally?

Darkness expands in the market square flowing from the Owrou, encircling the entire space with a chilling cold and obscuring mist.

["I starve… but Master says I mustn't. Mustn't."] echoes the Owrou.

The Owrou locks eyes with Aki. At least, what Aki presumes would be eyes. Shadows shift and morph as the face of the Owrou manifests itself directly in front of her.

Phoebe yelps and hugs Aki somewhat defensively with her one good hand over Aki's head and the stump arm held up as if holding a shield. Aki doesn't need her Empath gift to feel the waves of fear pouring from Phoebe's body. The uncontrollable shaking does that enough.

Aki smiles faintly, a warmth in her chest from how Phoebe tries to be protective despite being so afraid. It gives her a much needed boost of courage as she stares down the terrifying creature with as much bravery as she can muster.

Even at this distance, she cannot tell its gender. Actually, she can't discern any particular features in general. As if there's some sort of fog obscuring the Owrou's features.

["Oh… you're that little morsel from before! Remember me? I'm Necra!"] Necra speaks, its many voices overlapping with tired excitement.

A disgusting feeling of something passing over Aki's body causes her to shiver.

["Oh but you're a nalv, not a child… How disappointing."]

Necra lets out a cold sigh that sends a chill to Aki's core. It retreats back to its main body around Fremont, the fabrics of its black cloak moving as though submerged.

["Master said to tag this creature and keep his friends safe,"] Necra strokes Fremont's chin and pats his cheek with misty tendrils. [It would have been easier to just kill this thing as an offering to me but… Master restricted it…"]

["So! You'll kill it in my stead, Yes?"] A sinister smile stretches across Necra's face. ["Do me a favour won't you! I'll be ever so grateful."]

Aki spots a glowing golden light from the corner of her eye approaching quickly.

"I'm gonna have to pass, sorry." She responds. "I don't make a habit of giving offerings if I don't know what I'm getting into."

An enraged wailing howl sounds from all around them as Necra wraps itself around Fremont before smashing him into the ground several times with unrestrained frustration.

["No fun! No fun at all!] Necra scowls. Its head jerks to the side as though something caught its attention. ["Master is in danger… if he dies, I lose everything."]

Clouds of dark mist gather back within Necra as it unravels its body off Fremont. With it, the intense feeling of dread sinks away, allowing Phoebe to collect herself and separate from Aki.

"W-what happened..?" Phoebe stutters.

Necra laughs though there is not the slightest bit of humour in any of its many voices. Its inky black body sinks into the stones and zooms away from the three, leaving Fremont on the ground.

Now freed, Fremont struggles to his feet. His injuries are many and exhaustion drags at his body.

Still, he looks up at the women with a discerning eye, as if gauging whether or not it would be worthwhile to take them out to at least complete some part of his goals.

In answer to his unasked question, the rest of the members of the Silver Sword party arrive seconds later.

"Guys! You're here!" Phoebe breaks out into a shaky grin, confidence somewhat renewed.

"Are you okay, Phoebe?" Caor rushes to her side and helps Phoebe to her feet. "Is this a boss?"

He raises his glowing sword and points it at Fremont. His eyes are sharp and determined despite being rather battleworn and panting slightly.

Mirra and Dent come to stand on either side of Aki and Phoebe, weapons raised and ready to fight. Just like Caor, they look rather worn down. Mirra especially.

Her left arm is covered in bandages soaked with coagulated blood that had been hastily wiped down several times by the looks of it.

Aki's silent concern is waved off by Mirra.

"Pteh. Can't win for yourselves so you plan on overwhelming me, huh?" Fremont huffs, sizing up the new foes. "I've seen more formidable fighters at a daycare… but I don't have time to play with you all, so let's call this a draw."

Before anyone can respond, Fremont takes a staggered leap into the sky away from them, morphing into a giant bird and flying away just slightly askew with incredible speed Aki wouldn't have expected from someone with his injuries.

"Should we chase him or…" Phoebe asks, unsure if they even can.

"Let's not stick around," Caor urges. "He's way outta reach now and there's too much miasma around. I don't want a repeat of that boss from before."

"Agreed." Dent responds. "It would be a fool's errand to linger."

The five turn their attention to the sounds of nearby battle. Phoebe clambers up Mirra's back while Aki and Dent take the lead. Caor falls into step behind the group, shooting worried looks at Phoebe as he scans the burning city for any potential sneak attacks as they leave the marketplace.

Several magic flares shoot up ahead of them in the direction of Polaris Plaza. A signal?

Aki takes off in a full sprint, closely followed by Silver Sword. The flare has already faded from view but the lingering feeling of mana faintly hangs in the air, pinpointing its origin amid the fire and miasma of the city.

Getting closer to the source also raised the sounds of battle, howls of the Dead and battlecries of the remaining soldiers, guards, and civilians that either didn't retreat in time or willingly came to arms.

And we're back!~ I don't know how many readers have made it here but I'm grateful you've reached this point. Thank you.

~ Cyndra

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