
Mind Games: The Opening Act (Part 3/4)

Toga and I ran outside, the sky was a greenish-grey, a ray of purple light flashed in the sky.

"What in the fuck...?" I mumbled.

An army of villains floated out of the ray of light, how long has he planned this? Villains scattered around the entire city!

"Grab on!" I yelled to Toga.

She hopped on my back as I went into Mode Three and we rushed towards safety.

"They're coming!" Toga shouted.

I looked behind me and noticed quite a few villains flying towards us! By quite a few, there were at least 20 of them following us! Luckily, none of them were fast enough to catch me, but I'm sure they'd be following me to the dorms. As we approached the dorms, it was like a full-blown war was going on at U.A.! I fired off a barrage of Stardust Shoot at the various villains scattered across the dorm area. It quickly thinned their numbers, and they all evaporated into purple smoke once I hit them!

"Alyx!" Deku shouted.

"Sorry I'm late!" I shouted down to him.

I threw and detonated a Flash Cannon, it scattered a group of villains. In a matter of seconds, the villain's numbers dwindled to 0. I landed on the ground with Toga.

"Koda, Mineta, Sato, I need you guys to keep Toga safe, alright?" I asked them.

Mineta shook his head, "Right! You can trust us!"

"Okay, everyone, let's go!" I yelled.


U.A. High rushes in to Musutafu to not only protect the citizens, but to protect their home! Alyx clashed against Arlen's staff.

"So, you finally show yourself, Arlen!" Alyx exclaimed.

"Why, hello again, my boy! I thought I'd never see you again after last time! You've got a strong mental capacity; I'd love to break it for you!" Arlen boasted.

Alyx scoffed, "You? Break my mentality? Don't make me laugh!"

Arlen knocked Alyx backwards by sending a wave of pressure on him! He landed back down onto the ground. The entire city turned into a war zone! Arlen raised his staff, the Onyx gemstone began to glow, and he grew in size! The ground below him indented and the buildings next to him crumbled.

"Oh, what the hell!" Bakugo shouted as he wiped a field of villains.

Alyx rushed toward Arlen, he flew up to his face and punched him in the throat! Deku soared by and delivered a devastating St. Louis Smash to Vibraine's left knee! He fell to one knee, Shoto blasted him in the face with a fire blast, Arlen roared in agony. Sero wrapped his tape around Arlen's neck, and with help from Kirishima and Tokoyami, they pulled him into the ground! Alyx rose into the sky with both hands out to his sides. Energy manifested in both of his hands.

"TWIN PHOENIX FISTS!!!" Alyx roared as he flew down to Arlen.

Alyx's Twin Phoenix Fists connected against Vibraine's stomach. Bright Teal energy and light exploded! Leonidus landed several feet away from Arlen, he observed his heat energy, Vibraine still had some fight left in him. Arlen shrunk back down to normal size and the area around him became enveloped in a black mist.

"Not so bad! But now, I believe it's my turn. I hope you all are ready to face your greatest failures!" Arlen's voice echoed.

Alyx unguarded himself, he looked around him, there was a door in front of him. It looked like a hospital room door, a very familiar hospital room door. He slowly walked towards it and opened it. Standing in the middle of the room, was a bandaged up Momo.

"Why didn't you save me? Why?" She asked.

Alyx closed his eyes and took a deep, shaky breath in.

"Momo, I'm sorry. But I promise I'll make things right, I won't let you get hurt like this, ever again." He apologized.

He walked towards her and hugged her. Momo and the room around him slowly faded away.

"Enough of your cheap tricks, Vibraine! We fight for real this time!" Alyx shouted.

The empty abyss of a room was quiet, Alyx stood there and waited for Arlen to show himself. Instead, the room dissolved, and Alyx was back outside in the real world! He looked around and saw that everyone else was getting back up as well. Arlen was frozen in place in the air with his staff's gem brightly shining. His eyes shot open! The ground beneath him shattered, sending the U.A. students and the Pro Heroes across the battlefield!

"What in the hell is this guy?!" Mt. Lady shouted.

Thunder, lightning, and rain grew fierce, Arlen began to cackle.

"Ah... This is wonderful! Watching you all work together to try and defeat me, it just makes my heart tingle. You all have been a great audience, especially you, Leonidus. Unfortunately, I must-" Arlen was interrupted by Alyx's Overdrive Fist!

"Gotcha!" Alyx shouted.

Arlen went sailing into the ground! It seemed as if Alyx took him out!

"LEONIDUS BEHIND YOU!!" Endeavor yelled up to him.

It was too late, the illusion Arlen projected had fooled Leonidus into leaving himself open! Arlen stabbed Alyx through the torso, he coughed up blood, and reverted out of his Quirk. Arlen gently pushed Alyx off of his staff and he fell to the ground.

"ALYX!!" Annie screamed.

Alyx hit the ground hard, but somehow managed to stumbled back up to one knee. He clutched his stomach and blood dripped from his mouth.

"Oh my God..." Momo muttered as she seen Alyx's condition.

Arlen laughed maniacally, "Leonidus, I don't think you truly understand, I'm not the insane one here. YOU are! All of this was caused by you, Alyx... Ever since you stepped foot on this land, your fate was decided, it was up to me to act on it! Your righteous claims of justice and peace, those claims, they were your downfall. Trying to protect this world is quite mundane, and yet... Here you are... Leonidus, you've met your fate, in the sting of irony, you can protect the world but not yourself! That... Is what truly makes you as insane as me!"

Annie, Eraserhead, Yaoyorozu, and Hawks all rushed to Alyx. They stopped as they got a few feet away from him, the debris and rocks were all starting to float! Alyx yelled in anger and slammed his fist into the ground, cracking the concrete!

"If you think I'm insane..." Alyx muttered.

"THEN THAT'S WHAT I'LL BE!!" He thundered.

Alyx's eyes turned completely white and a huge beacon of Overdrive filled the area! He roared as a surge of power and anger fell over him! The amount of pressure knocked the four backwards away from him! The intense energy flooded into Alyx's body! The beacon of Overdrive grew narrow as huge sparks of energy flashed around the area. The light phased into Alyx, and his Mode Four aura was glowing brighter than ever before! Alyx stepped towards Vibraine, each step shook the battlefield and indented the ground beneath him.

"I... I..." Leonidus muttered.

"I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!!" Alyx shouted.

In a flash, Alyx appeared in front of Arlen, and slammed his fist into Arlen's gut! Deku shot up into the air and restrained Vibraine with his Blackwhip and then he threw him into the ground. Annie and the others flew into action, taking the opportunity to weaken Arlen! She flew up to Alyx and healed him.

"Holy shit! How'd you survive that?" Annie asked.

"RAAAGH!!" Alyx screamed in bloodlust.

"...Right, I guess you don't communicate when you're pissed." Annie said to herself.

Alyx and Annie rushed towards Arlen, who was getting flash frozen by Shoto, and charged straight into him! Alyx flew back up into the air as Annie wrapped an Overdrive Whip around the beaten Arlen.

"I will..." Alyx mumbled.

Alyx's pupils slowly started to reappear as he calmed down. Everyone ran through Alyx's mind, Alyx closed his eyes and thought about all of the people who's been by his side, the community of people that've helped him grow as a person!

"I promise... I WILL protect this world!" Alyx yelled.

He put his hands out to the side, then out in front of him, purple light brightly shined in the palms of his hands.

"Carving Moon..." Alyx scowled.

"BLAAAAST!!!" Leonidus roared.

He let off his new Carving Moon Blast attack right at Arlen! Alyx's attack burrowed Arlen through the city streets before it exploded! Leonidus took deep, labored breaths as he deactivated his Quirk. Alyx's hands were smoking and he shook them off.

"Is he gone?" Ojiro questioned.

An eerie silence filled the land, the explosion cloud from Alyx's attack settled, but the sky still was a greenish grey. Alyx's eye's widened and he activated Mode Three.

"KAMINARI, MOVE!" Alyx screamed at the top of his lungs.

Kaminari tensed up and looked in front of him, a beam of light was flying towards him! Alyx stepped in front of him.

"COUNTER BURST!" Alyx shouted.

The move was deflected and was sent back to Arlen, where it went straight through Arlen's right eye! His head shot backwards as the attack went through his skull. Vibraine was somehow still alive! He started laughing, his laughter increased in volume, and then he looked at the heroes. Everyone looked stunned and appalled, what would they do now?

"Can you guys distract him? There's something I have to do!" Alyx asked.

"We'll distract him, you guys assist the civilians and protect Leonidus. Whatever you've got planned kid, it better work!" Best Jeanist told them.

The Pro Heroes charged into battle and Alyx went into Mode One.

"What're you going to do?" Tetsutetsu wondered.

Alyx smiled and nodded, "Settling the score."

Alyx jumped into the air and put both of his arms into the air. He started to charge up an Overdrive Bomb! It slowly grew larger and larger, Alyx looked up at the attack.

"D-Damn it! It's not enough!" Alyx said to himself.

Alyx then felt a rush of power flow through him, he looked at who was standing behind him. He grinned with excitement as an unexpected face was floating behind him.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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