
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasie
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 8. (The Resurrection If Econdire.)

Zohar the who took over the Temple of Shalom and called it the Fynrise Der Dunkelieh. 

He raised his red staff with the Dragons head on it and he asked.

Zohar: Wa"ya is there more you can do. 

Wa"ya: Yes I can make a army of dragons skeletons Hakens and other creatures of Harcarsh, but in oder to do so I must free Econdire from the gates of Harcarsh. 

King Scar: What do we have to do to free Econdire? 

Wa:ya: I need a strong Mage and still is a follower of Shalom.

King Scar: Leo... Guards go get Leo and bring him to the place Wa"ya commands. 

Wa:ya: Meet me at the Skull Tower. 

The guard went to the dungeons and opened the cage Leo was in.

Guard: Come on Leo lets go.

Leos Mother stood up Quickly.

Margret: No not my son take me take me not my son no!!!

Leo: No mom don't. Shalom will take care of me and I will release you just stay please stay mom,

Guard: Come on Leo Now!!!

Leo weekly got up and went to the guards, He was weak and half starved but the fire was still in his eyes, He was young dark skinned his hair was black and his eyes was Blue as the seas, The only reason why they got Leo was that he couldn't stand to watch his first cousins throat get ripped out nor his mother skinned alive so he peacefully went to the dungeons. 

Leo and the Guards began to head towards the Skull tower, 

Leo: This ain't right. 

A guard named Johnny walked in front of the two guards.

Johnny: What do you mean by this Taken this good man to that mage up there in the tower so he can suck the life out of him that man saved us and he's just a kid. 

Leo looked at Johnny. 

Johnny: Look at him he's half starved. 

Guards: Kings orders Johnny if you want to stay alive we must do this. 

Johnny: It ain't right Terrell you know that. 

Terrell: Errr I know look lets get him out. They all started to the door then suddenly Terrell and Johnny were zapped out cold. 

Vandichieh: You ain't going anywhere. Leo!

Leo turned and saw the old evil king Vandichieh. He knew it was him by his armor but his face was a skull a walking talking skeleton in armor but it was true king Vandichieh was alive again in a way.

Leo: You! 

The old evil one used a force magic that picked up Leo and they went to the tower. 

The Dark One laid Leo on a stone table and Wa"ya began to chant and with blood magic he combined his blood and Leo's blood and the power of that opens the gates of Harcarsh on the stone floor of the Skull tower and Wa"ya began to call for Econdire. 

Leo yelled in pane he saw what was happening then used his magic to to fight back the evil but no avail Leo yelled Father Shalom do something please do something a white portal opened up in the sky in the distance and white beams came down then the portal went out Leo saw Econdire. 

Econdire: I'm free at last. Hahahahaha!!! 

Leo heard the laughter but before he could pull more evil ones out Leo with a last urge of Strength he threw hisself off the table used force magic pushing Wa"ya back and with all the strength he could build up he threw himself over the wall He fell in the Skull River which once was the river of Shalom.

A giant white wolf that stood seven foot tall on all fours grave Leo by his shirt collar and drug him to a house were six Fae's were there were three males and three females.

Fae's were a a certain type of elf but different to elves but they had the blood of the Lionties. The wolf howled. 

What was that it's sounded like a Wolf yea on our door step?! The wolf banged on the door. One of the females opened the door the white wolf spoke. 

Wolf: Take this young man and heal his wounds get him on his feet then raise an army and wait for my return. The Wolf turned and ran towards the forest. Leo Was Saved By The Wolf.

On the Skull Tower the Dark One said

Vandichieh: He's gone Wa"ya shall I fetch another mage?

Wa"ya: No all is as it should be.

Wa"ya stood looking at Econdire.

Econdire: Well now you must be the one I should thank for freeing me for doing this I will make you my host I will live threw you.

Wa"ya bowed and Econdire possessed him. 

Wa"ya rose up and he was different. 

Wa"ya: Now I can take over this world. Hahahahahaha!!!!